Which is not a significant difference between manufacturing and service operations?


outputC. labor content of jobsD. customer contactE. measurement of productivity

Uploaded by: ruva_ashley


inia pulvinar torto

ia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Donec aliquet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisi

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Chapter 11.Which is not a significant difference between manufacturing and service operations.

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2.Service involves a much higher degree of customer contact than marketing.

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3.What is credited with gains in industrial productivity , increased standards of living andaffordable products.4.Among Ford’s contributions was the introduction of mass production, using the concept

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of interchangeable parts and division of labor.

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5.Product design and process selection are examples of decisions that are6.Which on of the following would not generally be classified under the heading of

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7.Dealing with the fact that certain aspects of any mgt situation are more important thatothers is called8.Operations mgt and marketing are two functional areas that exist to support activities in

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other functions such as accounting, finance, IT and human resources9.A system approach emphasizes interrelationships among subsystems but its main theme

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is the whole is greater than the sum of its individual parts

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10. Measurement taken at various points in the transformation on process for control purposeare called.11. Operations manager, who usually use quantitative approaches are not really concerned

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with ethical decision making.12. Many operations management decsions can be described as tradeoff

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13. The Pareto phenomenon is one of the most important and pervasive concepts that can be

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applied at al levels of management.

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14. Which of the following is not a type of operations

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What are the main differences between manufacturing and service operations?

While manufacturing operations focus on producing goods and storing them at a warehouse before delivering them to customers, service-providing operations facilitate simultaneous production and consumption of services.

What are 3 significant differences between service and manufacturing operations?

There are five main differences between service and manufacturing organizations: the tangibility of their output; production on demand or for inventory; customer-specific production; labor-intensive or automated operations; and the need for a physical production location.

What is the difference between manufacturing and service business?

In general, manufacturers have a standardized way of producing goods. Goods are produced en masse in a factory or warehouse-type environment. One finished product is generally the same as the next. Service Industries include those industries that do not produce goods and instead provide services.

What is manufacturing and service operation?

The Manufacturing & Service Operations certification track provides a key element of the operations organization in a company. It is chartered to provide and manage resources and to convert raw materials into finished products.

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