SharePoint Online task list web part

Property Filter Question
4/25/2012 03:35
How do I set a Property filter to NOT equal Not Started?
4/25/2012 03:41
My bad, I just noticed the documentation in the PDF ;] What I wanted to do was filter out items that are complete, that were assigned to "me" - so I used [which did the trick]:
AssignedTo='{username}' AND Status NOT = 'Completed'
4/26/2012 23:07
How do we change the title of a column. I.e. I'm not crazy about the "% Complete" title but do want to use that data. I'd prefer it to just say "Percent Complete" so that it ends up being left aligned
4/26/2012 23:10
It would be nice to be able to show the site title for the sub site/web that contained the rolled up project task so we can easily distinguish which project [site] the tasks list came from
4/27/2012 16:17

you can now enter column aliases [ie.display a �friendly header name� instead of the default column name] by appending the friendly name to the column, separated by the �|� pipe symbol.

PercentComplete|Percent Complete

Please re-download the zip file, extract and then replace the DLL, followed by an "iisreset" command.
4/27/2012 16:19
we have now added the new "Site" column which will display the title of the site hosting the task list.
Please re-download the zip file, extract and then replace the DLL, followed by an "iisreset" command.
Sean Wallbridge
4/27/2012 21:01
Unbelievably fast turnaround/support for new features. I'm sure you don't want to set that expectation everytime, but wow guys, good stuff ;] Works a treat [Keith works with me, btw]
4/30/2012 04:38
Task link appending and extra "/" to the URL. This is causing the modal window to generate a "page can not be displayed error". Example showModalDialog[{url:'//Lists/Tasks/DispForm.aspx?ID=7'
4/30/2012 11:23
we were now able to locate and fix the problem regarding the URL of Lists defined in the root site of a site collection.
Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract and then replace the DLL, followed by an �iisreset� command.
4/30/2012 16:30
Juerg, absolutely wonderful service. You have a customer for life.
5/13/2012 17:02
Thank you for this great web part! I have 2 problems:
1- I wrote "FA/SomeSites/Site2*" in the "Lists to be included"; but the web part does not shows anything. [I'm using MOSS2007, with site variation and two languages].
2- I created a new Coulmn [ its name is "Subject" ] of type "Look up" in all "Task lists" in all sites in my site collection [because I want to categorize the tasks]. I added this column in the "Field Template". But it returns an error and shows "DataBind Error: A field or property with the name 'Sub' was not found on the selected data source. " under the footer.
what is my fault?
Thanks, Abbas
5/14/2012 10:38
Awesome webpart. Actually what i was looking for. Is it possible to create likewise for sharepoint calendar and document library webpart. A document library webpart will be really handy if we can filter them to documents being checkedout by user and documents waiting for user approval. A calendar webpart with option to gothrough all the calender lists on the site collection and show the events in a calendar view or as a Event list.
5/14/2012 10:43
Is it possible to extend the webpart with paging option. Number of task pr. page.
5/14/2012 12:37
yes, please check the web part�s �Show Pager� setting and the use the web part�s �Nbr. of Tasks� setting to specify the number of tasts to show per page.
Please note that we now have added the "Property Filter" option also to the Document Rollup web part.
5/14/2012 18:35
  1. We actually forgot to include the �*� wildcard option for the �Lists to be included� field. This has now been fixed.
  2. To include a custom column in the web part�s �Field Template� setting, please prefix it with an �*� asterisk character:
Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract and then replace the DLL, followed by an �iisreset� command if you placed the DLL in c:\windows\assembly.
6/1/2012 04:09
How do I set the "Group By" to show as collapsed vs. expanded by default? Every time the page loads it shows all groups expanded even after I have manually collapsed them. Any clues?
6/1/2012 16:12
we have now added the new �Show Groups collapsed� option. Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract and then replace the DLL, followed by an �iisreset� command.
9/10/2012 18:55
Having same problem as Abbas with adding a relative url to a list does not work. A relative path of Siteroot/lists/tasks does not display the tasks list.
9/11/2012 12:02
to include[via the web part's "Lists to be included" setting] the "Tasks" task list that is contained in the top site and your web part is placed in a sub site, you will need to use the �/� prefix to specify the top site:


9/21/2012 01:52
This is a very handy Web Part! I think we will get a lot of use out of it.

I'm doing some testing with it first, and I've noticed the following:

- Custom date fields show as: 2012-10-01 00:00:00 [even if they are set to date only in the source List].

- Currency fields show as: 44666.0000000000 [no matter how few decimals you specify in the source List].

- If you group by the Site, the Site link stops working. Can this link remain, or ideally go in the Group heading?

- I cannot filter by custom columns not showing in your view output [e.g. if I have a custom status field called SomeStatus, and I only want to show items where SomeStatus='Current', but I don't want to show SomeStatus in the view].

- I cannot filter by calculated columns [it does not recognise equality]. We have a custom field that calculates the severity of an issue, and I want to show only items of one of the two highest levels of severity, but I cannot compare with the output of the calculated column.

- I'm having a lot of issues with the 'Lists to be Included'. I can't seem to specify two or more Lists or Sites [e.g. projects/blahProject/Schedule;projects/program/Schedule or projects/blahProject*;projects/program*] - only resolves the first.

