Voice of democracy 2022-2023 theme

Every year thousands of Texas students participate in the VFW Youth Scholarship Programs at the Post, District and National Level competing for more than $1.9 million in scholarship money. 

​The Patriot’s Pen Contest is a writing essay contest for students in the 6-8th grades or equivalent if home schooled. For entry form, click here. 

​The Voice of Democracy Contest is an oral essay contest for students in the 9-12th grades or equivalent if home schooled. For entry form, click here. 

Patriot’s Pen 6-8th Grade Essay Contest

Patriot’s Pen gives 6th, 7th and 8th grade students the opportunity to express their opinion on a patriotic theme and improve their writing skills, while they compete for worthwhile awards and prizes. First place winner [National Level] will receive a $5,000 Savings Bond.  The local Prize is $100.

2022-2023 Theme - “My Pledge to Our Veterans.”

Contest Rules - 

  • You must write your own essay.

  • All essays should be typed in English with no color or graphics. 300 - 400 words in length [+ or - 5 word max]. Every word is counted regardless of length. The essay title [theme] or added footnotes do not contribute to the word count.

  • In no way may contestants identify themselves within their essay including, but not limited to, your name, school, city, state, race or national origin.] Do not put your name on the essay.  Contestants are allowed to enter only once each year if otherwise eligible [one Post competition].

  • The essay must be contestant’s original work and a product of the contestant’s own thinking. The approach to the Patriot’s Pen theme should be positive and clearly focused. Poetry is not acceptable.  Quotations may be used sparingly if plainly identified wherever used. A contestant’s teacher, counselor or parent may check the essay for punctuation, grammar and/or spelling, but the content must remain the contestant’s.

  • Contestants will be judged on the basis of their essay alone and are not required to present the essay orally. All essays become the property of the Veteran’s of Foreign Wars. The VFW retains non-exclusive rights to the use of your essay and likeness in the promotion and execution of the organization’s programs and activities.

  • At any time during the contest, additional participant personal information [i.e. SSN, photo, etc.] could be requested by the VFW.

Check this link - //www.texasvfw.org/_files/ugd/2fb318_f96be20bfa834418803e4632866c3c69.pdf for more information.

Voice of Democracy 9-12th Grade Essay Contest 

Since 1947, the Voice of Democracy has been the Veterans of Foreign Wars’ [VFW’s] premier scholarship program. Each year, more than 100,000 high school students compete for more than $2.5 million in scholarships and incentives.Students compete by writing and recording a broadcast script on an annual patriotic theme. 

Prizes and scholarships are awarded at the local, district, state and national level. Department [State] winners receive an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. in March to tour the city, meet our nation’s leaders, be honored by the VFW and its Auxiliary and to compete for national awards with the top scholarship being $30,000.  The local prize is $100.

2022-2023 Theme - “Why Is The Veteran Important?”

Contest Rules

The Voice of Democracy is open to students in grades 9-12 by the Oct. 31 deadline who are enrolled in a public, private or parochial high school or home study program in the United States, its territories and possessions; or dependents of U.S. military or civilian personnel in overseas schools. Although U.S. citizenship is not required, students must be lawful U.S. permanent residents or have applied for permanent residence [the application for which has not been denied] and intends to become a U.S. citizen at the earliest opportunity allowed by law.

Foreign exchange students, students age 20 or over, previous Voice of Democracy first place state winners, GED or Adult Education Students are ineligible.

Essays are to be typed or be 3-5 minutes long if recorded.  Only the writer will record original 3-5 minute [+ or – 5 second max.] audio essay on a flash drive, or other electronic device. You will submit the typed essay to Extension Office for judging.  You must be the sole author of your essay. The body of the essay must not identify you in any way, [including, but not limited to your name, school, city, state, race, or national origin] although the typed essay should be labeled with your name, to show ownership.

Check this link -//www.texasvfw.org/_files/ugd/2fb318_6cad433ba2c84ae7be2e934db68ecdd8.pdf for more information.

All essays for either contest are to be turned into the Agrilife Extension Office located at 114 W. Main Street in Brady, TX on or before Oct. 31, 2022.

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