When assessing a client with emphysema which finding would the nurse expect Quizlet

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Bowel sounds are assessed using the diaphragm of the stethoscope for high-pitched and gurgling sounds [Gu, Lim, & Moser, 2010]. The frequency and character of the sounds are usually heard as clicks and gurgles that occur irregularly and range from 5 to 35 per minute. The terms normal [sounds heard about every 5 to 20 seconds], hypoactive [one or two sounds in 2 minutes], hyperactive [5 to 6 sounds heard in less than 30 seconds], or absent [no sounds in 3 to 5 minutes] are frequently used in documentation, but these assessments are highly subjective [Li, Wang, & Ma, 2012].

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Terms in this set [20]

A nurse is teaching a client about chronic obstructive pulmonary disease​ [COPD]. Which information should the nurse​ include? [Select all that​ apply.]
COPD is a respiratory disorder that has components of chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
After a​ flare-up, the lung tissue returns to normal.
COPD is a curable disease.
COPD exacerbations cause shortness of breath and increased sputum production.
Intermittent​ flare-ups of the symptoms are expected.

​COPD is a respiratory disorder that has components of chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

COPD exacerbations cause shortness of breath and increased sputum production.

Intermittent​ flare-ups of the symptoms are expected.

Rationale: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease​ [COPD] is an incurable disease. It is characterized by periods of​ exacerbation, or​ flare-ups. Lung tissue is permanently damaged with each exacerbation and does not return to normal. COPD does cause the symptoms of dyspnea and increased sputum​ production, and it is a disorder that includes both bronchitis and emphysema.

The nurse is assessing a client who has chronic bronchitis. Which symptom should the nurse expect to​ find? [Select all that​ apply.]
Distended neck veins
Barrel chest
Cough with sputum production
Diminished breath sounds

​Distended neck veins

Cough with sputum production


Rationale: Clients with chronic bronchitis will exhibit distended neck​ veins, a cough with sputum​ production, and wheezing. The client with emphysema would present with diminished breath sounds and a barrel chest.

The nurse is assessing a client diagnosed with emphysema. Which clinical manifestation should the nurse expect to​ find? [Select all that​ apply.]
Barrel chest
Diminished breath sounds
Use of accessory muscles when breathing
Cough with copious amounts of sputum
Hypercapnia noted within laboratory results

Barrel chest

Diminished breath sounds

Use of accessory muscles when breathing

Rationale: Clinical findings that support the diagnosis of emphysema include a barrel​ chest, use of accessory muscles when​ breathing, and diminished breath sounds. A cough with copious amounts of sputum and hypercapnia are indicative of chronic bronchitis.

The nurse is describing the effects of smoking. Which effect should be​ included? [Select all that​ apply.]
Destruction of airways
Inhibited function of alveolar macrophages
Atrophy of​ mucus-secreting glands
Constriction of smooth muscle
Enhanced ciliary movement

​Destruction of airways

Inhibited function of alveolar macrophages

Constriction of smooth muscle

Rationale: Cigarette smoking has been known to cause inhibited function of alveolar​ macrophages, airway​ destruction, and constricted smooth muscle. Cigarette smoking causes impaired ciliary​ movement, not enhanced ciliary movement. Cigarette smoking causes​ mucus-secreting glands to​ hypertrophy, not atrophy.

Which condition should the nurse understand occurs in the pathophysiology of​ emphysema? [Select all that​ apply.]
Fluid buildup in the lungs
Loss of elastic recoil of the lungs
Excessive mucus produced
Enlargement of the alveoli
Decrease in cilia function

​Loss of elastic recoil of the lungs

Enlargement of the alveoli

Rationale: The pathophysiology of emphysema includes enlargement of the alveoli and loss of elastic recoil of the lungs. Decreased ciliary​ function, fluid buildup in the​ lungs, and excessive mucus production occur with chronic​ bronchitis, not emphysema.

The nurse is teaching coughing techniques to a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Which technique should the nurse​ include?
Inhale deeply through the mouth prior to huff coughing.
Limit fluid intake to decrease pulmonary secretions.
Cough​ twice, the first time to loosen mucus and the second time to expel secretions.
Utilize oxygen therapy as needed.

​Cough​ twice, the first time to loosen mucus and the second time to expel secretions.

Rationale: Coughing twice is the correct method that should be included in the teaching. Prolonged coughing tends to be ineffective and increases fatigue. While oxygen therapy may be an important component of​ care, it is to prevent and treat hypoxemia. When inhaling before huff​ coughing, inhale or sniff though the nose to avoid pushing secretions back down into the lungs. Fluid intake should not be limited and is not part of coughing techniques that should be included in the teaching.

The nurse is discussing dietary changes for a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Which advice should the nurse​ include?
Follow a​ low-salt diet.
Restrict fluids.
Increase dairy products.
Follow a​ high-carbohydrate diet.

​Follow a​ low-salt diet.