Is it possible for any of these be looked into and/or resolved?

Thanks for creating such a useful Web Part.

9/21/2012 06:33
Sorry to follow up - but I've also noticed that if I'm grouping by something [i.e. Site] and I try to sort by a custom text or choice field [either by setting a default in the Web Part, or clicking on a heading in the view], sometimes the Site groupings will split up [i.e. show two groups for the same Site]. This seems to be fine for date and time fields.
9/28/2012 08:20
Is it possible to group by Subtasks? Ie: display the subtask hierachy?
9/28/2012 20:58
Really great WebPart. Excellent work. One thing I noticed that when paging enabled it is hard to distinguish the page numbers below the list. Is it possible to either chnage the size of the font and/or add "" kind of page navigation?
10/1/2012 19:22
please note that when grouping by a column, you also will need to enter the same column as the first sort option into the web part's "Sort By" setting.
10/1/2012 19:56
please add the following CSS class either to your Sharepoint style sheet or via a Content Editor web part:

.AETRpager TABLE TR TD {font-size:11pt }

[change the font size accordingly]

10/2/2012 18:41
the web part is currently not able to group tasks by �summary task�.
We quickly checked and found that summary tasks are actually list folders and it would not be easy to roll up the task lists grouped that way.
Would you want to display just one task list or also use the rollup feature for this kind of grouping ?
10/15/2012 22:51
Trying to include a multi line comments field in the roll-up. I receive the error "DataBind Error: A field or property with the name 'Comments' was not found on the selected data source." Thanks
10/16/2012 09:34
Hi Juerg,
I have a question: How does the "List Type" do? When I set it to "Custom List", my page freezes ant after about 1 minute, it returnes an unknown error!
Thanks, Abbas
10/16/2012 11:57
the �Custom List� option allows you to roll up Sharepoint lists based on the �Custom List� template. Please note that the web part in this case allows to refer to the following fields:

- ID
- Title
- Author
- Created
- Modified

If you would to add a custom column [ie. a column that is not listed above], please prefix it by an "*" asterisk character.

10/17/2012 15:57
please prefix the field name with an asterisk character in the web part�s �Field Template� setting [to indicate that this is not one of the default Task List fields].


If you are actually referring to the Sharepoint �Issues� List�s �Comments� field, please enter it as follows:


[the internal name of this List column is �V3Comments�]

10/18/2012 18:15
Nice AddOn! But one important thing is missing:
task-rollup does not support "contains" - therefore, I�m not able to use the "AssignedTo" field with multivalues!
Could you please add this feature?
10/19/2012 13:32
we have now fixed the problem with the "Assigned To" column in cobination withthe "Allow multiple selections" option.
You then can use the "LIKE" filter operator as folows:

AssignedTo LIKE '%{username}%' AND Status'Completed'
AssignedTo LIKE '%Fred Webster%'

10/22/2012 23:06
Having similar problems as Kirri [09/21/2012]
- Custom data fields showing with data tha time when source list is date only
- Custom numeric fields showing as default when source list is integer.
- Issues with "Lists to be Included". I have two Tasks Lists [Tasks and ProjectTasks] used on multiple subsites. Can't get the Web Part to show only the one ProjectTask list.
10/23/2012 17:30
Is it possible to use custom fields in the Sort By, Group By and Property Filter? I have a TaskType field that I would like to utilize.
10/23/2012 18:46
custom date fields show as: 2012-10-01 00:00:00 [even if they are set to date only in the source List]:
please append /d to the column name in the �Field Template� setting.

Custom number fields show as: 123.0000000:
please append /cx to the column name in the �Field Template� setting where x is the number of decimal places

Lists to be included:
This has been fixed in the most recent release.

Yes, it is possible to use custom fields for sorting, grouping and filtering.
Please note that we just added a fix [with version 1.0.25] to properly format numeric fields so that they can be used in a Property Filter expression.

10/23/2012 20:13
First off, thank you for a fantastic web part, it has saved me a ton of work! My question is: Is it possible to hide the display of a custom column when doing a Group By that custom column? I had to add it to the Field Template, but since it is being grouped I really dont need to see it. Other than that, great part!!!
10/24/2012 11:46
please just prefix the �Site� entry in the web part�s �Field Template" setting by an exclamation mark to indicate that this column should be hidden in the output list.


10/30/2012 17:47
When trying to use the Property Filter for the following string *TaskSoftware='Mobile Iron'. I receive the following error: Syntax error: Missing operand before '*' operator.

This is a custom field that was created.


10/30/2012 18:38
please do NOT prefix the custom field in the web part�s �Property Filter� setting [as you have to in the �Field Template� setting]:

TaskSoftware='Mobile Iron'

10/31/2012 18:34
How do you handle a space in the Field Template column name? I am trying to reference a field called 'Requested By' but it does not find the field.
11/1/2012 10:55
please enter the �Requested By� fields as follows into the web part�s �Field Template� setting:


Use the asterisk prefix to indicate a custom [non-standard] task list column and replace the space character by _x0020_

11/4/2012 15:19
Hi Juerg;
Is there any way for localization? I need to translate some words in our native language. [ListId, Status, . . . in the field template and group by field.]
Thanks, Abbas
11/5/2012 12:10
you can localize the Field Template by appending the localized strings to the column names [separated by a �pipe� character]:

Friendly Header Names:
If you would like to display a �friendly header name� instead of the default column name please append it to the column, separated by the �|� pipe symbol.

