My hands are tied là gì

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "his hands are tied|his hand be tied", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ his hands are tied|his hand be tied, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ his hands are tied|his hand be tied trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. We tied his hands together with rope.

2. Our hands are tied.

3. My hands are tied.

4. Their hands are tied.

5. They blindfolded him and tied his hands behind his back.

6. The kidnappers had tied his hands together and blindfolded him.

7. 9 The younger man pressed forward,[] his hands tied behind his back.

8. His hands were tied but he managed to wrench himself free.

9. The prisoner, his hands tied behind his back, was brought to the scene by the hangman.

10. He tied his tie to admiration.

11. The prisoner's hands were securely tied.

12. The boxer tied into his opponent.

13. 15 He knows he can't win the race with his hands tied behind his back, or his toes chopped off.

14. Look, my hands are a little tied without Nina here.

15. At times , both hands are figuratively tied behind my back.

16. I can't work with me hands tied.

17. Mr Saunders tied her hands and feet.

18. He tied a scarf around his neck.

19. He was tied down to his job.

20. We tied his feet together with rope.

21. 4 The boxer tied into his opponent.

22. They had their hands tied behind their backs.

23. He tied his dressing gown firmly around him.

24. In the semifinal, Frank tied with his opponent.

25. 2 He tied a scarf around his neck.

Thành ngữ "one's hands are tied" nghĩa là ai đó không thể hành động hoặc làm điều gì đó; bất lực. Thành ngữ này có thể được áp dụng cho mọi người hoặc cho các tổ chức. Một người có thể không thể hành động vì các quy tắc, chính sách hiện có, các quan chức hoặc quản trị viên cấp cao hơn, mệnh lệnh hoặc bất kỳ yếu tố nào khác. Hàm ý là tình hình nằm ngoài tầm kiểm soát của một người.

Nếu bạn nói rằng "your hands are tied", bạn có nghĩa là bạn bị ngăn cản làm điều gì đó bởi vì một số quyền hạn khác ngăn cản bạn hành động mà bình thường bạn có quyền lực hoặc thẩm quyền để làm.

"My hands are tied" là một cụm từ rất hữu ích, có nghĩa là bạn không có quyền tự do hành động theo bất kỳ cách nào khác. Điều bạn đang làm hoặc sắp làm là lựa chọn duy nhất của bạn.

Thành ngữ "one's hands are tied" có thể được sử dụng như một cách để ngăn cản việc cố gắng đàm phán hoặc tranh luận. Sử dụng thành ngữ "my hands are tied" cũng có thể gợi ý rằng bạn muốn hành động theo cách khác, nhưng không thể làm như vậy.

fit to be tied

very angry, mad, see red He was fit to be tied when you said the accident was his fault.

hands are tied

be unable to act because others are in control, out of our hands I'm in favor of public health care but my hands are tied. I have to wait for a government decision.

piano tied to your ass

something preventing you from moving If you want coffee, make some! There's no piano tied to your ass.

tied down

have family or job responsibilities I never see him anymore as he is tied down because of his busy schedule at work.

tied to your mother's apron strings

still dependent on mom, needing your mom's help He has to ask his mother. He's still tied to her apron strings.

tied up

busy, unable to help I'm tied up right now. I'm busy with a client.

with one hand tied behind one's back

Idiom[s]: with one hand tied behind one's back AND with both hands tied behind one's back


EASYunder a handicap; easily.
• I could put an end to this argument with one hand tied behind my back.
• John could do this job with both hands tied behind his back.

tied to one's mother's apron strings

Idiom[s]: tied to one's mother's apron strings


CONTROLdominated by one's mother; dependent on one's mother.
• Tom is still tied to his mother's apron strings.
• Isn't he a little old to be tied to his mother's apron strings?

have one's hands tied

Idiom[s]: have one's hands tied


LIMITATIONto be prevented from doing something.
• I can't help you. I was told not to, so I have my hands tied.
• John can help. He doesn't have his hands tied.

with both hands tied behind one's back

Idiom[s]: with one hand tied behind one's back AND with both hands tied behind one's back


EASYunder a handicap; easily.
• I could put an end to this argument with one hand tied behind my back.
• John could do this job with both hands tied behind his back.

My hands are tied

If your hands are tied, you are unable to act for some reason.

tied to his mother's apron strings

someone [normally a man] who does what his mother tells him: "He didn't want to come out last weekend, because his mother disapproves of us. He's really tied to her apron strings!"


when you can't say anything because you feel shy: "She's tongue-tied when she has to speak in public."

fit to be tied|fit|tied

fit to be tied1 adj. phr., informal Very angry or upset. She was fit to be tied when she saw the broken glass.
fit to be tied2 adv. phr., substandard Very hard.
Used for emphasis. Uncle Willie was laughing fit to be tied at the surprised look on Mother's face.

tied to one's mother's apron strings|apron|apron s

Not independent of your mother; not able to do anything without asking your mother. Even after he grew up he was still tied to his mother's apron strings.

tie, tied

tie, tied
In addition to the idioms beginning with tie and tied, also see fit to be tied; put on the feed bag; with one arm tied behind one's back.

tied to apron strings

tied to apron strings
Wholly dependent on or controlled by a woman, especially one's mother or wife. For example, At 25, he was still too tied to her apron strings to get an apartment of his own. This expression, dating from the early 1800s, probably alluded to apron-string tenure, a 17th-century law that allowed a husband to control his wife's and her family's property during her lifetime.

with one arm tied behind one's back

with one arm tied behind one's back
Also, with one hand; with one's eyes closed. Very easily, as in I can assemble that chair with one arm tied behind my back, or I could make a better dinner with one hand, or He can do that puzzle with his eyes closed. All these phrases are hyperbolic. Also see do blindfolded.

[một người] bị trói tay

Một người đang bị ngăn cản hành động, giúp đỡ hoặc can thiệp theo ý muốn do những trả cảnh nằm ngoài tầm kiểm soát của người đó, chẳng hạn như quy tắc, mệnh lệnh xung đột hoặc các ưu tiên cao hơn. Tôi xin lỗi, tui rất muốn chấp thuận đơn đăng ký của bạn, nhưng tay tui bị ràng buộc bởi các quy định. Công ty tuyên bố rằng họ vừa cố gắng làm tất cả cách để tránh bị cắt lương, nhưng đến thời [gian] điểm này thì tay họ bị trói .. Xem thêm: trói tay, trói

tay bạn bị trói

THÔNG THƯỜNG Nếu bạn bị trói tay, chẳng hạn như luật pháp đang ngăn cản bạn hành động theo cách bạn muốn. Anh ta muốn giúp đỡ nhưng tay anh ta bị trói bởi các quy định được thông qua bởi hội cùng các bộ trưởng. Lưu ý: Bạn cũng có thể nói rằng bạn bị trói tay hoặc có thứ gì đó trói tay bạn. Quy tắc hiện tại ràng buộc bàn tay của những người chơi jockey và tui không cảm giác nó là công bằng. Cô cảm giác thất vọng vì tất cả. `` Chúng tui cảm thấy như thể đôi tay của chúng tui bị trói bởi vì chúng tui không có sức mạnh nào cả. '' Xem thêm: tay, cà vạt. Xem thêm:

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