swedens là gì - Nghĩa của từ swedens

swedens có nghĩa là

A shining beacon of freedom and progress, located in the chilly northern parts of Europe. Neighbour to Denmark, Norway and Finland, and often confused with at least one of them. Most Americans cannot distinguish Sweden from the mountain nation of Switzerland.

Famous for not only its a large population of very blonde and beautiful women, but also its history of Vikings, the music of partly forgotten bands like Abba and very high taxes. Under the government of the social democrats, Sweden has the highest tax rate in the world. The corruption is nearly non-existant and the population is well-educated, better than the average European or American citizen. There is no country in the world where atheism is better established than in Sweden, and the Swedish church, unlike the churches in many other countries, has little real power or influence. Sweden is also the most equal country in the world, gender-wise.

An overwhelming majority of Swedes surf the web. Although home to a relatively small part of the world [9 million], Sweden still manages to produce people and projects of great initiative and ingenuity. One of these projets is The Pirate Bay, the worlds largest BitTorrent tracker site. Another Swedish project is the famous KaZaA, a peer-to-peer fileshare client. Sweden also produces a lot of good gamers, not seldom seen leading the worldwide scoreboards. Sweden is also home to the Nobel Prize committee and host of the majority of Nobel Prizes.

Famous Swedish words in the English language are "smorgasbord", "tungsten" and "ombudsman". Famous Swedish people are Peter Stormare, Ingrid Bergman, Ingemar Bergman, Stellan Skarsgård, Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Alfred Nobel.


- What does Marcellus Wallace look like?
- What?
- What country you from?
- Sweden!
- Sweden ain't no country I ever heard of! They speak English in Sweden?
- What?
- Yes!

swedens có nghĩa là

Sweden is a country which many Americans don't know much about. One of the most common prejudice is that the entire population is blonde and tall [which is not even remotely true], others may believe that the country is run by communists and that ABBA is the only music arrived therefrom. Fact is that Sweden may have more blondes than e.g. Spain, but there's still at least 40% who aren't. The current government of the mentioned country is Social Democratic, which greatly differs from Marxism and Leninism.

The musical scene has of course developed since ABBA, and for a population of 9.000.000, Sweden has produced an awful lot of successful bands and artists. Some of these would be Millencollin, Hammerfall, The Hives, Ace of Base and The Cardigans.
Many songs in the U.S. pop-industry has been written by Swedes also.. among these you can find many songs performed by Britney Spears, Kelly Clarkson, Backstreet Boys, N'Sync and such.

Some believe in the myth that Sweden has the highest rate of suicides... I've read about the myth, but I don't know where these "numbers" originated. As some wise person once said [disputed who] "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." :]

It does -not- snow 12 month per year. Actually, it snows barely 3 months every year in the capital city - you get more snow if you go North, less if you go South.
In the summers, many Swedes on holiday tend to go to their vacation houses in less populated societies. Yes, a big amount of middle-class to upper-class households have these second houses. And they can afford them, even though all their money is stolen through taxes by "the evil communist regime".

Sweden is aimed at being very equal country. Equality between genders is a highly valued issue and neo-feminism is one of the most popular ideologies [which has led many to believe that so called "feminazis" are running the country]. All religions basicly has the same rights, and having the church involved in politics has been more or less banned for 300-400 years. The atheist population is also a vast majority. The schools serves alternative food for Muslims and others when the ordinary lunch collides with their relgious beliefs. Oh, and by the way, yes! They do have free school lunches :D Very good food too, even :]

Oh, and about schools... most of the swedish population is well educated. Some would say that swedes generally speak better english than most Americans, and this is caused by English being a standard subject with the same importance as Swedish. Also, Sweden does not dub films, videogames and such, but tend to use sub-titles.
The country has in fact no real "official language" though, and Swedish is legally regarded as a minority language.


n. Sweden. Not to be confused with Switzerland.

Sweden - Safe cars and blue flag

Switzerland - Chocolate and red flag

swedens có nghĩa là

Quite possibly the most uninhabitable country since Canada [no, that's just a joke because I hate Canadians and Canada so much...].

Everything that sucks about Sweden:
1]The taxes are mind-blowing
2]It's run by a communist government
3]There is no other country on Earth that gives such power to feminazis
4]There is no other country on Earth that has so many brain dead politicians

And the list goes on and on! It doesn't ever seem to stop! I could probably write a novel on how many bad things there are about Sweden. However, to make things fair, here are all the good things about Sweden.

Everything that rocks about Sweden:
1]The landscape looks kind of nice
2]Not overpopulated

And that's pretty much all I can think of. I can probably count the number of good things about Sweden on my fingers. Basically, this country can be summarized in two categories, "too little of everything good" and "too much of everything bad".


Sweden: You wouldn't want to live there after living in a better place, such as anywhere else in the world, but it would be nice for a visit. Well, maybe not.

swedens có nghĩa là

A country in northern Europe, and the most populated Scandanavian country. It is known for its low rate of violent crime, high standard of living, and competitive business sector. Sweden has low levels of poverty and extensive social programs. The country has not been involved in a war for well over a century.


The most populous Scandanavian country is Sweden.

swedens có nghĩa là

9 millions inhabitants, slightly smaller than California and France. Easily the best country in the world. Original home of PirateBay, ThatAnnoyingThing, Victoria Silvstedt, In Flames, Opeth, ABBA, Ericsson, Volvo, SAAB, Björn Borg, Fäbojäntan, Sven-Göran Ericsson, Zlatan and myself. But I live in Ireland now. FU. You need 4.5 years of education to sell ice cream in Sweden.

The people are tall and usually NOT blonde! All Swedes are interested in surfing internet, except the stupid people, all of them become politicians. The country is secretly run by the charismatic King Carl Gustaf Bernadotte the XVI, who has two HAWT daughters.

Sweden has not been in a war for 200 years, mainly because Hitl3r liked us and wanted to use Sweden's iron for fortified cereals and railroads to attack Finland and Norway.

Since Sweden has the most developed internet access combined liberal regulations we probably have the most pr0n in the world.


sweden r0xx0r my b0XX0r

swedens có nghĩa là

land of the sexiest accent in the world!!


Bjorn: i'm from sweden and i have swedish accent!
Mary: oh, how sexy!!!

swedens có nghĩa là

A country that has really got their shit together. They have not been directly involved in a war for almost 200 years. Say what you want about it being cold and dark but Sweden beats the United States it a lot. Also proof that democratic socialism CAN work and is NOT evil. America could get a lot more done if people here were not scared of the word "socialism" and if the top 2% could quit complaining about paying taxes that they CAN EASILY AFFORD to pay, and realize that the tax money will go to things like health care and education that will improve life for everybody.


Sweden has one of the highest human development index rankings in the world and is one of the least corrupt countries. Same sex marriage is also legal in all of Sweden.

swedens có nghĩa là

sweden looks like a dick on maps [with finland being the ballsack]


i put my fat sweden in her italian cat bro

swedens có nghĩa là

Someone who is from Sweden and just totally awesome


Wow, here comes the Swedenator The swedenator is totes awesome

swedens có nghĩa là

A country famous for meatballs , IKEA and of course PewDiePie


Someone:- Sweden?
A man of culture:- DUDE!ask that to your furnitures.

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