You also can suppress the column name in the groups [ie. just display the value] by appending the �/suppress� option to the web part�s �Group By� setting.

Please send us a quick note if you still need to be able to localize the �Group By� column name.

11/7/2012 12:53
Hi Juerg,

Thanks for your fast and kindly support. The "/supress" option works fine. It's very useful and I hope to add this option in the "Employee Directory web part" too.
But I need more localization and customizations. For example:
1- I changed and added some items in the "Status" field of the "sharepoint task list". but I can't add or change the icons or hints for them in the task rollup web part. These items can be difference from one task list to another!
1-1- Is there any way to change or add the icons in the web part?
2-1- Is there any way to change or add the hint texts [near the icons] in the web part? It will be useful if they read from the "status" field in the "task list"

2- I have the above questions about the field "priority"
3- I need to show an "edit button" for each record in the web part.
4- Is there any way to have some search boxes above the web part? [like staff directory web part]
5- I selected the "Show Groups collapsed" field, but the web part allways works in "expanded mode"
6- When I connect this web part to "Custom lists", it does not work and the page can not load any item.


11/18/2012 09:01
Hi Juerg,
1- I want to use "Assigned To" column with combibation of the "Allow multiple selections". But I recieve this error :
"Error: All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions in their target lists."
2- I added a custom column in one of my task list, but the web part shows : "0 Items found in this view!"
3- I added that column, in other task lists [in that site], but is does not show any records again.
What are my faults please?
Regards, Abbas
11/20/2012 19:23
  1. Sharepoint unfortunately is not able to return the value of a �multiple value� Lookup column in a cross site data query.
  2. Did you prefix the column name with an �*� asterisk character in the web part�s �Field Template� setting ? Also, what is the column type ?
11/24/2012 21:39
Hi Juerg,
Is it possible to connect this web part to "Blog" and "discussionBoard" lists?
11/24/2012 21:47
Hi Juerg,

2- Yes, I prefix the column name with an �*� asterisk character with these column types: lookup, calculated field and multi choice.
these columns are not in all task lists in all sub-sites.

Thanks and regards


Diane K
11/28/2012 21:17
I am looking for a rollup that I can use on SP on line. I don't see anything for installation for your product "Task Rollup Web Part
Office365/Sharepoint Online Sandbox Version". How is that deployed?
11/28/2012 21:39
  • extract the WSP file from the downloaded Zip file
  • upload the WSP file into the Solution Gallery in the Site Setting of your top site
  • activate the solution
11/30/2012 19:36
no [although you can use it for �Custom� lists]. Please note that we have the �Blog Rollup� and �Discussion Rollup� web parts.
Diane K
12/2/2012 13:09
I was able to download the Sanbox version and upload it to the solutoins gallery. But when I pull the webpart onto the page and try to configure it, the webpart task pane [nor the ribbon] are providing any tools for that effort.


Diane K
12/2/2012 13:31
I found the config tools. Sorry overlooked that they were under "Miscelaneous".
Diane K
12/2/2012 13:45
I was trying to config the webpart for "Project Tasks" lists but it gave an error. When I set it to look for standard "TASK" list it worked fine. Is it the case the the WP won't work on "Project Tasks" lists?


Diane K
12/2/2012 13:46
also.... My config tools don't show a "Grouping" option??


12/3/2012 13:07
if you want to roll up lists of type "Project Tasks", please select "Gantt" in the web part's "List Type" setting.
Please note that the grouping option is not available in the Sharepoint Online version of the the web part [due to technical limitations of the Sharepoint "sandbox"].
Diane K
12/5/2012 00:05
Wow, I am surprised about not having grouping on the sandbox version. I was so hoping this would be the solution I have been desparately seeking, but since I'll be rolling up project data from about 20 sites, it really isn't a viable solution if I can group the project by the site from which they originated.

Isn't there any workaround?

12/5/2012 16:38
this is unfortunately a limitation of the Sharepoint "sandbox" environment used by Sharepoint Online and there is no easy workaround [for security reasons, it is not possible to install your own .NET controls on Sharepoint Online].
Mike Z
12/11/2012 22:00
I'm testing this part out and can't seem to get it to roll up the lists I want.
My collection structure is like this:
\SiteCollectionHome\QualitySubSite\Americas Quality SubSubSite
\SiteCollectionHome\QualitySubSite\Europe Quality SubSubSite
\SiteCollectionHome\QualitySubSite\Asia Quality SubSubSite

On each of the Regional Sub-Sub-Sites, I have the standard Task list.
At the Quality Sub-Site Level, I want to add the web part that will roll-up all the Task lists in the Regional Sub-Sites.

From the instructions, I think the minimum requirements to see anything would be:
Field Template needs at least one column
List Type should be set to "Tasks"
Search Subsites Only box checked
Cache Retention Time = 0 [which I presume would make it 'current' all the time]

I added some test examples on the AAM Site Task list but the web part just shows "Nbr. of Tasks found: 0".

