Household names là gì

household name Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

household name

A person, thing, or brand that has become widely popular or commonly known. Because it has made reliable and affordable household appliances for over a decade, the company has become a household name. I knew that winning at the Olympics would change my life, but I didn't realize that I would become a household name!See also: household, name

*a household name

and*a household wordFig. well known by everyone; commonly and widely known. [*Typically: be ~; become ~; make something ~.] I want my invention to become a household word. Some kid named Perry Hodder has become a household name!See also: household, name

a household name

COMMON If a someone or something is a household name, they are famous or known by many people. In one week, I will have become a household name to every man on Earth. They aim to make Tesco a household name in their country.See also: household, name

a ˌhousehold ˈname/ˈword

a name/word that is extremely well known: The business she founded made her into a household name. Microsoft is a household name.See also: household, name, word
See also:
  • a household name
  • a household name/word
  • household
  • household word
  • [someone or something] to be reckoned with
  • that feeling when
  • also
  • also known as
  • down with the swirl
  • swirl

a household name

"a name everyone knows; name of a famous person" Mario Lemieux, the hockey star, soon became a household name.

household name

[See a household name]

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