Which of the following terms is used to describe the external and internal reproductive organs

1. Which of the following terms is used to describe the external and internal reproductive organs? Urethra Genitalia Androgens Gonadotropins

Genitalia The genitalia have both internal and external reproductive organs.

2. Which of the following terms is used to describe the female reproductive cells? Ova Ovaries Uterus Cervix

Ova The ova are the female reproductive cells.

3. Which of the following terms describes the release of an ovum from an ovary? Reproduction Fertilization OvulationMenstruation

OvulationThe medical term for the release of an ovum from an ovary is ovulation.

4. An ovum can be fertilized for up to _________ hours after it is released from the ovary. 24 3648 72

72An ovum can be fertilized for up to 72 hours after it is released from the ovary.

5. Which of the following terms is used to describe the structure that contains and nourishes the fertilized ovum as it develops? Fallopian tube Vagina Uterus Skene's gland

Uterus The uterus is the structure that contains and nourishes the embryo from the time of fertilization until the birth of the fetus.

6. Which of the following terms describes the entrance of the uterus? Vagina Cervix Coccyx Urethral meatus

Cervix The entrance of the uterus is called the cervix.

7. Which of the following terms describes the structure that connects the uterus to the outside of the body, a passage into which sperm is introduced, and the canal through which a baby is born? Vagina Cervix Coccyx Urethral meatus


The structure that connects the uterus to the outside of the body is the vagina. This is the passage into which sperm is introduced, and the canal through which a baby is born.

8. The term external genitalia is used to describe which of the following structures? Cervix Vagina Vulva Symphysis pubis


The external genitalia are called the vulva

9. Which of the following terms describes the entire female genital area between the vulva and the anus? Peritoneum Perineum Periconchal Perivulvar

Perineum The entire female genital area between the vulva and the anus is the perineum.

10. Which of the following terms describes the maturational, hormonal, and growth processes that occur when the secondary sex characteristics develop and the reproductive organs begin to function? Menarche Libido Puberty Menopause

Puberty The term to describe maturational, hormonal, and growth processes that occur when the secondary sex characteristics develop and the reproductive organs begin to function is puberty.

11. Approximately _______________ girls under the age of 20 become pregnant each year. 25,000 500,000 1 million 5 million

1 million Approximately 1 million girls under the age of 20 become pregnant each year.

12. Which of the following is the only contraceptive device to protect against sexually transmitted diseases? IUD BCP Patch Condom

CondomThe condom is the only contraceptive to protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

13. Which of the following terms is used to describe the male reproductive cell? TestisScrotum Spermatozoa Seminal vesicles.

Spermatozoa The male reproductive cell is called the spermatozoa

14. Which of the following terms describes the structures that produce the sperm? Testes Scrotum Vas deferensProstate

Testes The testes produce sperm.

15. Which of the following terms is used to describe a structure that secretes a thin, alkaline substance that makes up the largest part of the seminal fluid? Cowper's gland Bulbourethral gland Skene's gland Prostate gland

Prostate gland

The prostate gland secretes a thin, alkaline substance that makes up the largest part of the seminal fluid.

16. Which of the following terms is used to describe the male and female sex glands? Gonads Genitalia Ovum Spermatozoa


Gonads is the term to describe the male and female sex glands.

17. Which of the following hormones is responsible for the higher voice, breast development, and shapeliness that are characteristic of women? Estrogen Progesterone Prolactin Pituitary hormone

Estrogen Estrogen is the hormone responsible for the higher voice, breast development, and shapeliness that are characteristic of women.

18. Which of the following hormones prepares the uterus to carry and nourish the fetus as it grows? Estrogen Progesterone Prolactin Pituitary hormone


Progesterone is the hormone that prepares the uterus to carry and nourish the fetus as it grows

19. If the egg is not fertilized, the hormones cause the uterine lining to be shed, resulting in: menopause. menarche. menstruation. mensuration.

menstruation. If the egg is not fertilized, the hormones cause the uterine lining to be shed, resulting in menstruation.