The only way I can get anything to show up in the roll-up is the uncheck the option to "Search Subsites Only". When I do that, I get a single task from a list in the collection root but nothing else. I also tried changing the list type to the other options and only get items from lists on the collection root site. Lastly, I also tried moving the web part to the root collection level and had the same problem.

As a last ditch effort, I also tried a number of explicit "Lists to be included" but couldn't get anything to work... but that could have been syntax errors because there is no example showing if the web part is in a Tier 2 site and the task lists to roll up are on Tier 3 subsites.

Thanks for any help.

Mike Z
12/11/2012 22:02
By the way, is there any way to make the Comment box in this dialog pop-up to be a little bigger? It's really hard to type in anything but a couple sentances. It makes it hard to see what I've already typed when I get down to lines with settings.

Thanks again for your great support.

Mike Z
12/11/2012 22:05
Just to correct one thing:
My test Tasks were on the Task List on this site: \SiteCollectionHome\QualitySubSite\Americas Quality SubSubSite not the "AAM" Site I mentioned in my original post.
Mike Z
12/11/2012 22:39
Just another quick update.... I tried to create a Content Rollup - Content Query which seems to be what this part is based on....

I've never tried this part so maybe I'm doing it wrong.... all I did was add the web part, and under list types select "Tasks" and hit apply. I get the following error at the top of the Web Part Properties

"Cannot save all of the property settings for this Web Part. There is a problem with one or more of the field values below."

Could whatever causes this error be causing the Amrein part to be empty as well? Maybe a collection setting or feature that needs to be enabled to get this to work?


Mike Z
12/11/2012 23:06
Guess just one more follup before I check out for the day...

I just tried your Document Rollup on both our Sandbox and Production environment.
In the Sandbox, the rollup works worked perfectly the first time without even looking at the instructions...
In Production, it doesn't seem to show any documents I just added in the Shared Documents libraries. It only shows items in the Site Assets libraries.

Unfortunately, we don't have the Task Rollup in the Sandbox or I'd try that and see what happens.

Is it possible something was not installed correctly in production? I'm not the architect so I have no idea how that's done...
Thanks again.

12/12/2012 15:47
Mike Z,
a few questions:
- are you on SP2007 or SP2010 ?
- did you just included the "Title" column in the web part's "Field Template" ?
- do you use a customized version of the Sharepoint "Tasks" List template ?
- can you put the web part into "trace" mode by entering the value 4711 into the web part's "Nbr. of Tasks" setting and send us the output generated by the web part ?
Mike Z
12/12/2012 16:44
Hi Jureg, I might have found the issue....

To answer your questions first:
SP2010, Tried multiple things in field including just "Title", most things are customized [libraries and task lists].
I'll try your 4711 and report back but since you mentioned customzing, I thought I'd give you this additional info:

I've done some more testing on the Sharepoint Content Rollup, our production and sandbox environment and your parts.

One thing I noticed, was that in our production environment, we defined new default content types or Documents and Tasks.
We have a new default Task Type called "Company Task" which is a child of the Sharepoint "Task" Type. The same with Documents.

I also noticed in the Query section of the SP Content Query, there are a lot of options for content type.
When I scroll through them I can see that I can pick specific Task Types including "Company Task" and "Task".
But there is also a check box to "Include child content types".

In your Task Rollup part, I noticed you have "List Type" which has only 4 options including "Tasks".
Could it be that your query only looks for the SP Default content types and does not look for Child Content types?
That would be the only thing I can see different.
I didn't see any drop down for Types in your document roll-up so I'm not sure if that would also apply there as well.

If that's not the issue, I'm wondering if it could be one of the following:
Some hidden setting on Production farm limiting roll-ups [because SP Rollups also seem to error out].
Something to do with permissions [although I'm Collection Admin so that shouldn't be a problem].
Something in the library preventing it from working [although I just tested a default library with no modifications and still no success].


Mike Z
12/12/2012 17:29
Followup to your 4711 suggestion:

I added an item in the Tier 3 subsite which has our default task list named "Tasks" [which has "Company Task" as the default type].
So I'm not doing any customization but our template has been customized becuase of it's content type.
I also tried creating a task list at the Root called "Tasks" but it wouldn't let me because that's used for site worfkows.
So I created a new list named "Test ALV Tasks" instead and added an item for testing.

In your Task Rollup, I put the following settings:
Field Template: Title;PercentComplete
Nbr. of Tasks: 4711
Checked all "Show" check boxes except the last one.
List Top Option: "Tasks"
Lists to be included: Tasks;Test ALV Tasks;Quality/AAMQuality/Lists/Tasks;Quality*
I included a bunch of variants from being specific to generic.
Search Subsites Only = NOT Checked

Result: No Items to display

creating DataView:Nbr of rows=1
getting List:{80D2B813-51ED-4399-8A60-D4844BB3C442}/sites/alvCustBUTemplate|Tasks 1|/sites/alvCustBUTemplate/Lists/Tasks 1/AllItems.aspx
checking Site:/sites/alvCustBUTemplate/Tasks 1 - tasks
checking Site:/sites/alvCustBUTemplate/Tasks 1 - test alv tasks
checking Site:/sites/alvCustBUTemplate/Tasks 1 - quality/aamquality/lists/tasks
checking Site:/sites/alvCustBUTemplate/Tasks 1 - quality* ..skipping Site
Nbr. of Tasks found: 0

I also tried the following:
Cleared "Lists to be included" and got a single task from Tasks 1 which is linked to site workflows.
Tried list Type "Issues" and didn't get any results.
Tried custom lists and it returned a lot of things from my custom lists.
Tried changing default content type on list Test ALV Tasks to just "Task",
Cleared Lists to be included, Then reated new items, then refeshed view.... Only shows the 1 workflow task.

