Which documentation describes how individual requirements meet the business need for the project?

What Is Scope in Project Management?

First off, scope can refer to either product scope or project scope. It's important to know the difference:

  • Product scope is defined as the functions and features that characterize a product or a service
  • Project scope is the work that must be done in order to deliver a product according to the product's scope [required functions and features]

Project scope is the common understanding among stakeholders about what goes into a project and the factors that define its success. A project's scope is made up of the functionalities or specifications outlined in its requirements.

What is a project scope statement?

Project scope is documented in a scope statement, which is an integral part of any project plan. And what is a scope statement exactly? It's a written document that is used as the basis for project decisions down the line. The scope statement clearly delineates what is in scope [the work required]. Everything else is out of scope. What does out of scope mean in project management? Simply put, this is anything that does not fall within the required functionalities and specifications that are documented in the scope statement.

What is project scope management?

According to the PMBOK: "Managing project scope is primarily concerned with defining and controlling what is and is not included in the project.”

What is involved in project scope management?

Here's where we get down to the process of building that scope statement. The PMBOK recognizes six major scope management processes involved in managing and defining a project's parameters. These are:

1. Planning scope management: A scope management plan is created based on input from the project plan, the project charter, and consultation with stakeholders.

2. Collecting requirements: A requirements management plan is created based on the scope management plan plus stakeholder input. Interviews, focus group discussions, surveys, and more will be used to understand requirements. This will all be documented.

3. Defining scope: A project scope statement is produced based on all the requirements documentation plus the project charter and the scope management plan. This definition will be the basis for all project activity.

4. Creating the Work Breakdown Structure: A Work Breakdown Structure [WBS] is built after analyzing the project scope statement and the requirements documentation. The WBS is basically the entire project broken down into individual tasks, and deliverables are clearly defined.

5. Validating scope: Here, deliverables are inspected and reviewed. Either they're accepted as complete or further revisions are requested.

6. Controlling scope: As the project is executed, scope must be controlled. Performance reports are compared against project requirements to see where gaps exist, which may result in changes to the project plan.

Further reading:

  • 5 Reasons Why Managers Need to Learn Project Management Basics
  • Critical Path Method: A Project Management Essential
  • 3 Ways to Create Your Project Manager Calendar
  • Project Management Basics: 6 Steps to a Foolproof Project Plan

Project scope can be described as "the work that needs to be accomplished to deliver the End Result [product or service or other project's objectives] with the specified features and functions that includes meetings, reports, analysis and all the other parts of Project Management.

PMP®, M.Sc.Eng., Six Sigma, B.Mgt., Training Projects Manager / Academic Manager / Training & Development Consultant

Project scope can be described as "the work that needs to be accomplished to deliver the End Result [product or service or other project's objectives] with the specified features and functions that includes meetings, reports, analysis and all the other parts of Project Management.

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Scope Management Processes

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The sum of the products, services, and results to be provided as a project is called..

The process of creating a scope management plan that documents how the project scope will be defined, validated, and controlled is called..

5.1 Plan Scope Management

The process of determining, documenting, and managing stakeholder needs and requirements to meet project objectives is called..

The process of developing a detailed description of the project and product is called..

The process of subdividing project deliverables and project work into smaller, more manageable components is called..

The process of formalizing acceptance of the completed project deliverables is called..

The process of monitoring the status of the project and product scope and managing changes to the scope baseline is called..

The features and functions that characterize a product, service, or result is called..

The documented narrative description of product scope is called..

Product Scope Descriptions

The work performed to deliver a product, service, or result with the specified features and functions is called..

Includes the processes required to ensure that the project includes all the work required, and only the work required, and only the work required, to complete the project successfully is called..

The description of the project scope, major deliverables, assumptions, and constraints is called..

The approved version of a scope statement, work breakdown structure [WBS] and its associated WBS dictionary, which can be changed only through formal change control procedures and is used as a basis for comparison is called..

Any change to the project scope [scope change almost always requires an adjustment to the project cost or schedule] is called is called..

The uncontrolled expansion to product or project scope without adjustments to time, cost, and resources is called..

A component of the project or program management plan that describes how the scope will be defined, developed, monitored, controlled, and verified is called..

A description of how individual requirements meet the business need for the project.

Requirements Documentation

A component of the project or program management plan that describes how requirements will be analyzed, documented, and managed.

Requirements Management Plan

A grid that links product requirements from their origin to the deliverables that satisfy them.

Requirements Traceability Matrix

A visual depiction of the product scope showing a business system [process, equipment, computer system, etc] and how people and other systems [actors] interact with it

A technique used for dividing and subdividing the project scope and project deliverables into smaller, more manageable parts.

An agreement that sets the fee that will be paid for a defined scope of work regardless of the cost or effort to deliver it.

A project life cycle where the project scope is generally determined early in the project life cycle, but time and cost estimates are routinely modified as the project team’s understanding of the product increases. Iterations develop the product through a series of repeated cycles, while increments successively add to the functionality of the product.

A project life cycle where the project scope is generally determined early in the project life cycle, but time and cost estimates are routinely modified as the project team's understanding of the product increases. Iterations develop the product through a series of repeated cycles, while increments successively add to the functionality of the product.

Those processes required to establish the total scope of the effort, define and refine the objectives, and develop the course of action required to attain the objectives that the project was undertaken to achieve.

For projects that have a product as a deliverable, it is a tool to define scope that generally means asking questions about a product and forming answers to describe the use, characteristics, and other the relevant aspects of what is going to be manufactured.

A numbering system used to uniquely identify each component of the work breakdown structure [WBS].

Which document contains information that describes how the formal verification and acceptance of the project deliverables will be obtained?

The project scope management plan includes preparation of a detailed project scope statement, creation of the WBS, and a process specifying how formal verification and acceptance of the completed project deliverables will be obtained.

Which document should list and describe all of the deliverables required for the project?

Project scope statements should include, at a minimum, a product scope description and detailed information on all project deliverables. The scope of a project should be clear and specific from the start.

Which document shows the origin of each project requirement and tracks what needs to be done throughout the project life cycle to satisfy that requirement?

The requirements traceability matrix is a table that links requirements to their origin and traces them throughout the project life cycle.

Is the process of determining documenting and managing stakeholder needs and requirements to meet project objectives?

Collect Requirements is the process of determining, documenting, and managing stakeholder needs and requirements to meet project objectives. The key benefit of this process is that it provides the basis for defining and managing the project scope including product scope.

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