Which month is fall 2023 in USA?

Fall Intake in USA 2023 – Getting into an American University is a dream for many students, and to fulfill this, every year, thousands of students apply for various intakes in USA Universities, and very few of them actually make it.

Indians are very much keen to get a degree from America, and as you know, many of the top American companies have Indian CEOs, which is why many South Asian Students plan to complete their degree in the USA. The most popular intake among Indian students is the September Intake. Many American Universities have three prominent intakes- January and September, but the latter is preferred by most students across the globe because of the end of the semester at their universities. For instance, a student from India completes his higher education in May 2023. Thus, he has a chance to apply for the upcoming Fall Intake 2023 in the USA.

Three Prominent Intakes in USA

Here in USA, there are three prominent Intakes which are mentioned below:

  1. Summer Intake [March to May] in USA
  2. Fall Intake [August to September] in USA
  3. Winter Intake [December to January] in USA

Out of this, today we are going to discuss the fall intake in detail. Also, it is one of those intakes that are quite popular in USA, especially in South Asian nations. Therefore, let us begin.

Stepwise Guide to Getting Admission in Fall Intake in USA 2023

Step 1: Which Course?

Ask a crucial question about yourself based on your interest. Which course do you want to pursue and learn with full interest for the coming three years?

Here you have the option to choose your passion over learning, which will help you to make a dream career. Based on your interests, search the Universities in the US offering the same course, what insights are given, and research what the alumni are doing today [This you can find on Linkedin].

Step 2: Which College or University?

Many students want to have that tag of a specific university, for instance, IITian, MITian, etc., which asks whether the university name is really important.

Here you can refer to the previous performance of the University based on their academic records, placement performance, and student-teacher ratio.

Nevertheless, having a tag of a top university changes the perspective of the student because they are going to raise their future selves on the campus. Also, not every student at a leading University becomes successful. As we have exceptions everywhere, a Tier 2 or 3 college student can also achieve heights.

While researching colleges, check their notifications and mark their application starting and deadline dates. To ease your work, set a google calendar reminder.

Therefore, make a priority list of the University depending on its tuition fees, scholarships provided, facilities, future career prospects, etc. Consequently, you can make a wise decision.

Step 3: Which entrance exams? [February 2023 – April 2023]

Universities have their own set of exams to be qualified to get admission to the college. However, some examinations are quite compulsory, for instance, English Proficiency Test. In the arena of entrance exams, we have different exams for various courses

– English Proficiency Exam – IELTS, TOEFL, PRE [You only need one qualifying exam to become eligible]
– Technical Exam – GRE or a technical degree of 3-4 years with a good academic record
– Management Exam – GMAT

The exam is conducted many times a year, and the results usually declare within 2 to 3 weeks. We advise you to give us three months before the start of your course, in case you need to reappear.

Note: English Proficiency Exam is important to get a student VISA

Step 4: Start Filling out your Application Form [February 2023 – April 2023]

Once the application forms are out, you have to fill them with all the correct information and SOP. Statement of Purpose is a document to share your area of interest and convince them to select you for the strong. Having a strong SOP increases your chances of getting chosen by 90%.

Well, writing SOP, keep in mind to make the letter grammatically correct, brainstorm a bunch of ideas, write in a draft and do revision and consult with your counselor. Also, keep in mind that universities have a deadline for fall intake.

Step 5: Apply for Education Loan or Scholarship [May 2023 – July 2023]

To finance your education in a foreign country, you can either get an education loan or a scholarship. If you have good grades throughout your academics and possess some exemplary co-curricular achievements, then you might get lucky to get the entire fee waived.

Step 6: Apply for Student Visa [May 2023 – July 2023]

After you get the admission letter from your dream college, the next step is to apply for a student VISA. The application process usually starts 4-5 months before the commencement of the course. You can apply for F-1 or M-1 visas. To know more about it, you can connect with our counselors.

