The 4Ms of production cannot function properly if one of the Ms is not included


Alejandrina M Torres

runs the factory or service shop that converts the input into output [Morato 2017]. Wrong methods can jeopardize the operations because it may not be able to attain the results. The selection of the method of production is dependent on some factors:

Asked by mlyorme063

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Directions. Answer thoroughly the essay questions below. [ 5pts. Each]

1.State and describe the 4Ms of operations.

2 How does the knowledge gained in learning the 4Ms help the entrepreneur make good product or service description?

3. Explain the reasons why building a prototype is necessary.

4.Why is it necessary to have a demonstration of skills if a "door-to-door" or "on-call" service model is the idea?

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FOUR MS OF PRODUCTION The most critical factors in the whole production system are the inputs and the transformation process. Their quality determines the quality of the output. It is also known as "garbage in, garbage out" or GIGO in the parlance of computer technology. The factors involved in the input and the production process are usually referred to as the four Ms of production, namely manpower, method, machine, and materials. Four Ms Manpower Method OUTPUT Machine Materials Figure 3.5.3. The Four Ms in the Production System Manpower The term manpower simply refers to the human workforce involved in the manufacture of products. It is considered as the most critical and important factor of production. The entrepreneur must determine, acquire, and match the most qualified employees with the jobs at the most appropriate time period. Some of the manpower criteria that must be highly considered by the entrepreneur are as follows; 1. Educational qualifications and experience required for the job 2. Status of employment, whether permanent or temporary 3. Number of workers required for the job 4. Skills and expertise required for the job 128 Chapter 3 | The Environment of the Entrepreneurial Venture

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5. Appropriate time the worker is needed 6. Conduct of background checking and issuance of requirements 7. Amount of salary or wages and other mandatory benefits 8. Availability of potential workers in the community Method Method or production method refers to the process or technique of converting raw materials to finished products. The raw material undergoes several stages before it is completed and becomes ready for delivery to the target consumers, The selection of the method of production is dependent on some factors, namely, 1. product to produce, 2. mode of production, 3, manufacturing equipment to use, and 4. required skills to do the work. Product to Produce The product is the physical output of the whole production process. It should be valuable and beneficial to the consumers and should satisfy their basic needs and wants, A product can be heterogeneous or homogeneous. A heterogeneous product has dissimilar characteristics, parts, and physical appearance. It can be easily identified from other products. Entrepreneurial ventures that produce heterogeneous products include makers of furniture, bags, and home decors. On the other hand, a homogenous product has a physical appearance, taste, or chemical content that can hardly be distinguished from that of the other products. Businesses that produce homogenous products include makers of soft drinks and medicines. It is hard to distinguish the difference between a soft drink in a 12-ounce bottle and in an 8-ounce can. Mode of Production The mode of production refers to how the product will be produced. The following production system may be used in manufacturing the desired product: 1. Intermittent production system 2. Continuous production system 3. Just-in-time production system Lesson 5 | Nature and Type of Entrepreneurial Venture 129

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The intermittent production system is adopted when the production process is basically short and the machines are frequently changed. Under this system the entrepreneur may use the following methods. 1. In a project method, the product is usually substantial in size and is bound by a specific time to complete it. Cargo vessels, jumbo aircraft, and buildings are constructed using this method. 2. In a job order method, the production is completed by a single employee or a batch of employees. 3. In a batch method, the production undergoes several stages and the product is transferred from one worker to another. The intermittent production system includes the following features: 1. There is a variety of products to be manufactured. 2. The production flow is not continuous. 3. The production is dependent on the orders of customers. 4. The volume of production is not material. 5. The machines are for general purposes. 6. The sequence of operations is based on product design. Examples of entrepreneurs who use the intermittent production system are tailors, goldsmiths, furniture makers, and manufacturers of farm equipment. The continuous production system is adopted when the demand for the product is considered constant. The production is not based on the order of customers but for the stocking of inventories. The features of the continuous production system are as follows: 1, The production process is continuous. 2. The production is not based on the customer's order but on the anticipated demand. 3. The production is considered standardized. 4. The products are usually homogenous. 5. The products are produced in large quantities. In the just-in-time production system, goods are produced just in time when the market needs or demands for them. The raw materials will be produced just in time for the actual production to start and the delivery equipment will be required in the production plant just in time when the products are about to be completed, This system is designed to eliminate wastage of resources and to increase productivity. 130 Chapter 3 | The Environment of the Entrepreneurial Venture

