The differences between qualified audit report and disclaimer audit report

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    Table of Contents

    What is a Qualified Opinion?

    A qualified opinion is the opinion of an auditor over the financial statement of a company or information provided, stating that they are incomplete. In an audit, an audit is required to give a professional opinion about the financial data and information provided by a business. A qualified opinion is a report or opinion written by a certified public accountant or a professional auditor which pronounces the information provided by a business as limited or incomplete. A qualified opinion is often given when the business being audited did not follow the generally accepted accounting principles [GAAP] when preparing their financial statement.

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    How Does a Qualified Opinion Work?

    The opinion or report of the auditor is a crucial part of an audit process. In every audit, the report of an auditor is essential as it is a pointer that shows whether a company's financial statement maintained GAAP principles or otherwise. Businesses try to avoid qualified opinions, given that these opinions suggest that the financial information provided by the company is fairly presented but is incomplete in some aspects. Despite that, a qualified opinion does not negatively affect the efficiency or performance of a business, companies or organizations do their best to avoid such opinions.

    Qualified Opinion Situations

    A qualified opinion is an indicator that the auditor was unable to get enough data or financial information on the company as a limitation on the scope of the audit. Omitted figures, uncertain data, and unconfirmed estimates can also cause a professional auditor to write a qualified opinion on a financial statement. Also, failure to conform with the laid down rules of GAAP can lead to a qualified opinion issued on a business financial report. Generally, the inability to verify the data, figures or estimates supplied in a company's financial information creates qualified opinions. Also, when there is an absence of notes, explaining the occurrence of certain figures in the statement, it can create doubt or uncertainty for the auditor, thereby causing a qualified opinion.

    Layout of Auditors Report

    A qualified opinion is an integral part of an auditors report after an adit process had been done in a business. The final section of the auditors report is where qualified opinions can be found, this is the section whether the auditor gives reasons for the opinion they form on the financial statement of the business, among others. The opinion that an auditor gives about a financial statement includes opinions about audit and internal controls of the business.

    Qualified vs. Adverse vs. Disclaimer

    A professional auditor or a certified public accountant can give diverse opinions on the financial information provided by a company. These are; qualified opinions, unqualified opinions, adverse opinions, otherwise called a disclaimer of opinion. An adverse opinion is given by an auditor if the financial statement of a company is inappropriate and there is the need for another audit of the financial statement. Unlike a qualified opinion which is given when their financial statement has been fairly reported but there are specific aspects that are incomplete. When an auditor cannot give a qualified or unqualified opinion on a financial statement, a disclaimer of opinion is given. The inability of an auditor to finish an accurate audit report warrants a disclaimer of opinion to be written.

    There are four different types of audit report opinions that can be issued by the company’s auditor based on the analysis of the company’s financial statements. It includes Unqualified Audit Report, Qualified Audit Report, Adverse Audit Report, and Disclaimer Audit Report.

    Audit Report is the basis for determining the financial capacity and quality of the company. Also, one can consult the audit report in measuring the company’s performance for the given fiscal year based on which investors will rely on the company and invest their money to enhance their returns.

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    If you want to learn more about Auditing, you may consider taking courses offered by Coursera –

    1. Auditing I: Conceptual Foundations of Auditing
    2. Auditing II: The Practice of Auditing

    Table of contents

    Top 4 Audit Report Opinion Types

    In the modern corporate world, based on the below audit opinion, types of the audit report is determined:

    Sr No.OpinionType of  Audit Report1UnQualified OpinionClean Report2Qualified OpinionQualified Report3Disclaimer of OpinionDisclaimer Report4Adverse OpinionAdverse Audit Report

    Let’s understand each audit report opinion types with an example:

    #1 – Clean Report

    It is the most common opinion given by the auditors and always expected by the auditee. In this type of audit report, the advice given by the auditor will be unqualified, without any adverse comments or any disclaimer about any clauses or process. As per the auditor, by this report, they are satisfied with the company’s performance and finding its functions in sync with governance and applicable statute.

    Example: HSBC Bank-Calendar Year 2018- Unqualified/Clean Audit Report

    In our opinion, HSBC [“The Company”] Group financial statements and parent company financial statements:

    • Give a true and fair view of the state of the company’s affairs on December 31, 2018 and the company’s profit and cash flows for the yearCash Flows For The YearCash Flow is the amount of cash or cash equivalent generated & consumed by a Company over a given period. It proves to be a prerequisite for analyzing the business’s strength, profitability, & scope for betterment. read more then ended;
    • Have been prepared under the requirements of the Companies Act 2006, and complying requirements of the Group financial statements, Article 4 of the IAS Regulation; and
    • Have been properly prepared under UK GAAP and IFRSs as adopted by the European Union.

    #2 – Qualified Opinion

    This type of audit report, an auditor gives when he is not confident about any specific process oThis type of audit report, an auditor gives when he is not confident about any specific process or transaction, based on which they are not in the position to issue Clean/Unqualified OpinionUnqualified OpinionAn unqualified opinion is concluded by an auditor appointed by the company after making substantial procedures to check the policies and procedures in place and collected optimum evidence that the organization does not include any material discrepancies or more. Investors and organizations do not accept a qualified opinion as it creates a negative impression.

    Example: General Format in the UK as per UK GAAP or IFRS

    In our opinion, except for the effects of the matter described in the basis for qualified opinion sectionQualified Opinion SectionThe company's auditor issues a qualified opinion in the audit report if it is found that the company's financial statements are presented fairly, but with exceptions in specific areas. It is one level below a Unqualified Opinion [i.e. Clean Opinion] and is given when the Auditor believes the financial statement has not been prepared in accordance with the rules laid down under the provisions of GAAP or more, the financial statements:

    • Give an accurate and fair view of the state of the company’s affairs as of December 31, 2018 and its profit for the year ended;
    • Have adequately been prepared following the United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice / IFRSs as adopted by the European Union; and
    • Have been prepared under the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.

