aloe là gì - Nghĩa của từ aloe

aloe có nghĩa là

when you pick up the phone, you say "alo" as the first word, just like "hello"

Ví dụ

john: "alo, who is this?"
phone: "this is the police"
john: "oh"

aloe có nghĩa là

Alo is undefinable. It is derived from the tribal language of the Bengali. It is commonly used in Spanish conversations.

Ví dụ

john: "alo, who is this?"
phone: "this is the police"
john: "oh"

aloe có nghĩa là

Alo is undefinable. It is derived from the tribal language of the Bengali. It is commonly used in Spanish conversations. A LÔ!

Ví dụ

john: "alo, who is this?"
phone: "this is the police"
john: "oh"

aloe có nghĩa là

Alo is undefinable. It is derived from the tribal language of the Bengali. It is commonly used in Spanish conversations.

Ví dụ

john: "alo, who is this?"
phone: "this is the police"

aloe có nghĩa là

john: "oh" Alo is undefinable. It is derived from the tribal language of the Bengali. It is commonly used in Spanish conversations.

Ví dụ

This world is aloed.
I just failed a math exam, alo. Averagely cool.

aloe có nghĩa là

Not awesome, and not suckish.

Ví dụ

Person A: I am going to see the new movie tonight!
Person B: Ahh. That’s aloe, but I am going to Miami tomorrow!

aloe có nghĩa là

Person A: You win, you win!

Ví dụ

when your moist wet vagina releases a hard cock in the middle of a rainy night

aloe có nghĩa là

whys cabo not here today?......................

Ví dụ

You didnt hear man he had his alos last night.

aloe có nghĩa là

That state between epic and uncool.

Ví dụ

When something is just pleasently suprising. Tom: What are the plans for tonight?
Jack: Maybe a movie and some food?
Tom: Ahh, that sounds aloe, but how about we hype it. Kanye West is playing at the 02!
Jack: Sure thing! french way to say hello. the don't pronounce the hello, and change the e to an a sound.

aloe có nghĩa là

phone rings
person: alo? Using a better alternative than lotion to masterbate. Oh god the Aloe lasted so much longer than the generic lotion last night. short for someone's name. Giống của tôi! alo is like jlo but jlo copied alo cuz alo is better and qter than jlo and jlo sucks and alo rocks. A new age word that means 'cool' or 'dope' That girl has mad aloe bro.
Whoa you're right she's so aloe.

Ví dụ

Want to go to Alo with me tonight, after the basketball game?

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