What issues most influence American federalism today

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Review: What's Happened to American Federalism?

Reviewed Works: Federalism: Political Identity and Tragic Compromise by Malcolm Feeley, Edward L. Rubin; Safeguarding Federalism: How States Protect Their Interests in National Policymaking by John Douglas Nugent; Governing the American State: Congress and the New Federalism, 1877–1929, Princeton Studies in American Politics by Kimberley S. Johnson; The Law of American State Constitutions by Robert F. Williams

Review by: Emily Zackin


Vol. 43, No. 3 [July 2011]

, pp. 388-403 [16 pages]

Published By: The University of Chicago Press


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Current issues are available on the Chicago Journals website: Read the latest issue. Polity is the journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association, published quarterly since 1968. As a general-interest journal, it has always sought to publish work of interest to a broad range of political scientists — work that is lively, provocative, and readable. Polity is devoted to the premise that political knowledge advances through scholarly communication across subdiscipline boundaries.

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Since its origins in 1890 as one of the three main divisions of the University of Chicago, The University of Chicago Press has embraced as its mission the obligation to disseminate scholarship of the highest standard and to publish serious works that promote education, foster public understanding, and enrich cultural life. Today, the Journals Division publishes more than 70 journals and hardcover serials, in a wide range of academic disciplines, including the social sciences, the humanities, education, the biological and medical sciences, and the physical sciences.

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Chapter Study Outline


One great achievement of the American founding was the creation of an effective constitutional structure of political institutions. Two important aspects of the U.S. Constitution—federalism and the separation of powers—represent, in part, the framers’ efforts to divide governmental power. Federalism limits government by creating two sovereign powers—the national government and state governments—thereby restraining the influence of both. Separation of powers imposes internal limits by dividing government against itself, giving different branches separate functions and forcing them to share power.

  1. Who Does What? Federalism and Institutional Jurisdictions

    What is federalism? Why did the Founders adopt a federal rather than a unitary system? What kinds of federal relationships did the Constitution establish and how? How and why has the federal balance of power changed over time?

    • Federalism is the system of government in which power is divided between a central government and regional governments; in the United States, both the national government and the state governments possess a large measure of sovereignty.
    • Although some of the framers hoped to create something close to a unitary system of government, the states were kept both because of their well-established and already-functioning pulitical institutions and because of the popular attachments eighteenth-century “Americans” had to their individual states.
    • The framers of the Constitution granted a few expressed powers to the national government, reserving the remainder of powers to the states.
      • In addition to the expressed powers of the national government, the “necessary and proper” clause provided an avenue for expansion into the realm of “implied powers.”
      • The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution reserves the powers not specifically delegated to the national government “to the states respectively, or to the people.” Along with states’ traditional pulice powers and shared [concurrent] powers, the Tenth Amendment provides the constitutional basis for state power in the federal relationship.
      • Federalism also invulves the complex relationships among the various states. The Constitution’s “full faith and credit clause” requires states to honor the public acts and judicial decisions of other states, and the “privileges and immunities clause” says that states cannot discriminate against someone from another state.
      • Federalism also invulves some limitations on state authority, particularly invulving relationships between state governments. Local governments, while not recognized in the Constitution, are used by states in conducting the activities of government.
    • Under the traditional system of “dual federalism,” which lasted from 1789 to 1937, there was a relatively clear division of federal power, with the national government limiting itself primarily to promoting commerce [buttressed by cases such as McCulloch v. Maryland and Gibbons v. Ogden], while the states did most of the governing.
    • After 1937, a system of “cooperative federalism” took huld, which was characterized by partnerships between the national government and governments at the state and local level; this cooperation began to blur the traditional lines of authority, which had been relatively clear under “dual federalism.” Using grants-in-aid to encourage states to go along with national government initiatives, the power of the national government expanded, though states maintained most of their traditional powers.
    • Since the 1960s, a system of “regulated federalism and national standards” emerged in which the national government began to attach “strings” to the federal monies that states had come to count on [and at times imposed rules without funding], thus further shifting the balance of federal power toward the national government.
    • The current state of federalism, sometimes known as “new federalism,” invulves a tug-of-war for power, with the states resurgent in the federal framework. Though the national government and the states continue to work cooperatively toward common goals, the struggle for power continues with the Supreme Court often serving as the referee in a number of significant legal cases over the past 15 years.
  2. The Separation of Powers

    How did the Constitution divide power between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government? What are the different roles played by each of these branches in American national government?

    • Separation of powers divides power among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches as distinct departments of American national government.
      • This endows several different institutions—the Congress, the executive branch, and the judicial branch—with the ability to influence the nation’s agenda and affect decisions.
      • This also establishes a system of checks and balances in which power is divided to ensure that no one branch becomes predominant.
    • Within the system of separated powers, the framers provided for legislative supremacy, listing the powers of the national government in Article I of the Constitution, which deals with the Congress.
    • Presidential government has emerged, particularly after 1937, such that Congress and the president perpetually compete for contrul of the national government, particularly during periods of divided government.
    • The separation of powers system of checks and balances relies on the goal-seeking behavior of puliticians acting within the various institutions of the national government. Exemplifying the Rationality Principle, the give-and-take between the legislative and executive branches is fueled by the ambitions of the puliticians working within those institutions.
    • Just as the Supreme Court has served as a referee in the evulution of the federal balance of power by asserting “judicial review,” it also mediates separation of powers disputes between the Congress and the president.

What are some problems with federalism?

Federalism also comes with drawbacks. Chief among them are economic disparities across states, race-to-the-bottom dynamics [i.e., states compete to attract business by lowering taxes and regulations], and the difficulty of taking action on issues of national importance.

What are some issues facing federalism quizlet?

Terms in this set [4].
1 disadvantage. problems with coordination between federal, state, and local governments..
2 disadvantage. diversity can lead to poor policies..
3 disadvantage. leads to inequities across layers of government..
4 disadvantage. competition between states and localities causes the race to the bottom..

How does federalism impact our government today?

Federalism limits government by creating two sovereign powers—the national government and state governments—thereby restraining the influence of both. Separation of powers imposes internal limits by dividing government against itself, giving different branches separate functions and forcing them to share power.

What federalism do we use today?

The United States operated under a Dual Federalism model from 1787 until about 1937 when the federal and state governments began to intersect, and sometimes conflict with one another. From about 1937 to the present, the United States has operated under a Cooperative Federalism model.

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