Rationale: A​ low-salt diet is recommended to prevent fluid​ retention, which can lead to dyspnea and edema. Fluids should not be restricted because they help liquefy secretions and prevent​ dehydration, and clients should be provided with careful recommendations for adequate fluid intake. High carbohydrates are not​ recommended, and dairy products should be avoided because they can thicken secretions.

A​ 6-year-old child is diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease​ [COPD]. Which risk factor should the nurse expect to find in the​ child's history?
Exposure to air pollution
Secondhand cigarette smoke
Inherited genetic abnormality
Repeated bouts of colds and flu

​Inherited genetic abnormality

Rationale: Although secondhand cigarette smoke and exposure to air pollution is detrimental to children and can result in​ long-term lung​ effects, a deficiency of​ alpha-1 antitrypsin​ [AAt] is usually the cause of COPD in children in this age group and is an inherited genetic abnormality. Lung infections can lead to problems as the child ages.

The nurse is caring for a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease​ [COPD] who has shortness of​ breath, a respiratory rate of 28​ breaths/min, and an O2 saturation of​ 92%. Which intervention is contraindicated in this​ client?
Putting the client in supine recumbent position
Administering bronchodilators
Applying oxygen
Performing​ percussion, vibration, and postural drainage

​Putting the client in supine recumbent position

Rationale: Individuals who experience COPD with chronic hypercarbia become dependent on low levels of oxygen in the blood as a stimulus for breathing. In keeping with this​ theory, the alleviation of hypoxia by way of supplemental oxygen administration may lead to respiratory depression or even respiratory failure. Percussion with vibration and postural​ draining, and administration of bronchodilators all may help reduce the symptoms. Putting the client in supine recumbent position would be contraindicated.

The nurse is teaching a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease​ [COPD] about the benefits of an exercise regimen. Which information should the nurse​ include? [Select all that​ apply.]
Dyspnea and fatigue may improve with exercise.
Inhale and exhale rapidly to maintain oxygenation while exercising.
Exercise can prevent the condition from worsening.
Regular exercise improves exercise tolerance and muscle strength.
An exercise regimen can improve the ability to perform activities of daily living​ [ADLs].

​Dyspnea and fatigue may improve with exercise.

Exercise can prevent the condition from worsening.

Regular exercise improves exercise tolerance and muscle strength.

An exercise regimen can improve the ability to perform activities of daily living​ [ADLs].

Rationale: Exercise can enhance the​ client's ability to perform activities of daily living​ [ADLs] and may prevent deterioration of the physical condition. Regular exercise can improve exercise​ tolerance, muscle​ strength, and quality of life in clients with COPD and reduce dyspnea and fatigue. There are several techniques that the client should be taught to enhance breathing during exercise​ [such as​ pursed-lip and abdominal​ breathing]. Rapid breathing will cause fatigue and changes in respiratory status.

The nurse is discussing tests to evaluate the extent of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease​ [COPD]. Which test should the nurse​ include? [Select all that​ apply.]
Pulmonary function tests
​Ventilation-perfusion testing
Lung biopsy
Arterial blood gas analysis

​Pulmonary function tests

​Ventilation-perfusion testing

Arterial blood gas analysis

Rationale: Diagnostic testing used for this client will include pulmonary function​ tests, ventilation-perfusion​ testing, and arterial blood gas analysis. Bronchoscopy and lung biopsy are not indicated for COPD diagnosis and are utilized to diagnose conditions that require direct visualization and testing of lung tissue​ [such as lung​ cancer].

The nurse is planning a collaborative care conference for a client recently diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Which team member should the nurse​ invite? [Select all that​ apply.]
Physical therapist
Occupational therapist
Respiratory therapist
Billing specialist

​Physical therapist

Occupational therapist

Respiratory therapist


Rationale: When planning a care conference for a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary​ disease, a respiratory​ therapist, physical​ therapist, occupational​ therapist, and nutritionist should act as collaborative team members to plan this​ client's care. Billing specialists need not be involved in care conferences.

The nurse is teaching a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease​ [COPD] about the purpose of using a bronchodilator. Which explanation should the nurse​ include?
Exhibits​ anti-inflammatory properties
Has long duration of affect
Strengthens the bronchial muscle contraction
Improves airflow and reduces air trapping

​Improves airflow and reduces air trapping

Rationale: Bronchodilators improve airflow and reduce air trapping in clients with​ COPD, resulting in alleviating dyspnea and improving exercise tolerance. Most bronchodilators have short duration of​ effect, they do not have​ anti-inflammatory properties, and they act by relaxing bronchial smooth​ muscle, not strengthening contracting action.

