What do baby hand gestures mean

Becoming fluent in baby-talk

From birth, your baby has a natural urge to communicate with you in their own special baby language, this could be smiling, gurgling, crying, cooing and even screaming their head off. Over time, with enough attention, you’ll be able to work out what they’re trying to tell you. At first, all they care about is food, sleep, being warm and having a dry bum – these are their most urgent needs when arriving in the world.

As your baby gets bigger and more aware of you and their surroundings, they’ll start to use a wider range of gestures and sounds. They’ll be your very own little baby ‘Ga-Ga’.

Baby will be doing plenty of crying in the first few months. You may not yet fully understand what each and every outburst is about but here are some examples of when and why babies cry. We also have a few examples of the sounds and signals your baby may make as they get older and try to tell you something without crying.

  • I’m sleepy.

    A slow build-up of grunt-like cries while rubbing their eyes. This probably means baby is tired so, dim the lights and maybe grab a nap yourself too.

  • I'm in pain

    A sudden high-pitched shriek from baby, followed by a big breath and then another shriek. Check baby’s temperature and undress them to check for sources of pain. If you’re unsure of anything and they’re still uncomfortable, speak to your GP, midwife or health visitor.

  • I’ve got colic

    It’s common for some babies to shriek or cry at regular times of the day, in particular late afternoon or evening. You may have heard mums call this the ‘witching hour’. Your baby’s face may become flushed, scrunched up and they may clench their fists, draw their knees up to their tummy, or arch their back if they have any kind of stomach pain. Soothe and try tummy massage and winding to relieve the gas. Your midwife or health visitor will have helpful advice for you.

  • I'm cross

    Loud crying while going red in the face usually means they’re feeling angry or frustrated. Perhaps they need some attention. Talk to them in a calm voice and try toys or books as a distraction.

  • I'm feeling ignored

    Baby screaming and yelling is a common way for them to attract attention and explore the sound of their voice. Answer them – try some tickles, peek-a-boo or play with some of their favourite toys.

Photo: [Photo : pexels.com]

Until the time they start talking, babies depend on the interpretation of their parents when they want to communicate something. Crying is one of the forms of communication that parents use to decipher whatever their babies wish to say. However, experts say that baby hand movements are also signifying messages.

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Here are some of those movements:

Hand movement #1: throwing out arms and legs

This movement is a startle response of a baby. It is called the Moro reflex. For example, when a baby is startled by a loud noise, he or she moves abruptly. Usually, the baby's movement is throwing out of arms and legs.

Hand movement #2: grasping of finger

One typical response of a baby to anyone who places a finger on his or her palm is holding that finger. This movement is known as the grasp reflex. It does not mean much, except the baby, is responding to the touch of other people.

Hand movement #3: fencer's pose

This hand movement is seen when a baby's head is turned to one side. The arm on that side of the baby automatically straightens, and the opposite arm bends. 

There are several hypotheses on why babies move their hands that way. However, one of the most discussed is that it is a way for babies to observe their hands. The hypothesis also says that this allows the development of eyes and hands coordination.

Hand movement #4: pinching, poking, and hair pulling

According to child psychologist Tiffany Field, this hand movement of babies is their way of exploring the things around them, including the parents. Through these gestures, they can know what the skin tastes. It also allows them to understand how someone reacts to the movements that they create.

Tiffany emphasized that it is not a sign of baby hostility. She says, "They just don't realize that those things can hurt you."

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When baby hand movements are painful, here's what to do.

Mainly, when babies pinch, poke or pull their parents' hair, it could start hurting their parents. To avoid this, parents can try offering an alternative. For example, if the baby pulls the hair of his of her parents, parents could show how to stroke the hair softly. This way, it will not hurt anyone in the future.

Another way to address this is by being an excellent example of babies. Even if pinching their cheeks is adorable, this may not be comfortable for babies as well. When parents do so, babies might think that pinching is okay.

Will there ever be a need to call the doctor?

Doctors routinely check the baby's movements during your regular visits. However, if there are questions about their hand movements that bother the parents, it would be best to consult this with health professionals during the routine check-ups.

READ ALSO: 7 Ways Nursery Rhymes Can Help Child Development

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Why does baby keep opening and closing hand?

Your baby opens and closes hands a lot, this is a result of improved muscle development and coordination. Hence, there would be a lot of experimentation going on all the time. Opening and closing of fists is one activity that really fascinates kids. They enjoy the fact that they have control over their palms.

What gestures will your baby use to communicate with you?

Gestures like waving, blowing kisses, shaking your head and pointing all support this. Relationships depend on social communication, and gestures like lifting his arms to be held or giving you a toy to initiate playtime help him connect with you. They lead to better language development and academic success.

What does it mean for baby to notice hands?

A baby who stares at his hands is simply gaining visual ability and the coordination to bring his hands together — and is getting ready for even bigger developmental tricks. At around 3 months, babies will bring their hands together intentionally and soon after will try to bat at objects or grasp things.

What are abnormal movements in babies?

A movement disorder is a condition that arises in the brain that causes a child to move too much or too little. It can result in a repetitive extra movement or sound, like a motor or vocal tic, or involve a shaking tremor, stiffened posture of the muscles, or difficulties with balance and coordination.

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