Slip into nghĩa là gì

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

"Slip into something more comfortable" nghĩa là ngả ngốn, quyết rũ đối tượng [hấp dẫn giới tính].

Ví dụ
He put the knives back into their case, and hugged her. Thank you. They are beautiful. So maybe now I'll go slip into something more comfortable, she said.

I think I'll slip into something more comfortable. The sparkle had once again returned to the beautiful big blue eyes he remembered so well, although they were now red and swollen.

After they have exchanged their stories, the woman announces, I'm going to slip into something more comfortable.
This woman is amazing, he muses [trầm ngâm].

Wyatt's soft chuckles followed her down the hallway toward her bedroom. She stepped inside the room, closed the door, then put her face in her hands. Had she actually just told Wyatt Madison she was going to slip into something more comfortable?

Thu Phương

Bài trước: "That's more like it" nghĩa là gì?

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