Threatened nghĩa là gì

Anh-Việt Việt-Anh Nga-Việt Việt-Nga Lào-Việt Việt-Lào Trung-Việt Việt-Trung Pháp-ViệtViệt-Pháp Hàn-Việt Nhật-Việt Italia-Việt Séc-Việt Tây Ban Nha-Việt Bồ Đào Nha-Việt Đức-Việt Na Uy-Việt Khmer-Việt Việt-KhmerViệt-Việt


threaten /θretn/ động từ doạ, đe doạ, hăm doạ [[nghĩa đen] & [nghĩa bóng]]it threatens to rain: có cơn mưa đang đe doạđe dọa

Word families [Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs]: threat, threaten, threatening, threateningly


Từ điển Collocation

threaten verb

1 warn sb that you may hurt, kill or punish them

ADV. publicly | personally, physically He says he was physically threatened in an attempt to get him to sign over his rights. | repeatedly She had repeatedly threatened to commit suicide. | allegedly, reportedly

PREP. with She threatened him with a gun.

PHRASES feel threatened I never felt threatened by him.

2 be likely to harm/destroy sth

ADV. gravely, seriously, severely social unrest which seriously threatens the stability of the whole area | increasingly | directly | constantly, continually Our marriage was constantly threatened by his other women.

VERB + THREATEN could | appear to, seem to

PHRASES be threatened with sth Many species are now threatened with extinction.

Từ điển WordNet


to utter intentions of injury or punishment against:He threatened me when I tried to call the policeto be a menacing indication of something:The clouds threaten rain

Danger threatens

English Synonym and Antonym Dictionary

threatens|threatened|threateningsyn.: admonish advise alert browbeat bulldoze bully caution forebode harass intimidate menace terrorize warn

Anh-Việt | Nga-Việt | Lào-Việt | Trung-Việt | Học từ | Tra câu

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