miren là gì - Nghĩa của từ miren

miren có nghĩa là

1. A silent warrior;
2. Someone who has great technical abilities but keeps quiet;
3. Someone with an advanced skill but is purposefully made to not get involved or is kept captive.

Ví dụ

Get that miren to help, I bet he knows how to do this but isn't saying

miren có nghĩa là

Thought to be as a god and has been said to have super human intellect

Ví dụ

Get that miren to help, I bet he knows how to do this but isn't saying

miren có nghĩa là

Thought to be as a god and has been said to have super human intellect

Ví dụ

Get that miren to help, I bet he knows how to do this but isn't saying Thought to be as a god and has been said to have super human intellect

miren có nghĩa là

Damn I wish I was a Miren then I wouldn’t have to go to school and want to kill myself everyday

Ví dụ

Get that miren to help, I bet he knows how to do this but isn't saying

miren có nghĩa là

Thought to be as a god and has been said to have super human intellect

Ví dụ

Damn I wish I was a Miren then I wouldn’t have to go to school and want to kill myself everyday A vegan siren. A: Hey you want some bacon?

miren có nghĩa là

B: No I'm Miren

Ví dụ

A Filipino word for someone who is always buried in their books... even on weekends. I revised 24/7 this weekend! OMG I'm such a Miren -.-

miren có nghĩa là

To be the recipient of something sexually fulfilling. Girl: I pulled some dude in the club yesterday. He was incredible in bed Friend: you've been mirened A really Sarcastic person. Loves to spill the tea and does not have a lot of friends. She can be very smart and logic, but she can also be the most cruel and mean ever. A very stubborn girl. Loves to read books and Si-Fy movies and series. She can be a great friend, a person to trust secrets. You probably don't know that she knows lots of secrets of lots of people. She's always hungry and hates everybody . -Bạn có thích anh ấy?
—No, I'm a Miren

Ví dụ

Mirene is a beautiful girl, who laughs pretty much at anything. Very good to be around with her goofy, loud personality and never sad or stressed.When it comes to arguements you BETTER agree with her because she'll do ANYTHING to prove that she's right. [E.g- she'll change her tone and become more aggressive]. She can also be very rude at times, its best not to get rude with her. Oh and remember this girl HAS ALL THE TEA on almost everyone, so mess with her she can break you easily with just a secret of yours. : /

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