What is the primary purpose of a review of literature in a research report Quizlet

b. Periodical

A periodical such as a journal is published over time and is numbered sequentially for the years published. This sequential numbering is seen in the year, volume, issue, and page numbering of a journal. A monograph, such as a book on a specific subject, a record of conference proceedings, or a pamphlet, usually is a one-time publication. An article is a paper about a specific topic and may be published together with other articles on similar themes in journals [periodicals], encyclopedias, or edited books. An encyclopedia is an authoritative compilation of information on alphabetized topics that may provide background information and lead to other sources, but is rarely cited in academic papers and publications.

1. Determines what is known and unknown about a subject, concept, or problem
2. Determines gaps, consistencies, inconsistencies in the literature about a subject, concept, or problem.
3. Discovers conceptual traditions used to examine problems.
4. Generates useful research questions and hypotheses.
5. Determines an appropriate research design, methodology, and analysis for answering the research questions or hypotheses based on an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of earlier works.
6. Determines the need for replication of a study or refinement of a study.
7. Synthesizes the strengths and weaknesses and findings of available studies on a topic/problem.
8. Uncovers a new practice intervention[s], or gains supporting evidence for revising or maintaining current intervention[s], protocols, and policies.
9. Promotes evidence-based revision and development of new practice protocols, policies, and projects/activities related to nursing practice.
10. Generates clinical questions that guide development of evidence-based practice projects.

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Terms in this set [9]

What is the general purpose of a literature review?

-Literature reviews—comprehensive evaluation and summarization of scholarly research that addresses a particular research topic—provide an opportunity for researchers to share ideas and analyze research through the examination of existing literature.
-The general purpose of the literature review is to gain an understanding of the current state of knowledge about your selected research topic.

What is the process for preparing a literature review?

1] Research Topic
2] Research Problem
3] Research Purpose
4] Research Question
5] Hypothesis [In Quan Research]

What is the relevance of a literature review for quantitative research?

-In quantitative research, a literature review is done before the conduct of the study. For example, assume a researcher wants to conduct research on the effect of students' self-concept on academic achievement. Before beginning to design this research project, they should first become familiar with the available information on the separate, individual topics of self-concept and academic achievement.

What is the relevance of a literature review for qualitative research?

-The literature review in qualitative research can be used in several ways. It can be used to explain the theoretical foundations of the research study, to assist in formulation of the research question, to assist the selection of the study population, or to stimulate new insights and concepts throughout the study.

What is the relevance of a literature review for mixed methods research?

-Literature reviews for mixed methods studies must certainly address the relevant objectives of both qualitative and quantitative studies. However, literature review that is conducted must support methodological decision making. In other words, the literature review must itself lead to mixed methods research questions.

What is the relevance of a literature review for action research?

-Action researchers are reflective practitioners, and the process by which they develop their research ideas is often centered on unique situations and specific contexts within an educational community. To this end, literature reviews are helpful for seeing what has worked for other action researchers and applying previous utilized quantitative and qualitative methods within new and different contexts.

What is the difference in an annotated bibliography and a literature review?

Annotated Bibliography:
-there are relatively few instances of published annotated bibliographies
-there are no set guidelines for their creation or design
-Key features of annotated bibliographies include a reference list with summaries and annotations
-They are often done primarily for educational assignments or as an aid for those writing reviews to keep track of sources.
they end up as a useful way to keep a master reference list on a particular topic.

Literature Reviews:
-The APA provides guidelines for writing and formatting a variety of written reports, including literature reviews.
-APA-styled literature reviews tend to be more focused on a specific research question
APA literature reviews are often published in journals and online databases as a valuable source of information for researchers to help develop their own research questions, as well as provide students and practitioners with valuable insight into a developing problem or educational issue.

What is meta-analysis?

-a technique to integrate and describe results from large amounts of quantitative studies, and it tends to focus on a very specific question that can be quantified in a large number of similarly designed studies.
-Example: "What is the correlation between the Miller's Analogy Test [MAT] and the Graduate Record Examination [GRE] verbal score?" is a research question ripe for meta-analysis.

What are the more specific purposes of a literature review?

-It will tell if the problem identified has already been researched
-It assists in forming research questions
-It might give ideas as to how to design the study in order to obtain an answer to research questions
-It can point out methodological problems specific to the research questions being studied
-It can identify appropriate data collection instrument so that there will not be a need to construct a new instrument

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What is the primary purpose of the review of literature in research report?

The purpose of a literature review is to gain an understanding of the existing research and debates relevant to a particular topic or area of study, and to present that knowledge in the form of a written report.

What is the primary purpose of a literature review in a research report Group of answer choices?

Given this, the purpose of a literature review is to: Place each work in the context of its contribution to understanding the research problem being studied. Describe the relationship of each work to the others under consideration. Identify new ways to interpret prior research.

What is literature review in research quizlet?

Literature Review [In a research study] -Systematic and critical evaluation of scholarly literature on a specified topic. -Summary, succinct, adequately represents positive and negative findings of an area.

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