20. Which of the following terms describes the naturally occurring end of menstruation that usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 52? Menarche Menses Menopause Menorrhea

Menopause The naturally occurring end of menstruation that usually occurs between ages 45 and 52 is called menopause.

21. Which of the following hormones is produced by the male gonads? Adrenaline Testosterone Epinephrine Glucagon

Testosterone Testosterone is the male hormone produced by the male gonads.

22. Which of the following is a cause of erectile dysfunction in younger men? Diabetes Decreased testosterone levelsSubstance abuse Medical technologies

Substance abuse

Substance abuse may be a cause of erectile dysfunction in younger men.

23. Which of the following drugs should not be taken while using Viagra? Nitrates Electrolyte replacements Antibiotics Analgesics


Men who take Viagra should not take nitrates.

24. Which of the following is a side effect combining nitroglycerin and Viagra? Arrhythmias Hypotension Hypertension Dysrhythmias


Men who take drugs containing nitrates, such as nitroglycerin, should not take Viagra. The combination causes hypotension.

25. Which of the following terms is used to describe the pituitary hormones that regulate reproduction? Gonadotropins Androgens Prolactin Stimulants

Gonadotropins Gonadotropins are the pituitary hormones that stimulate the gonads to secrete hormones.

26. Which of the following terms describes a drug that stimulates contractions of the uterus used to bring about or strengthen labor? Parturition Oxytocic Gravida Dilator

Oxytocic An oxytocic drug stimulates contractions of the uterus.

27. Which of the following terms is used to describe the period after giving birth? Post-labor Postpartum Post-delivery Post-contraction

Postpartum Postpartum refers to the period after giving birth.

28. Which of the following are the two most common forms of vaginal infections? Chlamydia and herpes Syphilis and gonorrhea Yeast infection and trichomoniasis Toxoplasmosis and human papillomavirus

Yeast infection and trichomoniasis The two most common forms of vaginal infections are yeast infections and trichomoniasis.

29. Which of the following must occur in order to affect a cure for trichomoniasis? Culture and sensitivity to rule out drug resistance must be done. Both partners must be treated simultaneously. Both partners must be treated for a minimum of six months. A Gram stain to correctly identify the causative pathogen must be done, and then a drug with the least amount of side effects must be chosen.

Both partners must be treated simultaneously.

To cure trichomoniasis both partners must take the drug simultaneously.

30. Which of the following terms describes a condition where endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus? Endometriosis Exohysteropexy Endometritis Metrocele

Endometriosis Endometriosis refers to the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus.

Which of the following sexually transmitted diseases could present with symptoms that include night sweats, persistent fevers, diarrhea, enlarged glands, skin rash, and fatigue? Hepatitis B HIV/AIDS Chlamydia Herpes


HIV/AIDS presents with night sweats, persistent fevers, diarrhea, enlarged glands, skin rash, and fatigue.

32. Which of the following terms describes the most common urinary tract infection in older men? Benign prostatic hyperplasia Prostatitis Urethritis Epididymitis

Prostatitis Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland.

33. Which of the following conditions may be indicated by symptoms that include a decrease in the urinary stream, dribbling, and the inability to empty the bladder? Prostatitis Urethritis Benign prostatic hyperplasia Prostate cancer

Benign prostatic hyperplasia Benign prostatic hyperplasia is exhibited by a decrease in the urinary stream, dribbling, and the inability to empty the bladder.

34. Which of the following is the virus that causes most cervical cancers? HIV HBV HPV HSV


Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the virus that causes most cervical cancers.

35. Which of the following hormones could be prescribed after menopause or a total hysterectomy? Progesterone Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) EstrogenLuteinizing hormone (LH)

EstrogenEstrogen is prescribed after menopause or following a total hysterectomy to replace female hormones.

36. Which of the following terms is used to describe a condition in which there is a decrease in total bone mass, a major cause of fractures in postmenopausal women? Hypokalemia Osteomalacia Osteoporosis Osteopenia

Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a condition in which there is a decrease in total bone mass, a major cause of fractures in postmenopausal women.

