hillary clintons là gì - Nghĩa của từ hillary clintons

hillary clintons có nghĩa là

Incredibly she is the Senator from New York. Those who helped put her in office are now completely unable to point out a single accomplishment by this troll in the 4-plus years she's been here.

She immediately forgot the Western New York population as soon as her blinders were adjusted towards her White House prospects. Yet every time she takes a nice shit we have to hear about it in our local media. Apparently uninteresting news reporting is far more suitable to the Buffalo media than demanding she account for a single accomplishment for her constituents.

Has been completely silent about the budget disaster in Erie County because it doesn't jive with her photo ops in Iraq, and because she couldn't give a rat's ass.

A woman in the White House? Sure, why not? But for the love of all that is sacred, not her!

Grab her by her cankles and send her back to Arkansas.


Tonight on the 11 o'clock news: Hillary Rodham Clinton made a visit to Buffalo today, where she spoke about issues important only to today's polling, and quickly left without answering any unscripted questions. Gee, let's put her in the White House.

hillary clintons có nghĩa là

Former first lady of the United States. She is married to former president Bill Clinton.


hillary clintons có nghĩa là

An American female politician whom most guys pretend to find unattractive, but secretly find rather hot, due to factors such as looking somewhat like Emma Thompson, stimulating political disagreement, exciting prospect of forbidden carnal knowledge, ambiguous male / female dominance and submission roles and maybe a spanking if she's been bad.


Jim was ragging on about "that b*tch* Hillary Clinton" last night but I know that he sometimes whacks off while fantasizing about her.

hillary clintons có nghĩa là

The winner of 2016 election if everything goes well



hillary clintons có nghĩa là

Hillary Rodham Clinton was the First Lady of Arkansas before serving as First Lady of the United States. She is married to ex-President William "Bill" J. Clinton. Her focus is mainly on children, women's rights, and medical advancements.

-She initiated such projects like the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997, Save America's Treasures program, and the Millennium Project.
-She helped the many veterans of World War II to find out about an awful illness caused by Agent Orange.
-She is regarded as the most openly empowered presidential wife in history next to Eleanor Roosevelt.
-She was one of the first of her time to speak out against the Taliban's poor treatment of women.
-She is the first First Lady to run for elected office, and the first to win
-She is the Senator of New York
-Secured $21.4 billion to help clean up after the 9/11 attacks in New York
-Is considered a Liberal
-Her main views are to fight terrorism, support working families, independent markets/press/branches of government, strong united nations, universal health care, eliminating without criminalizing abortion, and believes that states should decide whether or not gay marriage should be legal

And finally, she is a part of the group that recognizes that not all East Asians are terrorists.


Who do you want for President in 2008? Dick, or the woman who's husband's dick got blown?

"Our lives are a mixture of different roles. Most of us are doing the best we can to find whatever the right balance is . . . For me, that balance is family, work, and service." -Hillary Clinton

hillary clintons có nghĩa là

A much villified [past & present] former first lady who is too smart to let the "vast" number of right wing Shite Stains and "Christian" GOPers keep her down. Screw their glass ceilings and hopes for a totalitarian state run by OWM [Old White Men].


Hillary Clinton has the support & respect of at least 50% of free thinking Americans and is even more admired abroad. The rest of the can go take a hike. Hillary says... "Bite me!"

hillary clintons có nghĩa là

One who once held tight to certain conivctions, but soon realized that a goal was more easily achieved by trying to make everyone happy by suddenly accepting everyone's ideas; Rice Pudding.
Turning into a "centrist" for personal gain.


To win I must make everyone happy. I'll become a Hillary Clinton.

He WAS original, but now he's becoming a Hillary Clinton.

Guy 1: How'd you get her to go with you?
Guy 2: We had long conversations in English class. She likes me for who I am.
Guy 1: BS, she hates everything you represent.
Guy 2: Haha, you're right, all i had to do was be a Hillary Clinton. She ate it all up.

hillary clintons có nghĩa là

Most caring, strong, powerful, understanding ,smat, qual. and beautiful woman runnig for president.
She had got a good heart and a place for blacks, gays, latinos, women just for everyone who didn't hurt somebody....It is a shame that america is full of racists and sexist bc otherwise they'd have the best president ever. @hillaryclinton.fanpage on insta


Did u see that beautiful badass in a jumpsiut?
Must have been Hillary Clinton!

hillary clintons có nghĩa là

An inspiration to pant suit wearing, short haired feminists everywhere.


I am probably going to need a chain saw to remove that overgrown tree in my front yard. The trunk is easily the circumference of Hillary Clinton's cankles.

hillary clintons có nghĩa là

Two words Ani-Christ


Well just watch the news for 5 minutes. Youll see Hillary Clinton somewhere

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