orri là gì - Nghĩa của từ orri

orri có nghĩa là

A gorgeous, respectful, considerate, selfless gentleman A freckle-faced kid with eyes that could kill. Who drives you crazy just by saying a word or two. A person that has the power to make you rethink your entire life. A guy that can light up the room. Or the world.


1. He's not only hot but he's an Orry. Best of both worlds. 2. She's set for life, she's got an Orry!

orri có nghĩa là

When you have worms in your ass


Wow you have an Orri?

orri có nghĩa là

An amazing guy that will always be there for you. He is usually really tall or really short. Orries have great senses of humor and can make anyone smile. Orries are very clumsy. Most Orries have dirty minds. You will always want to have an Orrie in you life


Guy 1: *sharpining pencil* Guy 1: hey orrie it won't go in the hole
Orrie: hahahahaha *dirty mind* -----------------------------------------------
Guy 1: is that Orrie ?
Guy 2: yeah
Guy 1: I heard Orrie's are good friends with erins

orri có nghĩa là

Usually a guy who worships Hitler and wabts to become a nazi.


Hlynur: Hey how was your day
Orri: I like nazis
Hlynur: Wow you is an Orri

orri có nghĩa là

A: The russian word for thief.
B: An Orry is a male who had to do atleast 5 classes over.


A: Dude, that guy just stole my bike.
That Orry!

B: He is 20 and still in the 3rth grade?
Yeah, he's an Orry

orri có nghĩa là

1. A narcissist that loves everyone
2. A paradox
3. Patrick Swayze's character in "North and South"


1. "That guy is so into himself." "Yeah, but he just gave that homeless guy a car." "What an Orry."
2. "Can anyone give me an example of an orry?"
"Something that is nothing?" "Correct."
3. "Orry was a beast in that mini-series, but it took FOREVAR!"

orri có nghĩa là

The Orris

The Orris comes from the sub-species Orristoplesians and is the one of the largest living mammals on the earth. There are only a few known documented sightings of the ever elusive Orris who remains a mystery to scientists.


The Orris has a small scruff beard that looks much like that of a homeless homosexual man. The Orris can often be seen wearing hats that contain the team emblems of horrible football teams. Standing at approximately 5’ 9’’ and weighing in at 140 #’s the Orris’ small body size contributes to the small size of the Orris Penis. Little is known about the appearance of the Baby Orris, b/c nobody has ever spotted one or recovered a photo from the Orris bloodline.

Traits & Habits

The Orris has many strange rituals which can set him apart from other wild animals. He often can be found cheering for his favorite [and shitty] football team the Carolina Panthers. The Orris has been an alcoholic since the grandma Orris gave him some alcohol distilled primitively in the stump of an oak tree outside of her lean-to to sooth his injured back. The Orris can often be found pirating movies off of his terrible computer that he tries to convince humans is the best. Has been spotted numerous times angrily chasing humans with a tennis racket and also enjoys volley-ball. The Orris is known for terrible ID pictures and wearing nerd bird glasses while driving his jeep. It’s a jeep thing, you wouldn’t understand.


The Orris eats a very small amount of food because he is a picky little bastard. His favorite food was the chicken patty with cheese and lettuce on a white bread bun. The Orris liked this food because it gave him a balanced diet of protein, dairy, vegetables, and carbohydrates. When the chicken patty was changed and disappeared from the Orris’ feading grounds in 2006, he nearly starved to death. Fortunately for the species he was able to acquire a taste in the abundant and always present nachos, on which he enjoys pounds of salsa dip.


The Orris is very picky about his women and has very strange mating characteristics. In order to release his seed into his mate, the Orris must engage in intercourse on top of a counter, preferably that of a kitchen. When the Orris reaches climax he will yell out his mating call, YABADABADOOO!


I once saw and The Orris banging on top of a kitchen counter top in college park apartment 17.

Ever elusive The Orris has never been seen in it's baby form.

orri có nghĩa là

to be the orries. When something is fucking sick and/or amazing. Similarly , if something is terrible or unfair it may be termed the dog orries , otherwise known as the dorries.


dude , rate these jeans? Um yes bro ? They are the absolute orries. OR so jenny said she doesnt wana have a threesome with me and her mum . Unlucky man thats the dorries

orri có nghĩa là

Orry could be used as an adjective or described as how you smell or what a thing is.


You look like an orry-Colin.
You smell like orry-Amine.

orri có nghĩa là

When your telling a story to your friend that you were involved in having to go ahead with a mission type journey or going through with a tough objective, such as “going to ijuice to see Moey”.Originated in the Western Sydney region.


Ay, I’m pulling an orrie, if anyone’s asks you tried to call me and my phones off

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