Once you have the VISA, start packing your bags and prepare for a fantastic experience in the land of opportunities – USA! Fall Intake in USA is an exciting time as the leaves change color and the weather gets cooler. Are you planning to apply to any colleges for Fall Intake in USA?

Step 7: Time to Fly to Study in USA [July 2023 – August 2023]

After receiving your admission letter, you have to book your tickets to avail of great discounts; also, you can fly a month before your course begins. Before going, check where you can stay, such as on or off campus. Also, carry international credit or debit cards for transactions; otherwise, you have to make a bank account when you reach the destination. Therefore, you are ready to start your dream course.

1. Adelphi University
2. American University
3. Arizona State University
4. Auburn University
5. Central Methodist University
6. Cleveland State University
7. Colorado State University
8. DePaul University
9. Florida International University
10. Gonzaga University
11. Jacksonville University
12. Johns Hopkins University
13. Long Island University
14. Louisiana State University
15. Pace University
16. Roosevelt University
17. San Jose State University
18. Texas A&M University
19. The University of Utah
20. Towson University
21. Tulane University
22. University of California
23. University of Central Florida
24. University of Dayton
25. University of Hartford
26. University of Illinois
27. University of Illinois at Chicago
28. University of Kansas
29. University of Massachusetts Amherst
30. University of Massachusetts Boston
31. University of Mississippi
32. University of South Carolina
33. University of South Florida
34. University of the Pacific [United States]
35. University of Utah
36. Wentworth Institute of Technology
37. Western Oregon University

Advantages of Fall Intake in USA 2023

  • It allows you to get admission into the college of your choice as the seats are available in plenty.
  • It has excellent weather compared to other intakes and you can enjoy the changing leaves and cooler temperatures.
  • It gives you time to prepare for your exams and get used to the American education system.
  • A great time to start your studies and get ahead of the game!

Disadvantages of Fall Intake in USA 2023

  • It may not be the best time to apply if you are unsure about your chosen course or college.
  • It may have higher competition for places as more people are likely to apply.
  • You may have a shorter application window, so you must be prepared and organized.


We hope this article gave you all the relevant information regarding the Fall Intake in USA 2023, which will help you to research, prepare, and plan everything. But at times, getting all information may sound overwhelming to a newcomer who just passed out from school or to a parent who does not have much information about foreign universities in US. Therefore, don’t worry because you can rely completely on SecuremyScholarship; we have qualified admission counselors who will assist you with all the information with respect to abroad studies in various countries such as the US, UK, Canada, Dubai, and Australia. Go and fill out our application form and get in touch with us today.

FAQs about Fall Intake in USA 2023

Q1. Which month is fall semester in USA?

The fall semester in USA begins in Late August or September, and generally, the fall semester intake admission is finalized by this time.

Q2. Which semester is best for Study USA?

The fall semester is the best semester for studying in USA because you get many different courses option, which brings plenty of opportunities.

Q3. When should I start applying for fall semester 2023 USA?

For fall intake in the US, you must apply between March to April. But it would be best if you planned to study abroad at the beginning of the year.

Q4. How many days will it take to get admission to USA?

To get admission in USA, it takes 4-5 weeks as the Visa processing is a lengthy process which usually takes 3-4 weeks.

Q5. How long does it take to get an offer letter from US University?

After submission of all the required documents, it takes 4-5 weeks to get an admission letter or an offer letter from US University.

What is the first Day of fall 2023?

First Day of Autumn falls on September 23 this year. When the autumnal equinox arrives in September each year, we greet the arrival of the autumn season. In North America, the autumn season is called 'fall.

What month is fall USA?

While the exact definition of a season's timing and length can differ in different areas based on local conditions, in most of the Northern Hemisphere meteorological fall is generally defined as the three months of September, October and November, with the season starting on September 1 and ending on November 30.

What month is fall 2022 in USA?

Welcome fall! The autumnal equinox—also called the September equinox—arrived on Thursday, September 22. This date marks the start of fall in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere.

What month is fall in 2024?

When is the First Day of Fall 2022?.

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