2023 Tundra Limited Lunar Rock

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Is Lunar Rock available in 2023?

Adventure Awaits. 2023 Toyota 4Runner Lunar Rock SUV Conquer the great outdoors with the 2023 Toyota 4Runner Lunar Rock SUV. Equipped with a 4. 0L V6 DOHC 24V engine, 4WD, and a 5-speed automatic transmission with ECT, this SUV is built for off-road adventures.

What is the difference between Toyota Tundra 2023 Limited and Platinum?

The price is about $65k out the door for both. The Platinum only has all-weather mats and black tailgate lettering; 5. 5' bed The Limited has the TRD off-road, JBL, Limited premium package, PVM/BSM; 6. 5' bed . Both 4x4, non-hybrid. The big difference to me is the leather to Limited's soft-tex.

What is the mpg for a 2023 Tundra Limited hybrid?

2023 Toyota Tundra Hybrid Limited. Up to 20 mpg city/24 mpg highway * 2023 Toyota Tundra Hybrid Platinum. Up to 20 mpg city/24 mpg highway* 2023 Toyota Tundra Hybrid 1794 Edition. Up to 20 mpg city/24 mpg highway*

What color is Lunar Rock in a Toyota Tundra?

The Lunar Rock color from Toyota is a light green with silver or gray tones . It appears as seafoam green or greenish silver in most lighting.

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