What would you like to be more informed about at work


When you’re running a business, you have a lot to manage, and it can get difficult to take care of everything. Keeping employees informed is one of the things that can fall through the cracks when business owners get busy, but it can improve your company in big ways if you have informed employees. When you make sure that your employees know what is going on, you can improve your business and make sure everyone is happy.

Increase Productivity

One of the biggest benefits of having aninformed employee base is that it can improve productivity. It can be confusing for employees to have constant changes in their environment and never be informed about those changes. It is really hard for employees to get their jobs done when they don’t know what is going on in their company. The more informed your employees are, the more able they will be to focus on their tasks and get jobs done promptly.

To Keep Them Safe

There are many times in the workplace when being uninformed can be unsafe. Providing employees with good information can help them to be safe and to ensure that others in the office are safe as well. A Safety Data Sheet can help warn employees of certain dangers in the workplace. By ensuring employee safety you can decrease risk and liability because you know your employees will be protected from dangerous situations. Make sure that your employees always have the information they need to stay safe in the workplace and keep the space a hazard-free environment.

Improve Employee Satisfaction

People generally don’t appreciate being left in the dark, especially about work issues that likely affect them. When your employees know that they are well informed, they will behappier in their work and more likely to stay on long-term. Giving your employees the big picture and helping them to understand when something isn’t working will help them to feel more satisfied in their work and to continue improving. Make sure to be honest with your employees about their performance as well since it is really difficult for people to improve when they don’t know where there is room for improvement.

When you make sure that your employees are well informed you protect them and your company. The more you can do to make the workspace a comfortable and informative place, the better it will be.

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1.     The chance to make an impact 

“It is important that I am part of something that is bigger than myself.  I seek out ways to contribute to important projects that provide me with a sense of ownership both in my own work and my overall work environment.  Making an impact in this industry and in customer’s lives is motivating.”

- Sejal Amin, VP of Corporate Tax Technology | Hoboken, NJ, USA

2.     Learning something new

“Learning is what I love about my job the most, and I would do it even if I didn't get paid. This isn't just about the technology, although I love that too, for me it's also about finding ways to be more effective. I always want to see what's around the next corner, and having the freedom to apply that learning to the work I do every day has been one of the best parts of working at TR.”  

- Matt Buckley, Director of Barossa Technology | Exmouth, UK

3.     Finding innovative solutions

“Finding innovative ways of approaching a problem or helping the team solve an issue is my creative outlet. I love thinking up fresh solutions or designs. I also like to be challenged to help make them more effective or providing inspiration to pivot to a new idea. It's exciting to see customers using something we only initially imagined in our minds.”

– Ian Stuart, Senior Product Manager | Melbourne, AU

4.     Staying curious

“Every day brings something new and different and that surprise is motivating to me.  I like learning new things that I never could have imagined I would have encountered or comprehended.”

– Claire Crossman, Director of Product Management | Hoboken, NJ, USA  

5.     Working with great people in a great culture  

“Throughout my tenure at TR I have worked with great colleagues. I can't stress enough about the culture we have which acts as a catalyst to innovate, try new things, not to be afraid of failures. I'm challenged and at the same time encouraged to find creative ways to solve problems. I'm grateful to the great leaders we have who inspire me every day to be passionate and to love my job.”

– Sathya Venuraju, Senior Manager of Software Engineering | Carrollton, TX, USA  

6.     Having fun

“The work we do is complex and never-ending, but every call or meeting, even the tough ones, are always dotted with a personal connection, laughter and a bit of fun. We spend the majority of our time in the office, we should enjoy it.”

– Christine Imaizumi, Manager of User Experience | Carrollton, TX, USA

7.     Continuous improvement

“As different parts of our application and infrastructure mature, we’re more able to understand where we can most profitably apply effort.  We can choose long-term solutions over short-term fixes.  As we fix each problem, we’re more stable, more predictable and more able to identify the next target.  We’re demonstrably trending towards a better and more productive state.”

– Stephen Fletcher, Manager | Exmouth, UK

8.     Having flexibility  

“The value that embracing flexible working practices brings to the lives of TR employees should not be underestimated.  Work is such a big part of everyone's life but is always balanced with home life.  I've written previously about the advantages that flexible working brings to both TR and its employees - it's a two-way benefit.  I have no doubt that my motivation to work here and deliver results has been hugely influenced by this.”

– Stuart Morris, Technical Business Analyst | London, UK

9.     Sharing knowledge and helping others succeed

“I really appreciate how open we are about what we learn, and how we try to push our knowledge out beyond the team. Doing demos, writing documents, getting up on-stage at user groups... I love that stuff.”

- Cariad Eccleston, Lead Software Engineer | Exmouth, UK

10.  Techi-ness

“There is no denying I'm a techie at heart. No amount of management can take that out of me. At work every day, the sheer amount of technology that I am exposed to, drives me in ways none of the other factors can.”