37. Which of the following terms describes failure to menstruate? Dysmenorrhea Hypomenorrhea Amenorrhea Menopause

Amenorrhea Failure to menstruate is called amenorrhea.

38. Which of the following terms describes the filling up of a body part with blood or other fluid? Enlargement Engorgement Hyperplasia Hypertrophy

Engorgement Engorgement is the filling up of a body part with blood or other fluid.

39. Which of the following is a risk of long-term estrogen replacement? Cervical cancer Colon cancer Endometrial cancer Ovarian cancer

Endometrial cancer Endometrial cancer is a risk of long-term estrogen replacement.

40. Which of the following hormones is given for conditions such as abnormal uterine bleeding, endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, and amenorrhea? Progesterone Follicle-stimulating hormone Estrogen Luteinizing hormone

Progesterone Progesterone is given for conditions such as abnormal uterine bleeding, endometriosis, dysmenorrheal, and amenorrhea.

41. Which of the following are found in combination in oral contraceptives? Estrogen and luteinizing hormone Progestin and follicle-stimulating hormone Follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone Estrogen and progestin

Estrogen and progestinEstrogen and progestin are found in combination in oral contraceptives such as the Pill.

42. Which of the following is NOT a combination type of birth control pills? Monophasic Biphasic Triphasic Tetraphasic

TetraphasicThe combination types of birth control pills are monophasic, biphasic, and triphasic.

43. Which of the following is the purpose of both biphasic and triphasic pills? To decrease weight gain associated with oral contraceptives To provide hormonal fluctuations similar to those that normally occur physiologically To induce amenorrhea To prevent photophobia

To provide hormonal fluctuations similar to those that normally occur physiologically The purpose of biphasic and triphasic pills is to provide hormonal fluctuations similar to those that normally occur physiologically.

44. Which of the following is the action of oral contraceptives? To increase the acidity of vaginal secretions, thus acting as a spermicidal To prevent fertilization from occurring by slowing the release of the ovum from the ovary To inhibit ovulation by suppressing FSH and LH levels To decrease the lumen of the fallopian tubes making fertilization more difficult

To inhibit ovulation by suppressing FSH and LH levels The action of oral contraceptives is to inhibit ovulation by suppressing the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels that are necessary for the development of the ova.

45. Which of the following statements describes the mini-pill? Estrogen-only pill Higher effective rate than regular birth control pills Progestin-only pill Inhibits ovulation by suppressing FSH and LH levels

Progestin-only pill The mini-pill contains a small amount of progestin in each tablet and no estrogen.

46. Which of the following is a type of contraceptive kit available for emergency contraception? Plan A Plan B Plan C Plan D

Plan B

Plan B is a type of contraceptive kit available for emergency contraception.

47. Which of the following is NOT a route that can be used to administer contraceptives? Oral Transdermal Intramuscular Subcutaneous

SubcutaneousBirth control can be administered orally, transdermally, intramuscularly, vaginally, and by implantation.

48. Which of the following hormones can be used to relieve the symptoms of breast cancer? Estrogen Progesterone Testosterone Prolactin

Testosterone Testosterone is a male hormone used to relieve symptoms of breast cancer.

49. Which of the following can occur in a woman using testosterone? Wasting and loss of protein Hypotension and dizziness Deepening voice and increased body hair Weight gain and hair loss

Deepening voice and increased body hair A deepening of the voice and increased body hair may occur in a woman using testosterone.

50. Which of the following terms describes anything used to terminate pregnancy? Abortifacients Gonadotropins Oxytocics Contraceptives

Abortifacients Abortifacients are used to terminate pregnancy.

51. During pregnancy the mammary glands increase in size and secrete which of the following? Milk Oxytocin ProlactinProstaglandin


During pregnancy the breasts grow larger and the mammary glands prepare to secrete the milk that will nourish the baby through the first few months of life.

52. Which of the following is a drug that decreases the symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy? Flomax Fosamax Folic acid Flonase


Tamsulosin (Flomax) is a drug that decreases the symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy

53. A person may develop depression, edema, and apathy while on which of the following medications? 'Progesterone Testosterone Oxytocin Estrogen

Progesterone A person may develop depression, edema, and apathy while on progesterone.

