Can I write in ielts Listening?

by Waqar Afridi
[Peshawar, Pakistan]

How to fill in dates in IELTS ACADEMIC LISTENING?

For example how to write "First of july'?? 1st of july or 1 july???

Also how to write 9pm to 4 pm??? 9-4pm or 9 am to 4 pm given we have to just write 3 words. plz give me a confirm answer becoz my bands are reduced due to these things.

How do we write dates in the IELTS Listening?

by Maria Snegovaya


I have a question about how to write dates?

For example would it be a mistake if I will write in the answer 9.09 instead of 9th of September? Can you give me an advice how to write right dates?

Also if there are days of week like Monday 9.09...


6 months or Six months?

by Abdul
[Saudi Arabia ]

How to write number of months during IELTS listening. For example, if the conversation says that the butterflies take six months to migrate. So should my answer be 6 months or Six months? [question requirement: write no more than two words and/or a number]. Thanks

Dates and Word Limits

by Ahmad

Write a date [31 March 1972] as [one word and/or a number] in listening part, how it could be??

The answer sheet in book 9 indicates that it is [31 march], can 31.03.1972 be right also?

Thanks a lot

20 May or 21st of May?

by natka


I wrote "21st of May" in my listening practice test. However, in the answer key was "21 May", and it was said that my answers should be the exact match.

What's wrong with "21st"? Will it be considered an error in a real test?

Correct IELTS Date Format

by Aysel Aliyeva
[Azerbaijan Baku]


In Listening test, for example:

- 11th April
- 11 April
- 30.04
- 04.30

Which of them is considered to be correct?

Actually, when I simply write 11 April without 'th',the answer is 30th April. Could you please clarify when to write with or without 'th'?

Thanks in advance,

Aysel Aliyeva

How to write currencies

by Diks

How to write currency in writing test as well in listening test? E.g. if it's USA currency then we should write as USD in word or $ in sign?

Including the $ and £ symbols

by viin

If the question says,

$_____ ? does one has to include the symbol[$] again in the answer sheet or not?

Adding Symbols to Answer Sheet

by Riana

If the question asks for a time or price and the question already has 'pm' or the '£' on the question paper and I write the answer with the '£' and 'pm' will I get the answer wrong?

Do I use percentage sign in answers?

by Mary

Hi guys!

Confused about what to fill in when percentage signs or something else are already given.

For example, a pie chart is given where the percentage signs area already there but you have to listen for the numbers.

Do I fill in just the number on my answer sheet or both the number and the percentage sign?


Using Abbreviations

by Brijesh


Please provide me the guidance as i am going to take test on 26 August which is tomorrow and i need one clarification.

If i write "Aug" instead of "August" or "Jan" instead of "January" will it be the right answer?

Same for the day such as Sun instead of Sunday?

Please please help

Thanks in advance

Are times words or numbers?

by Abbos-Ali

I would like to ask a question on IELTS Listening.

In instructions it is written that "No more than 3 words".

And the correct answer is "4.30 pm to 5 pm".
If I count correctly there are 2 numbers and 3 words in the answer. Am I right?

But in instructions there was no any point about numbers!!

6 or 6pm?

by Malakin

I took the IELTS test yesterday, and I got a little bit confused during the Listening part.

I was allowed to write 'One Word And / Or one Number' and one question was about writing a time. The speaker said that her store closes at 6. So I wrote exactly as I heard '6'.

Is it a correct answer? Or Should I have written it '6:00' or '6:00 PM'?

Thank you

Writing times in IELTS

by George

I have searched many official practice tests [and the Road to IELTS tests] and I have found a huge inconsistence on the way they demand how the time is written.

Everywhere on the question they write it as "9.30am" without a space, even in the audioscripts. On the answer, though, they expect only "9.30 am" with a space, even if in the audio there is no "am" following the number.

On the other hand, sometimes they say the "am" but the answer is correct even with only the number, just "9.30".

I will be giving the CD IELTS test, which is automated. Should I always write the "am" with a space in-between?

Writing dates in IELTS listening

by fatima
[london ontario]

Does the wording of the answers matter?

For example i was doing an online listening test and one of the answers was April 18th, but I put 18th of April and got it wrong. Also another was three days and i put 3 days instead. The requirements was under three words so it wasn't that.

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