12/17/2012 14:08
Mike Z,
the Task Rollup web part actually is able to rollup tasks based on a custom content type.
Can you indicate [ie. send us a screen shot to ] of the "Company Task" content type definition] ?
You might also consider to export one of your task lists as a template and send it to us.
12/20/2012 16:01
I receive 'AssignedTo Error: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.' message in the webpart. Nevertheless, the webpart is working as supposed. The error message is quite annoying because it's there severeal times /meaning 5 lines of the same error code]
12/21/2012 13:33
we now have fixed the problem [which only occurs if your "Assigned To" column allows multiple values and you also assign a Sharepoint group as opposed to a user].
Mike Z
1/3/2013 15:05
Thanks for the update to accomodate the specific List IDs.... that works great. I haven't tried the Document Rollup yet but I'm sure it works just as well.

My question is that by using the listID, does it disable the other "Lists to be included" functions like the "*" wildcard and "!" exclude?

I tried the following in that setting: /id=10000;!AAM Quality/Tasks & also just /id=10000;!AAM Quality

In both cases, the items from the Tasks list on the AAM Quality Subsite still show up. One comment is that my structure is:
Home Site/Global Quality/AAM Quality
The Task Rollup Web Part is on the Global Quality Sub Site and it rolls up 8 regional sub-sites under it.

Thanks agian for your great response.

Mike Z
1/4/2013 16:33
I also noticed that when I use the "Show Column Headers" so I can see the column titles, they are clickable [links]. But when I click on the column Title, it refreshes that web page and then shows that Task Rollup with no items and the message "Nbr. of Tasks found: 0".

As far as I can tell, I don't have any properties set that impact the formatting of the column Titles.

Is this something by design in the web part that I'm missing the intent? Or could it be due to something in our default template or layout?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

1/7/2013 16:47
Hi All,

I downloaded this great Web Part but I have problem with adding Tasks list?

After add all field I always see "There is no items to show in the view"

Could you write me how should be looks like proper list address in field "Lists to be included?

I will be very grateful for it,
Best regards,

1/7/2013 16:59
Mike Z,
please enter the following into the �Lists to be included� setting:

Home Site/Global Quality/AAM Quality/Tasks/id=10000

ie. append the �/id=10000� at the end of the field and enter the full path to the list [without the domain part].

1/7/2013 18:09
Mike Z,
interactively sorting by the �Title� column should actually work OK.
Can you send us your following web part configuration settings:

- Field Template
- Sort By
- Group By

1/7/2013 18:13
please enter the full path of the List into the �Lists to be included� setting [without entering the domain part]:


[the above example assumes that the List is called �Tasks�]

1/7/2013 18:41
Thanks for fast answer.

So I should use SomeSite/Tasks with out // and .aspx?

Best regards,

1/7/2013 19:01
yes, please do NOT include the domain part [eg. "//"]
1/7/2013 19:17
Thanks a lot good man :]

Best regards,

Mike Z
1/14/2013 19:29
Is it possible to do a calendar rollup with the latest change allowing for using custom list IDs?

We have a site which just has a bunch of company wide calendars which can be used by all the collections. I'd like to have a way to show all the latest changes on the calendars... they all have different names but all have List ID = 106.


1/14/2013 20:15
Mike Z,
yes, you can roll up calendars by setting the "List Type" to "Custom", the List ID to 106 and then for example use the following "Field Template":


Uwe Schmidt
1/18/2013 11:52
Hello J�rg,
you posted earlier how to change css-style for pagination [.AETRpager TABLE TR TD {font-size:11pt }].
My question: how to do this for the content rows / content fields [title,status,pirority...]?
1/18/2013 16:54
please add the following CSS style to the web part's �Footer Text� setting to change the font settings of the task table:

Nbr. of Tasks found: {n}

Chris F
1/25/2013 15:47
Hello, I'm having trouble adding task lists in for SharePoint Foundation 2013. Custom lists appear to work fine, but task lists do not. The task lists are in the root of the site collection. I've tried leaving the "lists to be included" blank, specifying /lists/tasklistname; just tasklistname; etc. with no luck. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
1/25/2013 19:56
please choose the �Timeline� list type in the web part�s �List Type� setting.
Default SP 2013 task lists are now using this new list type by default.
2/8/2013 09:19
Will this work as a sandboxed solution once the Sharepoint Online environment upgrades to 2013? I tried installing this on an evaluation account running the preview of Sharepoint 2013 and I couldn't get it to work as expected.