54. Progesterone can be used to treat which of the following conditions? Dysmenorrhea Chlamydia Breast cancer Depression

Dysmenorrhea Progesterone may be used to treat dysmenorrhea.

55. Severe headache, blurred vision, and chest pain are side effects of which of the following? alendronate (Fosamax) Hormone replacement therapy Prolactin finasteride (Proscar)

Hormone replacement therapy Side effects of hormone replacement therapy include severe headache, blurred vision, chest pain, shortness of breath, or leg pain.

56. Dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, and endometriosis can be treated with which of the following? Progesterone Viagra Prolactin Prostaglandins

Progesterone Dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, and endometriosis may be treated with progesterone.

57. The external and internal reproductive organs in both males and females are called _________________.


Explanation: The external and internal reproductive organs in both males and females are called genitalia

58. The female reproductive cells are produced by the _______________.

ovariesExplanation: The female reproductive cells or ova are produced by the ovaries.

59. The ______________ is designed to contain and nourish the fertilized ovum as it develops.

uterusExplanation: The uterus is designed to contain and nourish the fertilized ovum as it develops.

60. The _______________ is the entrance of the uterus.


Explanation: The cervix is the entrance of the uterus

61. The part of the female internal genitalia connecting the uterus to the outside of the body is the ___________________.


Explanation: The part of the female internal genitalia connecting the uterus to the outside of the body is the vagina.

62. If an ovum is fertilized and attaches itself to the lining of the uterus, it begins to develop into a(n) ________________.

fetusExplanation: If an ovum is fertilized and attaches itself to the lining of the uterus, it begins to develop into a fetus.

63. The maturational, hormonal, and growth process that occurs when the secondary sex characteristics develop and the reproductive organs begin to function is termed ________________.


Explanation: Puberty refers to the maturational, hormonal, growth process that occurs when the secondary sex characteristics develop and the reproductive organs begin to function

64. All patients using contraceptive devices other than condoms should be taught that these devices do not prevent ______________________. sexually transmitted diseasesExplanation: All patients using contraceptive devices other than condoms should be taught that devices do not prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

sexually transmitted diseasesExplanation: All patients using contraceptive devices other than condoms should be taught that devices do not prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

65. The male sex cells are produced in the ______________.

testesExplanation: The male sex cells are produced in the testes.

66. The male sex cells are called _________________.

spermatozoaExplanation: Spermatozoa are the male reproductive cells, and are also known as sperm.

67. The prostate gland, the seminal vesicles, and the Cowper's gland all produce mucous and fluids that together with the sperm make up __________.

semenExplanation: The prostate gland, the seminal vesicles, and the Cowper's gland all produce mucous and fluids that together with the sperm make up semen.

68. Sex hormones come from the male and female sex glands, or ___________.

gonadsExplanation: Sex hormones come from the male and female sex glands, or gonads.

69. The higher voice, breast development, and shapeliness that are characteristic of women are caused by the hormone _________________.

estrogenExplanation: A higher voice, breast development, and shapeliness that are characteristic of women are caused by the hormone estrogen.

70. The hormone __________________ prepares the uterus to carry and nourish the fetus as it grows.

progesteroneExplanation: Progesterone prepares the uterus to carry and nourish the fetus as it grows.

71. If the egg is not fertilized, the hormones cause the uterine lining to be shed, resulting in ____________________.


Explanation: If the egg is not fertilized, the hormones cause the uterine lining to be shed, resulting in menstruation.

72. Somewhere between the ages of 45 and 52, the ovaries stop producing hormones and monthly menstruation ceases; this change in hormone production is known as ________________.

menopauseExplanation: Somewhere between the ages of 45 and 52, the ovaries stop producing hormones and monthly menstruation ceases; this change in hormone production is known as menopause.

73. The male gonads, the testes, produce the male hormone __________________.

testosteroneExplanation: The male gonads, the testes, produce the male hormone testosterone.

