HP laptop keeps crashing blue screen

A Guide to Blue Screen Error in HP Laptop

Edited by Alexsmith321, Maria Quinney

2 Parts: Questions and Answers Comments

The "Death of Screen" error is named as the Blue screen error. The term is self-explanatory, it makes your system screen blank and blue with an error code. Basically, the corrupt, damages or outdated operating system promotes this errors on your HP laptop and if not recovered immediately it can lead to deadly consequences. HP laptops are known to have lesser BSOD issues than that of its counterparts, but sometimes it attacks HP laptops even after comprehensive precautions. In such situations, HP support phone number is the most reliable solution for your problems.

The BSOD can occur due to a long list of possible reasons, in this piece of writing, we will be discussing the cause and solution for the "Blue Screen of Death" in your HP laptop.

1. Overheating due to excessive load:

If you load your computer more than its capacity and there is no free space to execute programs can lead to the BSOD in your HP laptop. If you are using high CPU, playing a huge game or running multiple programs at the time, it can load the blue screen error on your device. So, one should quit all apps, games, and programs and then restart the device to free some space.

2. The unknown virus:

The virus is the mother issues on any platform. So, an unknown infection can be the reason behind the death of screen in your HP laptop and one must check the device for any virus, spyware, malware or other infections. The symptoms of having a mute virus on your HP laptop is non-functional shortcuts to a folder, the absence of files, the free space is decreasing dramatically. So, one must clear the virus or infection using a high-quality antivirus.

3. The missing drivers:

If you haven't downloaded the correct set of drivers for the hardware of your HP laptop. Also, make sure that you update your drivers from time to time especially when your upgrade or update the version of your operating system.

4. hardware issues:

The broken, undetectable or any damaged hardware can be the reason for the BSOD on your HP laptop. So, if the hard drives, memory card or any other hardware becomes undetectable on your laptop, one must repair or replace it with the correct one. Also, make sure all your hardware support the apps, and games installed on your HP laptop.

How to fix blue screen issues on your device:

Restart your printer: Restarting is the most basic yet effective remedy to several issues related to your HP laptop. So as per studies, in the case of BSOD, the restart has proved to be helpful.

Reboot in safe mode: Click on "Reboot" and then press the F8 key for few minutes till you can see the safe mode option on your screen.

Install or update drivers: Updating drivers is a perfect way to resolve OS related errors such as BSOD. Go to the manufacturer's website and search for the compatible drivers for your HP laptop.

Enable your Antivirus: It is recommended to perform virus scan at regular intervals to nullify the effect of any virus, spyware or infection on your HP laptop because it can be the major cause of BSOD and other related errors. Completely remove the security threats of your device in order to control the death of screen issues.

Update your OS: Updating your operating system can be helpful in the case of BSOD on your HP laptop, as the OS becomes more prone to issues with the course of time. So, one must upgrade or update your HP laptop Windows whenever the latest patch release for your OS, hits the market.

If the situation is not favorable and all your efforts are proved useless, you can contact experts by dialing the HP support number and fetch the instant and most appropriate solution for your problem.

Questions and Answers

When I turn on my laptop can only get a blue screen. A hard reset has not helped?

Can't get a start up screen. When I turn my laptop on I get a blue screen, a hard reset has not helped

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Categories : Windows

Recent edits by: Alexsmith321

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