What is a disadvantage of using handouts during presentations?

After each sales pitch, speakers can only hope their audience had taken something from their presentation—to have engaged the audience enough for the speaker to be remembered.

Distributing handouts is a great way to remind your audience of your topic’s key points. This is especially helpful if you have more information that you would like to relay, but can’t include in the presentation because of time constraint or layout/design reasons

These are especially useful for presentations with tons of details because it is impossible for your audience to take in that much information.

What does it contain?

While your PowerPoint is customized to contain the key points of your presentation, your handout provides an extensive explanation of the details bulleted in your deck and your contact information.

Usually just a page or two—enough to thumb through, the handout’s content shouldn’t only cover the topics discussed in your presentation. You can also include related information, such as case studies and other print collateral, that supports and further explains your pitch.

Presentations shouldn’t exhaust the audience, instead, this is where you deliver your core message in an engaging way.

Adding the element of handouts strengthens your call-to-action, as these provide the resources they need to get in touch when they need to discuss purchasing decisions.

The advantages of handouts, however, come with downsides, including the possibility of creating a disconnect between you and the audience—serving as a distraction because the audience will be reading rather than listening.

In the end, it is up to you to whether to use print collateral during your presentation or not. After all, handouts only reinforce what you’ve already mentioned in your presentation. If you’re confident in your PowerPoint and you think it’s effective on its own, then there’s no need for them.

People can only take in so much before they experience information overload and by the time they do, they will be unable to retain half of what you’ve said.

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“Understanding Information Overload.” infoengineering. n.d. www.infogineering.net/understanding-information-overload.htm

Lampton, Bill. “Using Handouts to Reinforce Your Training Presentations.” Business Know-How. March 26, 2015. www.businessknowhow.com/growth/handouts.htm

What are Handouts?                                     

Handouts are basically sheets of paper with information on it; this information would be on the topic which the speaker would be explaining to the class. Handouts can look very appealing at times and sometimes not, this entirely would depend on the speaker or who has created the handouts itself. These handouts can incorporate images, photos and pictures which would blend in and help emphasize the certain information being explained. Therefore, it would be important that an individual would take their time to format and rearrange anything if necessary. Handouts are intentionally created so hopefully the audience will be able to catch up and understand information which was not clarified. Though a majority of the time handouts would normally appear as a white sheet of paper, there is no colour restriction to how the handout may look. Handouts can be potentially designed and formatted in any way possible. Creativity would be a good skill needed in order to do this. Below I will go into detail about the pros and cons of this certain visual aid.  

Handouts Pros                         

We will now be discussing all of the pros that this certain visual aid has to provide. Well to begin with, do we even need handouts? And if yes, what makes them so great? These are common questions that can tend to unfold in a person’s mind, so what makes this visual aid so popular? For one, handouts have a tendency to create audience participation, and they also are very easy to maintain and update [Guffey, M.E., Rhodes, K., & Rogin, P., 2011, p.496]. Handouts can also enhance remembrance since the audience is using the handouts as reference material [Guffey, M.E., Rhodes, K., & Rogin, P., 2011, p.496]. Creating handouts are also very inexpensive to make, and can very easily depict lots of information [Get Ahead, 2000-2005, para.5]. Below, I will go into detail about the cons of using handouts.

Handouts Cons                

Above, we have covered all of the pros of handouts and what their benefits are when used. So now we know the pros but what are the cons? What are the problems that come across using handouts? Well for one, there is an increased risk of the speaker’s material being copied; another problem among handouts is that it can be difficult to transport [Guffey, M.E., Rhodes, K., & Rogin, P., 2011, p.496]. Aside these issues, handouts can also create the chance where the speakers might lose the audience’s attention [Guffey, M.E., Rhodes, K., & Rogin, P., 2011, p.496]. Therefore, we must keep in mind, although it helps to provide information it does not guarantee that the speaker would not lose the audience’s attention. Besides these issues, there is also a chance that they make very little impact, and maybe even seen as a distraction rather than as a helpful reference [Get Ahead, 2000-2005, para.5].


In conclusion, I personally believe that this visual aid is a great choice for students. Though I believe that it is a great option, this does not determine it is a right choice for everyone. I feel that in this situation we should consider the audience’s point of view. For example, suppose you are a professor and you have a small class of fifteen students, you would want to figure out if the students in your class find handouts helpful when listening to a presentation. At the end of the day this may or may not help, as there is no perfect method of presenting information.


1. Guffey, M.E, Rhodes, K. & Rogin, P. [2011]. Business Communication. 1120 Birchmount Road, Toronto, Ontario, M1K 5G4: Nelson Education.     

What is a disadvantage of using handouts during presentations quizlet?

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using handouts during presentations? They can distract your audience members.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of handouts?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of handouts? Advantages - they "look professional, and people can take them home after your speech" [319]. Disadvantages - they can create distractions since it takes a while to pass them out and the audience may look at them instead of you.

What is the impact of handouts in a presentation?

Handouts Enable Presenters to: Create a positive impression before the presentation begins. Ensure that the audience takes away the key ideas as intended. Engage people at a deeper level, as they interact with the handout. Keep the audience's attention focused on the subject.

What are the impacts of handouts?

Handouts are written material which are helpful to the teacher as well as the students. Handouts of slides allow students to participate more in thinking about the concepts rather than writing down every word of the lecture. The literature on handouts shows that students acquire higher scores in tests [14].

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