I have tried this previously on a live Sharepoint Online site collection running the older version and it works fine with that.

2/8/2013 13:58
we have not yet certified our "sandbox" Web Parts for the upcoming version of Office365 based on Sharepoint 2013 but we are committed to deliver a version for SP2013 as soon as the next version of Office365 officially becomes available.
2/14/2013 12:35
I'm trying to add this web part on a top-level site to give me a view to all projects on the subsites. I have the following entry in the Field Template: *Project_x0020_Value|Project Value; which I want to show with only two decimals. However, I get something ridiculous like 75000.00000000.

I saw the earlier post about a similar issue and tried both this: *Project_x0020_Value/cn2|Project Value; and *Project_x0020_Value|Project Value/cn2; and neither of them seems to work. The prior, however, breaks it and shows "Project_x0020_Value" in the web part.

I'm currently evaluating this web part in our Sharepoint Online environment and if I were to get this working we would probably buy this for our company.

2/14/2013 14:02
the correct setting is:

*Project_x0020_Value|Project Value/cn2

Can you quickly check the web part�s version number by opening the web part�s tool pane and looking it up at the top ?
We added this feature with version 1.0.25 on October 19, 2012.

2/14/2013 14:26
I'm using version 1.2.1 sandboxed.
2/14/2013 15:05
this should also work fine with sandbox version 1.2.1
2/14/2013 15:14
I tried exactly what you suggested but I still get the same problem. What do you suggest I do to investigate this further?
2/14/2013 15:21
assuming that you use the "/cn2" number format option, does the "Project Value" still display a lot of ttrailing zeroes after the decimal point ?
Can you indicate the content of your web part's "Field Template" setting ?
2/15/2013 11:06
I cannot get the a custom list which resides in the root showing up in subsite.
The url from the list is //myserver/lists/mylist
The AE TaskRollup resides in //myserver/subsite/
What do I have to put into "Lists to be included" ?
2/15/2013 11:47

Yes, there are still a lot of trailing zeroes. My "Field Template" setting is as follows:

Title;*Project_x0020_Value|Project Value/cn2;*Project_x0020_Category|Project Category;Priority|Project Priority;StartDate|Project Start;DueDate|Project Due;*Project_x0020_Phase|Project Phase;AssignedTo|Project Manager;PercentComplete;

2/15/2013 12:15
can you put the web part into "trace" mode by entering the value 4711 into the web part's "Nbr. of Tasks" setting and then send us the additional output generated by the web part to ?
2/15/2013 12:26
would you like to only show the items from the list in the root site ?
If yes, please enter the following into the �Lists to be included� setting:


If you want to roll up all lists [including the list in the root site], please make sure to uncheck the web part�s �Search Subsites only�.

2/15/2013 13:00
J�rg, thanks for your answer.
I want to show a single list located in the root on my subwebsite.
Since this is a contact list, I choosed "custom" as list type.
In "Lists to be included" I tried with /mylist.
Result: an unexpected error occured on the sharepoint webside.
2/15/2013 13:26

I have now sent the additional details to your support address.

2/15/2013 14:53
to specify lists based on the �Contact List� template, please [besides setting the �List Type� to �Custom�] also enter the Contact List Template ID [105] into the web part�s �Lists to be included� setting:


If you do not specify the ID, the web part will roll up lists based on the �Custom List� template.
Can you quickly check the web part�s version number by opening the web part�s tool pane and looking it up at the top ?
The above feature was added with version 1.0.27 on December 18, 2012.

2/20/2013 05:43
Also, when I try to group by ListID, the full web address of the list appears e.g. Tasks
Is there some way of displaying a friendly name for the different lists if they have the same "Name"? e.g. most of my lists are just called "Tasks".
Darrell Trimble
2/22/2013 00:04
I am using the 365 edition of Task Roll-up, and it seems to be missing the Group by in the web part settings. Is it supposed to be there?
2/22/2013 12:50
this is currently not possible due to the technical limitations imposed by the Sharepoint Online sandbox environment.
2/22/2013 20:25
I tried to setup on office 365 using sandbox version. Installation went smoothly. But it keeps giving me an error message:
"Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
What is wrong?
2/22/2013 20:37
Can you indicate what you entered into the web part�s
- �List Name�
- �View Name�
- �Field Template�

settings ?

2/22/2013 20:41
Field template: Title;ListId;Site;PercentComplete;Priority
Nbr of Tasks: 100
Sort By: Title;ListId;Site;PercentComplete;Priority

Everything else is by default

2/25/2013 11:33
please be careful to temporarily set the web part�s �Cache Retention Time� to zero during the configuration of the web part since it might use old cached data against your changed configuration.
2/25/2013 12:59
please enter the column names into the "Sort By" setting as follows:


[ie. use commas instead of semicolons as the separators]

2/25/2013 15:22
It works now. Thanks. We have a customized column called "Task ID". I tried to use "Task ID", "TaskID", "*Task ID", "*TaskID" [without parentesis]. But it always gives error messages like:
Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
DataBind Error: A field or property with the name 'TaskID' was not found on the selected data source.
Would you help me on how to do this?
2/25/2013 15:52
if the column name contains a blank character, it needs to be encoded as "_x0020_", so you will need to enter:
2/25/2013 17:21
Thanks it works. However, we assign Task ID as single line text, in rollup text it's been converted to number. Is there a way to force it stay as text?
2/25/2013 18:14
can you send a screen shot to to illustrate the problem ?
4/19/2013 16:09
Great job really :]

Please, ca i change the language to frech ?

