Help is at hand là gì

Photo byStartaê Team
The matter at/in hand = vấn đề trong tay -> nghĩa là điều đang được thảo luận, cái được ưu tiên nhất.
Ví dụ
[The rules] were clearly broken, Richards told iPolitics. Theres clearly an effort here to avoid the meetings. Theres clearly an effort to cover up the matter at hand, which is the WE scandal.
This leads us to the matter at hand: the quickly approaching 2020 Presidential Debates. While recent polls show a ten point lead for Joe Biden heading into the debates, Biden sits at a 21 point deficit in supporter strength, with 89 percent of Trump supporters voicing strong support and Biden at a much more slender 68 percent. This means the election could very much still be in play, but the ball is most certainly in Bidens court.
While committee of the whole meetings typically see members of council debate the matter at hand, asking staff questions and potentially putting forward amendments [sự sửa đổi, bổ sung] ahead of an upcoming ratification [sự phê chuẩn, thông qua] vote at the next council meeting, Mondays meeting was instead dominated by the large number of people who called in to speak on the project.
Ka Tina
Bài trước:The best of men are but men at best nghĩa là gì?


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