74. In younger men, erectile dysfunction is most commonly attributed to ________________.

substance abuseExplanation: In younger men, erectile dysfunction is most commonly attributed to substance abuse.

75. In middle-aged men, erectile dysfunction is often the result of _______________ such as bypass surgery, chemotherapy, and organ transplants.

medical technologiesExplanation: In middle-aged men, erectile dysfunction is often the result of medical technologies.

76. A man over 70 may experience erectile dysfunction as a result of declining _______________ levels.

testosteroneExplanation: A man over 70 may experience erectile dysfunction as a result of declining testosterone levels.

77. Men who take medications containing nitrates, such as nitroglycerin, should not take Viagra; the combination causes excessive _________________.

hypotensionExplanation:Men who take medications containing nitrates, such as nitroglycerin, should not take Viagra. The combination causes excessive hypotension.

78. The pituitary hormones—follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)—control several functions of the gonads. For this reason, they are also called __________________.

gonadotropinsExplanation: Gonadotropins are pituitary hormones that stimulate the gonads (ovaries and testes) to secrete hormones.

79. A(n) ______________ may be used to bring about or strengthen labor when a delay would endanger mother or child.

oxytocicExplanation: An oxytocic may be used to bring about or strengthen labor when a delay would endanger mother or child.

80. Abortifacients can be described as anything used to terminate ______________.

pregnancyExplanation: Abortifacients can be described as anything used to terminate pregnancy, as with abortion.

81. To effect a cure for trichomoniasis, ____________________ must receive the drug simultaneously.

both partnersExplanation: To effect a cure for trichomoniasis, both partners must receive the drug simultaneously.

82. Endometriosis is a condition in which endometrial tissue grows outside the _____________.

uterusExplanation: Endometriosis refers to the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus.

83. HIV may be _____________ for as many as 10 years before the onset of symptoms; therefore an infected person can infect another person without knowing it.

latentExplanation: HIV may be latent for as many as 10 years before the onset of symptoms; therefore an infected person can infect another person without knowing it.

84. Persistent fevers, night sweats, diarrhea, headache, enlarged glands, skin rash, and fatigue are symptoms of _____________.

HIV/AIDSExplanation: Persistent fevers, night sweats, diarrhea, headache, enlarged glands, skin rash, and fatigue are symptoms of HIV/AIDS.

85. There is currently no cure for genital ______________; however, flare-ups can be prevented and treated with acyclovir (Zovirax).

herpesExplanation: There is currently no cure for genital herpes; however, flare-ups can be prevented and treated with acyclovir (Zovirax).

86. Hepatitis B can be prevented by _________________.

vaccinationExplanation: Hepatitis can be prevented by vaccination.

87. The older sexually transmitted infections, such as syphilis and gonorrhea, are becoming ______________ to some antibiotics and are still a problem for the healthcare community.

resistantExplanation: The older sexually transmitted infections, such as syphilis and gonorrhea, are becoming resistant to some antibiotics are still a problem for the healthcare community.

88. Inflammation of the prostate, termed _________________, is a disease of older men, and is the most common urinary tract infection.


Explanation: Inflammation of the prostate, prostatitis, is a disease of older men and is the most common urinary tract infection.

89. Twenty to 40 years is the peak age for susceptibility to ______________ cancer in men.

testicularExplanation: Twenty to 40 years is the peak age for susceptibility to testicular cancer in men.

90. Eighty percent of ____________ cancer occurs in men over the age of 65.

prostateExplanation: Eighty percent of prostate cancer occurs in men over the age of 65.

91. Estrogen is administered in drug therapy for several reasons: One is to ___________ female hormones after menopause or following a total hysterectomy.


Explanation: Estrogen is administered in drug therapy for several reasons. One is to replace hormones after menopause or following a total hysterectomy.

92. After menopause, estrogen may also be used to prevent bone thinning, brittleness, and ________________, or spontaneous fracturing.

osteoporosisExplanation:Estrogen may be used to treat osteoporosis, a condition in which there is a decrease in total bone mass. It is a major cause of fractures in postmenopausal women.