    A Basis for Qualified Opinion

    The notes to the financial statements do not disclose that one of the company’s directors, John Smith, controls ABC Ltd., from which the company purchased goods and services during the year of xxx. Such disclosure is required by IFRS 102 / IFRSs as adopted by the European Unio].

    We have audited as per International Standards on Auditing [UK] [ISAs] and applicable law. We are independent of the company under the ethical requirements relevant to our audit of the financial statements in the UK, including the FRC’s Ethical Standard, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities under these requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified opinion.

    #3 – Disclaimer Report

    Disclaimer reports by auditorsAuditorsAn auditor is a professional appointed by an enterprise for an independent analysis of their accounting records and financial statements. An auditor issues a report about the accuracy and reliability of financial statements based on the country's local operating more distance them from giving any opinion on the financial statements. The main reason for providing the disclaimer of opinion can be reasons like putting a limitation on the scope of the auditors, not obtaining satisfactory explanation and not being able to determine the true nature of transactions, not obtaining sufficient audit evidenceAudit EvidenceAudit evidence is information gathered by auditors during the course of an audit, whether internal, statutory, or otherwise. These facts serve as the foundation for the opinion in the audit more, etc. This kind of audit opinion is considered very harsh and creates a negative image.

    Example General Format in the UK as per UK GAAP or IFRS

    We do not express an opinion on the accompanying financial statements of the company. Because of the significance of the matter described in the basis for the disclaimer of the opinion section of our report, we have not been able to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to provide a basis for an audit opinion on these financial statements.

    A Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion

    We can also not confirm the bank balance [including overdraft] and interest payableInterest PayableInterest Payable is the amount of expense that has been incurred but not yet paid. It is a liability that appears on the company's balance more thereon since statutory authorities freeze the accounts because of the non-deposition of the statutory dues. As a result, the facility ceased to operate, and they reported the same matter in the previous year.

    In addition, we were unable to verify by alternative means balance of accounts receivableBalance Of Accounts ReceivableAccounts receivables is the money owed to a business by clients for which the business has given services or delivered a product but has not yet collected payment. They are categorized as current assets on the balance sheet as the payments expected within a year. read more and balance of accounts payable and corresponding gain or loss, if any of these balances is not recorded for the year ended December 31, 2018 and reported the same matters in a previous year.

    #4 – Adverse Audit Report

    An auditor gives an adverse report when he is not satisfied with the financial statements, or there is a high level of material misstatements, irregularities that can breach the trust of investors and the government. Qualified reports are considered the auditor’s primary weapon, which they can use as public accountability. As a responsible professional, the auditor can attract the public’s attention about any non-acceptable approach the companies accept.

    Example: General Format in the UK as per UK GAAP or IFRS

    In our opinion, because of the lacking of the information mentioned in the basis for the Adverse OpinionAdverse OpinionAn adverse opinion is the auditor's findings of misrepresentation and misstatement of the company's financial health and performance as identified in the financial statements. It is the conclusion of the professional assessment of the corporate accounts depicting false or unfair business more paragraph, the financial statements do not present the information required by the Companies Act 2006 as required and also do not give a true and fair view in line of the UK GAAP or IFRS that state of affairs of the company as on December 31, 2018 and its profit/loss and cash flow for the year ended on that date.

    A Basis for Adverse Opinion

    The company’s borrowings have matured, and the outstanding amount is payable on March 31, 2019. The company cannot take loans, and there are chances of defaulting. These events indicate a material uncertainty about its ability to continue its going concern assumption. Therefore, there are high chances of realizing funds from the sale of assets and paying out its liabilities to continue the business. The financial statementsFinancial StatementsFinancial statements are written reports prepared by a company's management to present the company's financial affairs over a given period [quarter, six monthly or yearly]. These statements, which include the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flows, and Shareholders Equity Statement, must be prepared in accordance with prescribed and standardized accounting standards to ensure uniformity in reporting at all more [and notes] do not disclose this fact.


    Based on the facts and circumstances of each type of audit assignment, the auditor is needed to modify its opinion by taking professional judgments and acceptable legal opinions.

    Recommended Articles

    This has been a guide to Audit Report Types. Here we discuss the top 4 audit report opinion types, including Clean Report, Qualified Report, Disclaimer Report, and Adverse Audit Report. You may learn more about Accounting from the following articles –

    What is a disclaimer audit report?

    Disclaimer of Opinion-Disclaimer Report When an auditor issues a disclaimer of opinion report, it means that they are distancing themselves from providing any opinion at all related to the financial statements.

    What is a qualified audit report?

    A qualified audit report is a report issued by an auditor that reports certain discrepancies in the financial statements prepared by the entity. These discrepancies are typically termed as qualifications.

    What is auditor report differentiate between clean and qualified report?

    A clean report does not contains any qualification while a qualified report contains details of all qualifications. 4. A clean report shows that the auditor is fully satisfied about the. correctness of the audited books of accounts, but in a qualified report, the. auditor is not satisfied with the accounts.

    What are the 4 types of audit reports?

    They include:.
    Clean Report or Unqualified Opinion..
    Qualified Report or Qualified Opinion..
    Disclaimer Report or Disclaimer of Opinion..
    Adverse Audit Report or Adverse Opinion..

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