Which of the following developments in the nineteenth century would most likely help explain the size and composition of the workforce at the Bayer plant?

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21. The beginning of the Industrial Revolution inGreat Britain was most influenced by whichof the following factors?[A] The amount and location of British petroleumreserves[B] The location and large number of British coal deposits[C] The aggressive promotion of industrialization byGeorge III[D] The spread of cotton cultivation in southern England

Which of the following developments in the nineteenth century would most likely help explain the size and composition of the workforce at the Bayer plant as described in the second paragraph?

Answer: The construction of railroads facilitated the migration of people to interior regions.

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Which of the following best describes a conclusion about the relationship between steamships and world trade in the late nineteenth century that is supported by the data in the table? Europe's dominance in the total number of steamships roughly correlates to its dominance in world trade.

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Which of the following most directly explains the importance of improved agricultural productivity to the industrialization of economic production in western Europe in the period 1750-1900 ? Because less labor was needed on farms, more people moved to urban areas to work in factories.

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