Full of promise là gì

Tương lai còn dài với những người trẻ tuổi. Photo by Braden Collum on Unsplash

"Show/have a lot of promise" = hứa hẹn nhiều tiềm năng/ cho thấy tương lai sáng lạn.

Ví dụ
You certainly show a lot of promise. The boy, grumbling [càu nhàu], sent his way every dirty word he had memorized.

I showed a lot of promise as a junior athlete [vận động viên trẻ], he says. I ran really fast when I was young and didnt understand what came of that."

I was angry at both Viktoria and Abe. Their words had hurt me, but there'd been truth in them. This wasn't my world. I had other things to do with my life. And I had a lot of promises to keep.

"The team is looking very promising, they're very young," Kenyon said. "We have three eighth graders and a freshman in the starting lineup [đội hình xuất phát], but we are showing a lot of promise and a lot of growth -- the team has jelled [tập hợp] and come together and is working hard every day."

Thu Phương

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