What is the maximum fine for committing unlicensed activities?


Unlicensed work

Unlicensed property agent work is against the law.

Offence Maximum penalty

Working without a licence or registration

$28,750.00 or 2 years imprisonment

Employing a person who in unlicensed and unregistered


Selling, hiring or lending out a licence or registration

$28,750.00 or 2 years imprisonment

Dealing with licences

Serious offences

We will cancel your licence if you’re convicted of:

  • violent offences [including threats to use violence]
  • fraud or dishonesty offences
  • drug trafficking
  • extortion
  • arson
  • unlawful stalking
  • an offence of a sexual nature.

You will have 14 days to return your licence to us. The maximum fine for failing to do so is $14,375.00.

Change of details

You must advise us in writing within 14 days about any changes to:

  • personal details
  • any aspect of your licence.

The maximum fine for failing to do so is $14,375.00.

Produce licence on request

Offence Maximum penalty

Failing to show a licence or certificate of registration to an inspector


Failing to show a copy of a licence or certificate of registration to a potential buyer, client or other party after they ask to see it


Substitute licensee

You must follow the rules when appointing a substitute licensee. If you do not, you risk being fined.

Offence Maximum penalty

Not having the consent and evidence of appointment at the office


Not lodging extension of appointment substitute licence for more than 30 days


Acting as licensee while you have a substitute appointed


Person in charge

Offence Maximum penalty

Not having a licensee in charge of place of business

$28,750.00 [individual]


Having a real estate salesperson in charge of a place of business if their conditions or registration prohibit this

$28,750.00 [individual]



You must make sure that you:

  • complete all of your documents correctly
  • give copies to consumers when the law says you need to.


Offence Maximum penalty

Acting for a client without a written appointment to act


Not giving a copy of the appointment to act


Acting for more than 1 party to a transaction


Not explaining the relevant details of a sole or exclusive agency appointment


Supply of documents

Offence Maximum penalty

Failing to include the warning statement in the required section of a sale contract



Offence Maximum penalty

Non-disclosure of benefit to buyer


Not disclosing a beneficial interest to a seller

$28,750.00 or 3 years imprisonment

Charging a buyer’s premium on goods connected to a real property without getting the consent of the owner and/or not disclosing a buyer's premium is payable on goods



Offence Maximum penalty

Claiming commission worked out on an amount more than the actual sale price


Retaining or suing for commission when not entitled [for example, not licensed or not authorised to act]


Trust account offences

It is in an offence to steal or misuse trust monies. You risk a fine and imprisonment if you break the law.

Trust money

Offence Maximum penalty

Wrongful conversion and false accounts

$143,750.00 or 5 years imprisonment

Unauthorised use of trust account

$28,750.00 or 2 years imprisonment

Trust monies are not banked immediately [to trust account]

$28,750.00 or 2 years imprisonment

Banking of non-trust monies to a trust account

$28,750.00 or 1 year imprisonment

Licensee does not account to client

$28,750.00 or 2 years imprisonment

Audit reports

Offence Maximum penalty

Failing to appoint an auditor

$28,750.00 or 1 year imprisonment

Failing to lodge audit report within time limit

$28,750.00 or 2 years imprisonment

Failing to lodge a final audit within 2 months of ceasing to be a principal licensee

$28,750.00 or 2 years imprisonment

Offences by auditors

Offence Maximum penalty

Auditor does not file advice immediately of irregularities to Chief Executive

$28,750.00 or 1 year imprisonment

Auditor fails to notify Chief Executive when denied access to other records

$28,750.00 or 1 year imprisonment

Auditor fails to supply report to licensee

$28,750.00 or 1 year imprisonment

Inspector's powers

Inspectors have the legal authority to make sure that you don’t break the law. You must follow their lawful directions, or you risk a fine.

Offence Maximum penalty

Failure to comply with a warrant, produce documents or provide information to an inspector

$14,375.00 or 1 year imprisonment

Failure to give name and address to an inspector in certain circumstances


Enforceable undertaking

An enforceable undertaking is:

  • a written promise by a business not to keep breaking the law
  • an alternative to court action.

Find out more about enforceable undertakings

Last updated:5 July 2022

What is the penalty for a breach of NSW agent rules of conduct?

monetary penalty – impose a fine of no more than $11,000 for an individual, and $22,000 for a corporation.

Which act legislates real estate appraisals and penalties that could apply when these are breached Qld?


What types of breaches would lead to a disciplinary action in real estate Victoria?

Serious offences.
violent offences [including threats to use violence].
fraud or dishonesty offences..
drug trafficking..
unlawful stalking..
an offence of a sexual nature..

What is estate agents Act Singapore for?

The Estate Agents [Amendment] Act 2020 was passed by Parliament on 5 May 2020 and is operational as of 30 July 2021. The EAA amendments aim to: a] Better deter errant real estate salespersons and estate agents from committing disciplinary breaches.

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