Which of the following file extension type can be run from the command prompt?

COPY is usually used to copy one or more files from one location to another. However, COPY can also be used to create new files. By copying from the keyboard console [COPY CON:] to the screen, files can be created and then saved to disk.

The first filename you enter is referred to as the source file. The second filename you enter is referred to as the target file. If errors are encountered during the copying process, the COPY program will display error messages using these names.

Unlike the BACKUP command, copied files are stored in the same format they are found in. The copied files can be used just as you would use the original [whether the copied file is a data file or a program].

COPY can also be used to transfer data between any of the system devices. Files may also be combined during the copy process.

Files can be copied to the same directory only if they are copied with a new name. If you copy a file to a different directory without specifying a new name, the file will be copied with the same name. If you attempt to copy a file to the same directory without providing a new name, DOS will cancel the copy and display the message

File cannot be copied onto itself

The COPY command was also discussed in Chapter 1, Introduction.


/Y - Causes COPY to replace existing files without providing a confirmation prompt. By default, if you specify an existing file as the destination file, COPY will provide a confirmation prompt. [In previous versions of DOS, existing files were simply overwritten.]

/-Y - Displays a confirmation prompt before copying over existing files.

/A - Used to copy ASCII files. Applies to the filename preceding it and to all following filenames. Files will be copied until an end-of-file mark is encountered in the file being copied. If an end-of-file mark is encountered in the file, the rest of the file is not copied. DOS will append an end-of-file mark at the end of the copied file.

/B - Used to copy binary files. Applies to the filename preceding it and to all following filenames. Copied files will be read by size [according to the number of bytes indicated in the file`s directory listing]. An end-of-file mark is not placed at the end of the copied file.

/V - Checks after the copy to assure that a file was copied correctly. If the copy cannot be verified, the program will display an error message. Using this option will result in a slower copying process.


The first filename you enter is the source file; the second file is the target file. To copy the file TEST.DOC from the current directory to drive B [with the same name], enter

copy test.doc b:

To copy the file TEST.DOC to the current directory with the new name, TEST2, enter

copy test.doc test2

To copy and combine [concatenate] the files TEST1.DOC and TEST2.DOC to a new file, TEST3, enter

copy test1.doc+test2.doc b:test3

You can also combine files by using wildcard characters [? and *]. To copy all files with a .DOC filename extension on drive C to a new file ALLDOCS on drive B, enter

copy c:*.doc b:alldocs

Other, more complicated, combinations are also possible while copying. For example, to combine all files with a .TXT filename extension with all files that have the same filename and a .DOC extension, copying the newly combined file to a new file on drive B with an .ADD extension, enter

copy *.txt+*.doc b:*.add

In this case, the file TEST.TXT will be combined with the file TEST.DOC resulting in a combined file with the filename TEST.ADD.

Windows file names have two parts separated by a period: first, the file name, and second, a three- or four-character extension that defines the file type. In expenses.xlsx, for example, the first part of the file name is expenses and the extension is xlsx.

Extensions tell your computer which application created or can open the file and which icon to use for the file. For example, the docx extension tells your computer that Microsoft Word can open the file and to display a Word icon when you view it in File Explorer.

Most file name extensions are compatible with more than one program that you have installed. You can change a file name extension, but that won't convert the file to another format or change anything else about it except the file name. To learn more about how to change which program will open a file, read Change default programs in Windows 10.

If you don’t see file name extensions when you view files in File Explorer:

  1. In the search box on the taskbar, type file explorer, and in the search results, select File Explorer.

    A batch file is a script file that stores commands to be executed in a serial order. It helps automate routine tasks without requiring user input or intervention. Some common applications of batch files include loading programs, running multiple processes or performing repetitive actions in a sequence in the system.

    Also known as a batch job, a batch file is a text file created in Notepad or some other text editor. A batch file bundles or packages a set of commands into a single file in serial order. Without a batch file these commands would have to be presented one at a time to the system from a keyboard.

    Usually, a batch file is created for command sequences when a user has a repetitive need. A command-line interpreter takes the file as an input and executes the commands in the given order. A batch file eliminates the need to retype commands, which saves the user time and helps to avoid mistakes. It is also useful to simplify complex processes.

    Batch file in Windows and other operating systems

    Microsoft's Windows operating system typically uses the .bat filename extension for batch files. However, other types of batch files are also available in Windows, including:

    • *.ini: Initialization file that sets default variables for the system and its programs
    • *.sys: System files
    • *.cfg: Configuration files
    • *.com: Executable command files for DOS commands

    Batch files in Windows are also created using the .cmd or .btm file extensions.

    The .bat extension also applies to batch file in the Disk Operating System [DOS]. One of the best-known DOS batch files is Autoexec.bat that initializes DOS at system startup. In Unix operating systems a batch file is called a shell script.

    To run typical commands, such as to modify system settings, start apps or launch a website, batch files can be run using command prompt. Tools like PowerShell and Bash [Bourne Again Shell] can be used to create advanced batch file scripts.

    Basic commands in batch files

    To create and execute a batch file, a user should understand the basic commands. Some popular basic commands include:

    Echo: Echo allows the user to display messages and is usually on by default, but it can be turned off. When echo is on, users can view the characters entered on screen. When echo is off, input cannot be seen.

    • Title: This command changes the title text appearing on the top of the command window.
    • Rem: Rem statements are typically used to explain or comment on the code. They do not form a part of the code being executed.
    • Cls: The cls command clears the prompt screen.
    • Pause: The pause command stops the execution of the batch file. After running this command, the window stays open giving users the option of proceeding further or pausing between each task. If this command is not used, the window will close automatically when the script finishes executing.
    • Start "" [website]: This command uses the default browser to open a website as per the user's choice.
    • Ipconfig: The ipconfig command displays network information, e.g., MAC addresses, IP addresses and subnet
    • Ping: The ping command tests an IP address by sending out data packets and then gauging their location and latency.
    Create advanced batch file scripts with PowerShell and Bash.

    Creating and saving a batch file

    A batch file is ideal for users who regularly open a particular website, create or rename files in bulk or check IP addresses using the ipconfig command. It automates these routine tasks, saving the user time and effort.

    Here are steps to create a batch file:

    1. Open Notepad or any text editor
    2. Start with the @echo off command
    3. Add these other commands, each one on a new line:
    • title [title of the batch script]
    • echo [first line]
    • pause

    At this point, the file will look like this:

    @echo off

    title My first batch file

    echo Congratulations and welcome to your first batch file!


    1. Once all commands are in, click on File and select the Save As option

    Save the batch file with the .bat, .btm or .cmd extension. Put the entire file name in double quotes [""]

    1. Double click the .bat file to run it and execute the commands
    2. Right-click the .bat file and select Edit to edit it -- the file will open in Notepad [or other text editor application]

    When naming a batch file, the user should not leave spaces because they can cause issues when the file is called from other scripts. It is also important not to use common batch file names, especially if those files are already available in the system, such as ping.cmd.

    What file extensions can be run from command prompt?

    On Windows, *.exe, *. bat, *. cmd, and *.com all represent programs or shell scripts that can be run, simply by double-clicking them.

    Which Windows command displays a list of files?

    The dir command displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory. With the /S option, it recurses subdirectories and lists their contents as well.

    Which of the following extensions identifies a program package for use by Windows Installer?

    Which of the following extensions identifies a program packaged for use by Windows Installer? Explanation: The . msi extension identities installation packages formatted for use by the Windows Installer. The .exe extension indicates a program file.

    Which command would you use to copy all files and subdirectories?

    To copy a directory with all subdirectories and files, use the cp command.

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