What kind of research produces results that can be expressed in numbers quizlet?

survey : a collection of data, self-reported by a large, random sample of participants

case study : an in-depth examination of a single person, group, or event

focus group : a guided discussion, typically involving 4 to 10 people, to gather opinions on a particular topic

What kind of research produces results that can be expressed in numbers?

Quantitative data analysis Quantitative research, in contrast to qualitative research, deals with data that are numerical or that can be converted into numbers. The basic methods used to investigate numerical data are called 'statistics'.

What type of research presents information in the form of numbers?

Sometimes called quantitative data, numerical data is always collected in number form.

Which type of research is in which the researcher decides what to study analysis numbers using statistics in unbiased and objective manner?

Quantitative research: in this type of research it is the researcher who “decides what to study, asks specific, narrow questions, collects numeric data from participants, analyzes these numbers using statistics, and conducts the inquiry in an unbiased, objective manner”.

What is quantitative research quizlet?

Quantitative Research Definition. Research that involves numbers. Data that can be measured. Involves statistics, numbers, percentages. Presented in graphs, tables and diagrams.

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