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Machine delivery of services. Machine refers to the manufacturing equipment used in the production of goods or In the process of selecting the type of equipment to purchase, the entrepreneur may consider the following important elements; 1. Types of products to be produced 2. Production system to be adopted 3. Cost of the equipment 4. Capacity of the equipment 5. Availability of spare parts in the local market 6. Efficiency of the equipment 7. The skills required in running the equipment Materials The term material simply refers to the raw materials needed in the production of a product. Materials basically form part of the finished product. For example, wood or lumber is a raw material used to produce a table or a chair, In case the raw materials are of poor quality, the finished product will be of poor quality as well. The entrepreneur may consider the following important factors in the selection of raw materials: 1. Cost 2. Quality 3. Availability 4. Credibility of suppliers 5. Waste that the raw material may produce 131 Lesson 5 | Nature and Type of Entrepreneurial Venture

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4. Why is it necessary to have a demonstration of skills if a "door-to-door" or "on-call" service model is the idea? Scoring Rubrics for Test II. 51 4 / VERY 1 1 EXCELLENT 31 2 / NEEDS GOOD AVERAGE IMPROVEMENT UNACCEPTABLE Ideas / Answer is clear Answer is and focused Answer is Answer is not Answer has no Knowledge of mostly beginning with relevant well defined clear sense of Subject Matter focused, and developmen details and and/or there are purpose and away has some t and still enriches the too many topics. from the question good details basic or asked. questions and quotes general asked Organization The order, Answer is Answer to Answer to Lacks clear sense structure of mostly the question questions make of direction. Ideas information is organized, in is strong sense but the details seem strung compelling, order and enough order of ideas together in a loose enhances, and makes sense without too does not or or random fashion showcases the to the much lacking. questions question. confusion asked. Presentation The form and The answer The answer Answer is only Answer is garbled presentation of has few is understandable due to problems the answer mistakes and understanda occasionally, relating to the easy to is generally ble in this and paper is presentation of the answer. Lacks understand and easy to read format. messily written. coherence. connect with and pleasing the questions to the eye

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Subject [Disciplines and Ideas in the applied social sciences]

E1 [40 points-please refer to rubrics]

Identify situations in our country where the different functions of applied social sciences can be helpful to all Filipinos especially during this time of Pandemic.

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Rubrics for Essay Criteria Expert Proficient Acceptable Capable Needs Improvement [40] [36] [32] [28] [20] Focus Sharp points Not all points Only a few Piece Piece does are are points are manifests not present presented on presented apparent on too few any sharp the topic sharply the piece points points Supporting Relevant Few points Lesser Supporting Does not statement points and are points are statements give examples presented on presented on does not supporting are the the show statements presented on | supporting supporting relevance to nor give and the statements statements the topic and example supporting and few and no clear no examples statements examples example presented Essay 1 are given presented

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    Student reviews

    60% [5 ratings]

    What are the 4 ms of production?

    In a lean system, the Four Ms mean:.
    Material—no defects or shortages..
    Machine—no breakdowns, defects, or unplanned stoppages..
    Man—good work habits, necessary skills, punctuality, and no unscheduled absenteeism..
    Method—standardized processes, maintenance, and management..

    What are the 4 1 ms of production?

    Money, material, machine and manpower are the Four Ms, the traditional framework for viewing the resources available to a business, which can be useful when designing a business plan. Identifying the resource needs is generally considered in business, a task for those in management.

    Does product prototype is the final product that you will sell in the market?

    A prototype is not usually intended to look like the final version. As long as it can be used in the early product evaluation and beginning of the design process, it doesn't need to be perfect.

    Is 4Ms effective in production?

    Absolutely, the 4Ms technique is able to apply in any phase of a process from the concept to design phase, from prototype to mass production, from daily control to continuous improvement, innovation, etc.,. By understanding and using it effective, you can add much valuable in your continuous improvement activities.

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