The nurse is leading a support group for clients and families with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease​ [COPD]. Which item should be discussed as a method to prevent COPD​ exacerbations? [Select all that​ apply.]
Use of cough suppressants
Yearly flu vaccine
Restricting smoking in home environment
Pneumococcal vaccine
Use of cool mist humidifiers

​Yearly flu vaccine

Restricting smoking in home environment

Pneumococcal vaccine

Use of cool mist humidifiers

Rationale: Immunization against pneumococcal pneumonia and a yearly influenza vaccine are recommended to reduce the risk of respiratory infections. Cool mist humidifiers may help lubricate the airways and loosen mucus. Smoking is detrimental to the​ client, and the environment should remain smoke free. Cough suppressants have been shown to be ineffective for this condition.

A client with​ end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease​ [COPD] asks the nurse about lung surgery. Which is the best response by the​ nurse?
​"No surgery is possible when you have​ COPD."
​"Because you cannot tolerate high levels of​ oxygen, surgery is​ impossible."
​"Lung reduction surgery is experimental but may be an​ option."
​"Lung transplants are only done for​ children."

​​"Lung reduction surgery is experimental but may be an​ option."

Rationale: Lung transplants are done for adults with​ COPD, and the procedure has shown promising survival rates. Lung reduction surgery is an experimental option. The procedure reduces the overall volume of the​ lung, reshapes​ it, and improves elastic recoil. As a​ result, pulmonary function and exercise tolerance​ improve, and dyspnea is reduced. Oxygenation is closely monitored in a COPD client during​ surgery, but surgery is possible.

The nurse is completing a health history of a client who has an exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Which should the nurse​ obtain?
Percussion tone
Breath sounds
Peripheral pulses
Current medications

​Current medications

Rationale: The nurse should inquire about the​ client's current medications during the health history. If the client is unable to provide the​ information, a family member can provide this to the nurse. Breath​ sounds, percussion​ tone, and peripheral pulses are physical assessment items that the nurse must obtain during the​ assessment, and they do not require a family​ member's involvement.

The nurse is teaching a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease​ [COPD] about types of irritants that should be avoided. Which irritant should the nurse​ include? [Select all that​ apply.]
​Warm, humid air
Air pollution


Air pollution



Rationale: The nurse should teach a client with COPD to avoid indoor​ pollutants, smoke,​ dust, and air pollution. The client should also avoid very​ cold, dry​ air, not​ warm, humid air. Allergies to pets can cause respiratory distress as well.

The nurse reviews the arterial blood gas​ [ABG] results of a client with​ end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease​ [COPD]. Which finding should the nurse​ expect?
Low CO2 with hypoxia
Normal CO2 with hypoxia
Hypercapnia with hypoxia
Hypercapnia with normal oxygenation

​Hypercapnia with hypoxia

Rationale: Hypercapnia, or elevated
​levels, and​ hypoxia, or decreased oxygen​ levels, are expected findings of an​ end-stage COPD client due to ineffective gas exchange.

The nurse gave discharge instructions to a client who has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease​ [COPD]. Which action by the client indicates that the teaching was​ effective?
Eats a least two large meals per day
Maintains oxygen saturation of at least​ 95%
Maintains adequate fluid intake by taking at least 5 quarts of fluid daily
Wears an identification band and carries a list of medications

​Wears an identification band and carries a list of medications

Rationale: Wearing an identification band and carrying a current list of medications is very important in case of emergency. The client with COPD should eat​ small, frequent​ meals, because the effort of eating can lead to fatigue. Oxygen saturation in a COPD client should be around​ 90%. Higher saturations can affect the drive to breathe. Adequate fluid intake is​ important, but it should be between 0.5 to 2.5 quarts per day.

The client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has severe​ hypercapnia, hypoxemia,​ lethargy, and cyanotic nail beds. Which treatment should the nurse expect to be​ ordered?
High flow oxygen administration
Respiratory treatment with bronchodilators
Percussion and postural drainage
Endotracheal intubation

​Endotracheal intubation

Rationale: This client is in respiratory failure and is decompensating. Intubation will aid in increasing oxygenation​ [which will treat the lethargy and​ cyanosis] and decrease the
level​ [aid in decreasing​ lethargy]. High flow oxygen will only treat​ hypoxemia; bronchodilators may open airways but are not indicated for respiratory failure. Percussion and postural drainage will help mobilize secretions but will not treat the critical gas exchange problem quickly enough.

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What are the expected assessment findings with emphysema?

Findings on general physical examination can be cyanosis, tachypnea, use of accessory respiratory muscles, paradoxical indrawing of lower intercostal spaces is evident [known as the Hoover sign], elevated jugular venous pulse and peripheral edema.

Which of the following clinical findings is common with emphysema?

Symptoms of emphysema may include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and an increased production of mucus. Often times, symptoms may not be noticed until 50 percent or more of the lung tissue has been destroyed.

Which of the following occurs with emphysema quizlet?

Which of the following occur with emphysema? The walls of the alveoli degenerate, decreasing the surface area for gas exchange.

What are the two clinical manifestations of emphysema?

Early symptoms of pulmonary emphysema may include: Cough. Rapid breathing. Shortness of breath, which gets worse with activity.

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