93. Estrogen is also used to treat ________________, which is the failure to menstruate.

amenorrheaExplanation: Estrogen is also used to treat amenorrhea, the failure to menstruate.

94. The long-term use of estrogen replacement carries an increased risk of cancer of the ____________.


Explanation: The long-term use of estrogen replacement carries an increased risk of cancer of the endometrium (the uterine lining).

95. Painful menstruation is termed _____________________ and can be treated with progesterone.

dysmenorrheaExplanation: Dysmenorrhea, or painful menstruation, can be treated with progesterone.

96. Patients on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) should be educated to quit smoking because smoking increases the __________________ of HRT.

side effectsExplanation: Patients on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) should be educated to quit smoking because smoking increases the side effects of HRT.

97. The purpose of both biphasic and ______________ oral contraceptives is to provide hormonal fluctuations similar to those that normally occur physiologically.

triphasicExplanation: The purpose of both biphasic and triphasic oral contraceptives is to provide hormonal fluctuations similar to those that normally occur physiologically.

98. The action of oral contraceptives is to inhibit _______________ by suppressing FSH and LH.

ovulationExplanation: The action of oral contraceptives is to inhibit ovulation by suppressing FSH and LH.

99. Oral contraceptives are not recommended for women who ____________.

smokeExplanation: Oral contraceptives are not recommended for women who smoke.

100.Plan B or Prevent is an oral contraceptive kit available for _______________ contraception; these products are to be used after unprotected intercourse or suspected contraceptive failure.

emergencyExplanation: Plan B or Prevent is an oral contraceptive kit available for emergency contraception. These products are to be used after unprotected intercourse or suspected contraceptive failure.

101.The Ortho Evra transdermal system works similar to oral contraceptives. A new ___________ is applied each week for 21 days or for 3 weeks; it is not worn during the fourth week.

patchExplanation: The Ortho Evra transdermal system works similar to oral contraceptives. A new patch is applied each week for 21 days or for 3 weeks; it is not worn during the fourth week.

102.Breast cancer symptoms can be relieved through the use of the androgen ___________________. When used in women, this can result in masculine side effects.

testosteroneExplanation: Breast cancer symptoms can be relieved through the use of the androgen testosterone. When used in women, testosterone can result in masculine side effects.

103.The period after giving birth is termed _______________.

postpartumExplanation: The period after giving birth is called postpartum.

104.An ovum can be fertilized for up to __________ hours after it is released from the ovary.

72Explanation: An ovum can be fertilized for up to 72 hours after it is released from the ovary.

105.Chlamydial infections can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and ______________.

infertilityExplanation: Chlamydial infections can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and infertility.

106.Contraceptive counseling should include educating the patient that the use of _______________ is necessary to prevent sexually transmitted infections.


Explanation: It is important to stress the use of condoms in the prevention of sexually transmitted infections.

107.Teenage mothers and their babies are at greater risk for complications of both pregnancy and delivery such as __________________________ and ___________________________.

premature labor, low birth weightExplanation: Teenage mothers and their babies are at greater risk for complications of both pregnancy and delivery such as premature labor and low birth weight.

108.Viagra is used to treat ______________________.

impotenceExplanation: Sildenafil citrate (Viagra) is used to treat impotence.

109.Pitocin is used to bring about or strengthen _______________ when a delay would endanger mother or child.

laborExplanation: A dose of oxytocin (Pitocin) or similar synthetic drug (called an oxytocic) may be used to bring about or strengthen labor when a delay would endanger mother or child.

110.Miconazole (Monistat 7) is a(n) _____________________ preparation used to treat vaginal infections.

topicalExplanation: Miconazole (Monistat 7) is a topical preparation used to treat vaginal infections.

111.Acyclovir (Zovirax) can be used to treat flare-ups of _________________________.

genital herpesExplanation: Acyclovir (Zovirax) may be used to treat flare-ups of genital herpes.

123.The vaccine ___________________ offers protection from the human papillomavirus (HPV), which can cause cervical cancer.

GardasilFeedback: The vaccine known as Gardasil offers protection from the human papillomavirus (HPV), which can cause cervical cancer.