Have a good days

4/19/2013 17:06
the task "Status" is automatically displayed in the selected language. If you also would like to display the headers in French, please use the "Friendly Header Names" feature when specifying the task list columns in the web part's "Field Template" setting.
5/13/2013 19:54
A great webpart I'm hoping to overcome a couple of issues.

We are evaluating using version 1.0.38
First issue: we keep receiving this error: AssignedTo Error: Column 'AssignedTo' does not exist. It may have been deleted by another user.

We allow multiple selections and groups in the AssignedTo field.
I have tried the filter as shown above: AssignedTo LIKE '%{username}%' AND Status'Completed' but no luck

Second issue: Only showing tasks companyweb/subsites/subsites but no deeper levels of subsites. Thanks

5/13/2013 23:00
I'm having the same problem as another user here: on Office365, I get the error message Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. I've tried paring the field list down to just Title in case it was a referencing issue [or typo], but same thing. # of tasks set to 50, everything else is default.

I'm using SP2013 Preview.

5/14/2013 13:59
please set the web part�s �List Type� setting to �Timeline� since this List template is used as the default in Sharepoint 2013.
5/14/2013 14:23
  1. are you using a language pack different from English ?
  2. the web part should not be limited regarding the hierarchy level of the subsites. Could it be that you limit the number of tasks to be shown via the "Nbr. of Tasks" setting ?
5/14/2013 19:07
We are not using another language pack, English only SharePoint 2010 Foundation.

I finally got it to work for a particular site and it's subsites using the setting for "Lists to be included" value: Projects* and checking the box "Search Subsites only" The web part being added to the site collection homepage.

I think the problem we have with the hierarchy is the use of custom site templates and custom task lists. If I create sites using the out of box templates and then more subsites the tasks are showing in these subsites. Thanks for your assistance.

5/15/2013 17:11

Thanks, changing the list type to Timeline worked. I'm doing some more in depth testing now.

One thing to note: I had some trouble getting specific lists [Lists to be included] to work - it seems that there are issues if the list name and list URL aren't the same.

6/5/2013 18:46
I have many tasks lists in a site, and the users need to save the completed task lists for audit reasons. Is it possible to filter which lists to be rolled up within the site collection by name [i.e. only show lists that do not have "Archive" as the first 7 characters]? Or is the only way to do it to ask the users to physically move the lists to a subsite, then exclude that subsite ?
6/5/2013 19:50
we have now added the new option to exclude Lists and Sites using the �*� wildcard character.
You thus now can specify:


to exclude all Lists that start with �Archive� in the List name.

Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.

6/8/2013 23:37
How can I alternate row colors in the results table?
6/10/2013 11:08
we have now added the new Alternating Row Color web part setting:
Enter the optional color of the alternating row background [leave blank to use default].
Enter either the HTML color names [as eg. "red" etc.] or use hexadecimal RRGGBB coding [as eg. "#CCFFCC"]. Enter the values without the double quotes.
You can also change the default background color of the non-alternating rows by appending a second color value separated by a semicolon.


Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.

6/12/2013 18:26
Thanks for the great support Juerg!
6/20/2013 15:20
Is there a way to apply the filters in SP2013 that are created in the task app to the timeline that goes with it. I apply a filter and the list is changed but the timeline still has all of the dates that i posted to it.
Any help would be appreciated!


6/28/2013 19:53
I assume that your question is not related to our Task Rollup web part, but to the Sharepoint 2013 timeline.
We also noticed that filtering the list unfortunately does not also affect the timeline view.
Eric Stepek
7/14/2013 03:31
Trying to configure the Filter to show only my tasks that are completed. All subsites in this collection are the new SharePoint 2013 Project Site template.

AssignedTo='{username}' AND Status NOT = 'Completed'

And am receiving an error:

Error: Cannot find column [AssignedTo].

7/16/2013 08:43
Do you have a webpart wich does accumulate e.g. across site collections?
7/16/2013 19:53
although you can roll up a specific site collection [as opposed to the current site collection], you currently cannot roll up multiple site collections but we will add the option in the next major version.
However, there might be some performance implications depending on the number of site collections, sites , task lists and task items contained therein.
7/16/2013 19:54
can you enter the expression as follows:

AssignedTo='{username}' AND Status'Completed'

Can you also indicate the content of the web part�s �Field Template� setting.

7/21/2013 19:09
In my task list I have a custom column of the type hyperlink [picture]. When I go directly to the task list the picture shows up just fine. I then configure th task rollup. The task rollup works and I see all the columns from my task list including the custom column, but my custom column is blank. there should be a picture showing. Is there anything I can do to get a hyperlink [picture] column to show up? Thanks!
7/23/2013 18:07
Is there any way to use the "Related Items" and "Outcome" columns from an Approval Workflow via the Field Template? We need to be able to see who approved/rejected/canceled an approval task.
7/23/2013 19:54
please add the following internal column names [corresponding to �Related Content� and �Outcome�] to the web part�s �Field Template� setting:


7/27/2013 17:03
we have now adapted the Task Rollup web part to display the pictures [as opposed to just displaying the URL of the images].
Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
7/31/2013 12:33
I have Sharepoint 2013 standart.
I downloaded trial version of Task Rollup extension and installed it as instructed [ran .bat file, enabled in farm features, deployed, enabled in site collection features].

