Laneige bb cushion whitening review indonesia năm 2024

As you know,, I do fall in love with laneige products. And this is one of my favorites. Laneige BB cushion whitening ❤️

Sebenernya laneige punya 3 tipe buat BB cushion mereka, pore control – whitening – anti aging [aku kasih link langsung ke website mereka ya]. Dan Karena emang kulit aku normal-dry aku milih yang whitening. Sejujurnya yang anti aging itu produk baru mereka sih. Tapi belum niat coba 🙈 Aku di sini pake warna yang sand beige [23] Karena menurutmu aku ini cocok buat yang punya kulit antara yellow – white gt. Tapi kalo kulit kalian agak lebih ke putih tapi bukan putih ala” kulit orang korea, pake beige Akan lebih bagus Karena g lebay, tapi kalo kalian pengen lebih putih silahkan pake ivory.

Sekarang laniege yang di Indonesia punya range warna bb cushion lebih banyak sih, Cuma kalo kalian cari di OL shop korea gt, pilihannya bakal sering ivory, beige, dan sand beige.

Mungkin kalian bingung bedanya apa dari produk BB laneige itu kan, gampangnya, kalo kulit kalian minyak ya pake yang pore control, tapi kalo kulit kalian biasa aja, pake yang whitening, kalo merasa udah banyak wrinkles pake anti aging. Tapi, buat yang whitening, menurut aku, dia Akan jadi sedikit bikin kulit lebih putih daripada produk yang lain setelah kalian apply diwajah. Entah mungkin Karena emang ada kandungan yang berbeda Ato enggak sih,, Cuma di aku jadi lebih putih.

I’m so in love with this one because, ini gampang banget di apply, terus g cracky sama sekali, dan gampang banget dibaurinnya. Sekali pake aja udah bisa nutup blemish aku sih, dan supernya under eye aku juga udah lumayan ketutup. Walau g 100% sih paling 30% dan 50% kalo aku cover lagi pake bb cushion ini. Selain itu bikin kulit aku lebih putih plus, abis aku pake ini, g kerasa kering tapi malah kayak agak bikin moisturize kulit gt, which means kalo kalian punya oily skin bakal bikin muka jadi kilang minyak 🤣

Bb cushion laneige ini emang punya upgrade dari versi lama mereka dan yakin casenya aja cantik banget, jadi bikin kalo touch up itu muka makin cantik, mungkin Karena efek casenya sih 🙈 Ada juga upgrade buat manfaatnya bisa diliat di web langsung ya, panjang soalnya ✌🏻✌🏻

Ini aku kasih swatch di tangan aku ya, maafkan tangannya lagi di kondisi terparah karena g aku rawat beberapa hari ini 🙈

​​​ Nah warnanya jadi sama aja kan, which means dia emang menghasilkan warna yang natural di wajah aku. Tapi Karena saking natural nya jadi kayak g pake 😅. Jadi kalo buat hari” biasa oke sih. Dan mungkin besok aku bakal beli lagi yang beige aja, biar bisa dipake selain pas kerja hahaha.

So, conclusionnya buat yang whitening ya khususnya:


  • Easy to use Karena g cracky dan sponge nya enak bgt dipake.
  • Bikin kulit sedikit lebih putih
  • Kemasannya cantik dan handy
  • Coverage medium
  • Moisturize our skins
  • Hasilnya natural dewy look
  • Long lasting, dipake wudlu aja aman… tapi kalo mau touch up jg bisa sih, dia g Akan cracky kok.


  • Pricy [kalo di toko sekitar 500-600 dan ok shop 380-450. Walaupun sebenernya itu udah dapet refill jg sih]
  • Kalo dipake >12 jam kadang bikin muncul bintil” kecil [FYI kadang aku pake bisa sampe 18 jam Karena kerjaan aku]
  • Sedikit Oxides kalo kalian pake > 10 jam. Tapi g sampe bikin kulit jadi 1 warna dibawah warna kulit asli kalian sih.