– Srikanth Subramanian, Senior Manager of Technology | Carrollton, TX, USA

11.  Great colleagues who consistently challenge the status quo

“My colleagues are a motivation to come into work every day as they consistently try to challenge the way things are done. We always end up storming on how to better do things and it always leads to productive discussions.”

 – Suchit Subramanian, Lead Software Engineer | Hyderabad, IN

12.  Solving puzzles

“Life is one big puzzle. I have always enjoyed knowing how and why things work. Once I learn how something works, I can use it more effectively. There is also always a pleasure in seeing things that are thoughtfully well made. And learning from them and applying it your own creations.”

- Kevin Happe, Software Architect | Carrollton, TX, USA

13.  Empowering others

“Nothing gets me going more than the satisfaction I get from being able to empower someone. Be it encouraging a coworker to adapt to change, removing impediments for the team, building a better software to empower our customer achieve their goals… everything excites me.”

– Sayra Shahlin, Scrum Master | Carrollton, TX, USA

14.  The feeling of progress

“I would like to have a vision of the career progress path, so I can work towards it. The organization gives us resources to determine what we all can achieve and what we need to accomplish our goals is the most important thing for me.”

– Prabha Karavadi, Lead Software Engineer | Carrollton, TX, USA

15.  Giving back to the community

“When not at work or with my family, the thing that I enjoy doing the most is volunteering my time to help others. It is a dream come true when passion meets work. I derive a lot of pride and satisfaction working for a company that aims to make a difference in the world and in the lives of the not so privileged, like the work of the Thomson Reuters Foundation. Thomson Reuters provides me with so many avenues to give back to the community.”

– Sangeetha Anand, Agile Transformation Coach and Project Manager | Carrollton, TX, USA

16.  Self-actualization

“I enjoy applying my talents to a greater good. Always learning new things and sharing my experiences with others is very satisfying. I love delivering valuable solutions to customers, and feeling a part of the development process.”

– Mike Oransky, Senior Manager of Technology | Carrollton, TX, USA

17.  Sense of belonging

“Sense of belonging is a human need just like food and shelter. The fact that I am a part of an organization which promotes a strong work ethic always makes me want to contribute more towards the common goal of the company and the team. If the company cares about the well-being of employees, I as an employee feel like giving my 100% to achieve the common goal we share in the organization.”

– Paridhi Dixit, Senior Software Engineer | Carrollton, TX, USA

18.  A great work environment

“The workplace environment often has the biggest impact on how motivated you are at work. You thrive when you are part of an upbeat, supportive environment that gets you "in the zone" that you need to be in so that you succeed. That’s exactly what TR offers me here! I fortunately have a support team that helps motivate me and encourages me to be better at what I do.”

– Sneha Panesar, Senior Business Analyst | Hoboken, NJ, USA

19.  The challenge

“A good challenge that I can sink my teeth into will not only get me up in the morning, but will keep me engaged well into the night as well.  One downside to this, is that the challenge will also keep me up through the night as well, but that's a different challenge of its own.  I've found that its less important about my interest in the challenge as the challenge itself! This transcends work and motivates my life in innumerable ways.”

- Bill Ibbetson, Senior Director of Technology | Lake Oswego, OR, USA  

20.  Family

“I think this is a consistent theme. I have an awesome wife who supports me with all the crazy work/travel/sports/non-profit work that I get myself into! My kids, both girls, 9 and 8 are smart, curious and inquisitive all the time to the point where I had to get an Echo to divert some of the questions to :-] When I have an important presentation to deliver, my family is usually my first audience! Being excited about the work that me and my wife do is a very important attribute for them to see and model their future lives around.”

– Ravikumar Nemalikanti, Senior Director of Technology | Carrollton, TX, USA 

Why is it important to keep your colleagues informed about your work?

When your employees know that they are well informed, they will be happier in their work and more likely to stay on long-term. Giving your employees the big picture and helping them to understand when something isn't working will help them to feel more satisfied in their work and to continue improving.

How do you keep someone informed about progress?

Here are five effective ways to help you keep your employees informed:.
Set Goals & Values..
Encourage Open Communication..
Schedule Annual Meetings..
Utilize Technology..
Show Progress..

How do you keep staff informed of changes?

6 Communication Tips to Keep Employees Engaged During Change.
Communicate the Reasons—Openly and Honestly. ... .
Communicate the Changes From the Top Down. ... .
Explain How the Change Will Affect Them. ... .
Detail the General Change Process. ... .
Get Specific about What They Need to Do..

How the employees are informed about important matters in a company?

Employees are kept informed of all necessary matters by circulars, instructions manuals, newsletters, notice – boards, meetings, participative mechanisms, etc.

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