1] I can't find AE task rollup part when i try to "insert" web part, however if I upload the webpart first when editing the page, I am then able to find needed webpart.

2] Web part does not find any tasks in my site collection. this is the settings i tryed:
filed template:
Title; ListId;

Nbr. of Tasks

Sort By

Group By

Lists to be included
tried *, leaving blank or just putting a link to one of my task lists

webpart shows its name and "Nbr. of Tasks found : 0". nothng else.

What am I doing wrong? thanks for your help!

7/31/2013 18:48
please make sure to not enter any leading or trailing blanks when specifying the columns in the "Field Template" setting.
Please also make sure to select �Timeline� for the web part�s �List Type� setting [this is now the default template for SP 2013 task lists:

8/1/2013 12:21
Thanks a lot, all working now.

Is there a way to use a "friendly name" not only in list column names, but in "group by" option?
For example I want to use group by AssignedTo|Responsible but i get an error saying

DataBind Error: DataBinding: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name 'AssignedTo|responsible'.

Thanks, your webpart is GREAT, probably going to purchase it.

8/1/2013 13:08
we have now added the option to specify a �friendly� name for the �Group By� option.


Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.

8/22/2013 16:47

I have 2 sub-sites and 1 task list on each.
I have a Task Roll Up Web Part on each sub-site, all fields are displayed correctly ["Site;Title|T�che;Priority|Priorit�;Status|Statut;DueDate|D�lai;PercentComplete|Avance"].
Icons column are displayed correctly too.

The Web Part is already on the Site Collection homepage, with the same fields, same filter, no list limitation is defined.
All tasks are displayed correctly except the status column.

My problem is :
The status column will not display the status icon but only the text if I uncheck the corresponding Web Part property.

Thanks in advance for your help.

8/27/2013 17:19
Hi Juerg,

I tried the task roll-up web part to collect the open tasks from a large number of sites [100+].

When I configure the web part I always get the following error [with setting 4711] that states thet the number of lists in the current query is too large. I tried specifying a single list, but still get the same error.
What can I try?

Current Locale=1043
Default Locale=1043
License File Read Error:Could not find file 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\template\Features\AETaskRollupWebpart\License.txt'.
SP Version=12
Error: De query kan niet worden voltooid omdat het aantal lijsten in de query groter is dan de toegestane limiet. Beperk het bereik van de query tot de huidige site of lijst of gebruik een aangepaste kolomindex om het aantal lijsten te helpen verkleinen.

Larry Nordlinger
8/28/2013 00:55
I would like to use the Task Rollup web part for "Project Tasks" on a 2013 O365 site.

I see that you told another user that I need to select the List Type of GANTT. I have tried that and am not getting any data back yet.

My Project Tasks lists are called "Project Task". They are in subsites one level below my roll-up on project sites. There can be a few dozen of these and I wont know their names in advance. Do I need to enter anything in the LIST NAME field?

The subsites have names like Project1, Project2, Project3 and again the list on each Project site is "Project Tasks".


Larry Nordlinger
8/28/2013 01:00
Correction: Please replace LIST NAME with LISTS TO BE INCLUDED in my post immediately above.
8/28/2013 11:48
it looks like your site collection contains more than 1,000 task lists.
The default Cross-Site query lookup allows for a maximum of 1,000 task lists.

You can override this setting by adding the "AETR_MaxListLimit" appSetting variable [to be added to the appSettings section of your Sharepoint application's web.config file]:


The value entered restricts the search to the specified number of lists.
You can enter �0� to remove the limit [so all your lists are included in the search].

8/28/2013 18:06
the default Task List template in SP 2013 is the �Timeline� template. Please thus select this template in the web part�s �List Type� setting.
You do not need to enter anything into the �Lists to be included� setting unless you want to rollup one or more specific task lists.
Pierre VM
9/4/2013 01:58
Hi. Is you webpart compatible with wikipage in sharepoint online wave 15 ? Because after having validated the webpart configuration, it disapeared from the page. I did it twice, it has the same behaviour. Thank you in advance!
Pierre VM
9/4/2013 02:11
Hi again,

I tried in a standard webpart page and it works. So the problem seems to appear when I insert the webpart in a wikipage. Did you already see this problem?


9/4/2013 15:07
Pierre VM,
the web part should work fine on a wiki page.
However, you might first save the page right after having placed the web part on the wiki page and then start to configure it.
Pierre VM
9/4/2013 22:10
You're right. It works! Thank you!
9/5/2013 02:14
I have just installed the web part in Office 365 SharePoint 2013 and have 2 issues I hope you can help with:
1 How can I control word wrapping - the Title column is taking priority over other columns causing the status column to wrap on to 2 lines
2 When I enter the Property Filter DueDate < {today} I get the following error: Cannot perform '

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