Tambahan aku kasih unboxing aku ya, dan aku beli di ol-shop yang pas banget dia jual yang tanpa refill. Soalnya aku mau coba dulu kan, kalo g cocok bisa ganti gt maksudnya 🤣 harganya 275k, sedikit mahal emang daripada d ol shop biasanya aku beli, tapi tak apalah…. *menghibur diri

REPURCHASE: YES! Tapi mau ganti shade warna yang 1 tingkat di atas 23 hahaha Rate: 4,5/5

Hai, I'm narita. A girl who love make up, ice cream, and super junior [Kpop] 🤣 안녕하세요.. 저는 나리타~ 당신을 만나서 반갑습니다 View all posts by naerita

Today I'm going to be talking about the Laneige BB Cushion Whitening in the shade 11! I picked up this cushion because I heard that the shade 11 was great for pale skin, and for once I am not disappointed!

Brightens inside and outside skin! “Whitening BB Cushion” makes skin look clear and bright with dual whitening care

1. Expresses ultimate bright skin without darkening! Technology applied to cushion for the first time! Sparkling Coat™ Pigment Technology coated with pearl and water provides ultimate brightness and moisture to skin.

2. Makes skin look bright and clear! Whitening ingredient such as melacrusher of Laneige White Plus Renew Original Essence brightens inside skin once more.

3. Close adherence to skin! Long-lasting brightness! Super Flex Lasting™ technology keeps skin looking bright all day long by increasing the adherence and lasting power of makeup.


In Korea, whitening does NOT mean skin bleaching. It refers to glowy skin and lightening of scarring with ingredients like Niacinamide.

This cushion comes in standard cushion packaging. The outer packaging is really elegant and pretty which I like, and it contains a mirror and a standard though slightly smaller than usual cushion puff. The cushion itself has a quilted pattern which looks nice but doesn't add value to the product.

I chose the shade 11 which is the lightest. Laneige offers a warm toned range which is indicated by just using numbers, and also cool tones of the same shades which include a C to indicate cool toned. Laneige also offers a wider range of shades than most companies, though as usual they have more shades on the lighter side than they do on the darker side. [Small side info for those that have wondered how I got into K Beauty, the foundations generally run pale enough for me in the KBeauty world and also are generally warm toned, whereas in the western world the lightest shade is almost always cool toned which initially interested me].

Shade 11 actually starts out being quite comparable to my perfect shade match of NARS Sheer Glow in Siberia. However, it does oxidise a touch. It still works very well with my skin tone and colour, however if I wanted to contour or bronze my face I would look off balance to the rest of my body. But for everyday use this is a great colour.

I find this cushion fairly easy to apply, but found that I really needed to squish the cushion puff into the cushion to pick up an adequate amount of product.

It also gives me light to medium coverage. It struggles to conceal red acne scarring and acne itself, but does a great job on the lighter scars. My skin still looks realistic, which I like. This cushion also leaves my skin looking quite dewy and moisturised which is great for winter, but not a product I would use myself in summer.

After 8 hours this cushion holds up pretty well, though there is a little oil through my T-Zone.

It doesn't look overwhelmingly oily, but it is a little more oily looking than dewy looking.

I also found that this cushion clung to dry areas on my face, especially around my eyes and mouth which get very dry during winter. It's not a deal breaker, but it is a little annoying.

What I Love

- Elegant, functional packaging - Lovely Pale Shade - Comes in Cool or Warm tones [YAS] - Light to medium coverage - Dewy, moisturised finish

What I Don't Love

- Oxidises just a little - Puff doesn't pick up that much product - Average oil control - Clings to some dry areas

Final Thoughts

I absolutely love the colour of this cushion, it's not often that products come in shades quite this pale [though there are a ton that are one shade darker!] so I am really pleased that the colour looks good on me! However, the formula isn't perfect, though I have pretty high standards. I found that the formula doesn't really control oil, but it also clings to dry patches on my skin so although it looks beautiful for the first 5-6 hours, it does start to look a little tired at the end of the day. I do wish that it wouldn't oxidise, and that the puff would pick up a little more product, but I can work through that. I'll still finish up this cushion as well as the refill that came with mine and try to make it work a little better, but I am interested in trying out the pore controlling cushion that Laneige makes too! This cushion isn't completely perfect for me, but it's still a product I would use again and one that I would recommend to Princesses who are struggling to find a cushion that it pale enough on either the warm or cool toned side since they make the shade 11 in both tones.

I would recommend the Laneige BB Cushion Whitening to any Princesses looking for a super pale BB Cushion that comes in equally pale warm and cool tones!

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