What is difference between CPM and PERT?

  • 10 Difference between Pert and CPM and their advantages
    • What is the main difference between pert and CPM
    • Difference between pert and CPM
    • Advantages of CPM
    • Advantages of pert

The main difference between Pert and CPM stands for program evaluation and review technique But Cpm stands for critical path method. And the difference between Peat and CPM comes below.

What is the main difference between pert and CPM

PERT stands for program evaluation and review technique. CPM stands for the critical path method.
Pert is project management techniques, whereby planning, scheduling, organizing uncertain activity is done. CPM is a statistical technique of project in management in which planning, scheduling control of well-defined activity takes place.
It is an event-oriented technique which means that network is constructed on the basis of the event. It is an activity-oriented technique which means that network is constructed on the basis of activities.
It is probobality model. It is deterministic model.
It majorly focuses on time as meeting time targets or estimation of percentage completion is more important. It majorly focuses on time cost trade-off as minimizing cost is more important.
It is appropriate for high precision time estimation. It is appropriate for reasonable time estimation.
 It has non- repetitive nature of job. It has repetitive nature of job.
There are no chance of crashing as there is no certainty of time.  There may be crashing because of a certain time boundation.
It doesn’t use any dummy activities. It uses dummy activities for representing activities.
It is suitable for projects which required research and development. It is suitable for construction projects.
Difference between pert and cpm
What is main differnce between pert and cpm

Difference between pert and CPM

Pert was developed by the USA navy for the planning and control of the polarities missile program pert was developed essentially to simplify the planning and scheduling of large and complex projects.

Pert stands for the program evaluation review technique. PERT charts are tools used to plan tasks within a project – making it easier to schedule and coordinate team members accomplishing the work.

This happened in 1957 to support the U.S navy polarities nuclear submarine project. Pert is a project management planning tool used to calculate the amount of time it will take to realistically finish a project.

PERT is similar to a critical path in that they are both used to visualize the timeline and the work that must be done for a project. Pert create three different times estimates for a project.

Pert is calculated backward from a fixed end date since the contractor deadline typically cannot be moved.

CPM was developed by Dupont to solve project scheduling problems. Critical path analysis is required in order to predict the timing of projecting completion.

The critical path method was quickly separate from agriculture and construction projects where people wanted to learn how to avoid routine tasks.

The critical path method is the most widely used scheduling technique and is often referred to as critical path scheduling this scheduling technique is used to LAN and control a project and calculate the minimum completion time for a project along with the possible start and finish time for the project activities.

The difference between Pert and CPM is that the pert is mainly used where the time required for completion of each of the activities involved accurately defined nor are the resources to be used for the activity readily available this technique is based on the probability of completing each activity in time.

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Time is not too important in this technique and completion of each event is taking care of. This technique is, therefore, most suited to a project like research and development, investigation design, etc. Analysis of pert and CPM –

  • The project must consist of a well-defined collection of a project or activities which when completed will mark the end of the project.
  • The job must be such that they can be started and stopped independently of each other within a given sequence.
  • The job is ordered i.e. they must be performed in technological sequence.

Advantages of CPM

  • The method visualizes the project in a clear graphical form.
  • It defines the most important.
  • Saves time and helps in the management of the deadline.
  • Helps to compare the plan with the real status.
  • Identifies all critical activities that need attention.
  •  Makes dependencies clear and transparent.

Advantages of pert

  • Planning for large projects.
  • Visibility of critical path.
  • Analysis of activities are analyzed from the pert network these are analyzed independently as well as in combination.
  • Coordinating activities good integration is developed between all the department which will help in improving the planning and the decision-making capabilities of the in the project team.

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What is the main difference between the PERT and CPM?

PERT is that technique of project management which is used to manage uncertain [i.e., time is not known] activities of any project. CPM is that technique of project management which is used to manage only certain [i.e., time is known] activities of any project.

What is the difference between CPM & PERT explain with examples?

To achieve the end goal of a project on time, PERT and CPM are two project management techniques that every management should implement. ... PERT vs CPM..

What is the difference between PERT and CPM Mcq?

PERT is probabilistic and CPM is deterministic. In PERT, events are used and, in CPM activities are used. In CPM, crashing is carried out. In CPM, the probability to complete the project in a given duration is calculated.

What is the main purpose of PERT and CPM?

PERT and CPM assist management in identifying the longest time-consuming, or consuming path through a network of tasks or activities as a basis for planning, executing, and controlling a project. The techniques help managers to optimize the longest time duration in order to minimize the total project cost and time.

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