the genies là gì - Nghĩa của từ the genies

the genies có nghĩa là

Small, adorable, friendly Asian girl. She has long lucious hair that looks fantastic when it's curled with her token curling iron. Loves to party and knows how to party right. She is guaranteed to win a dance-off. Extremely friendly and loyal UNTIL YOU PISS HER OFF! 3 strikes and you're out of her books. If you mess with her or any of her girls you better be prepared to face the concequences.


Person 1 "Did you see that small, gorgeous girl?"
Person 2 "Ya that's my pocket friend."
Person 1 "She's hot!"
Person 2 "She's GENIE!"

the genies có nghĩa là

The bulge of pant material that sticks up right on top of your crotch when you sit down.


These jeans give me a giant genis when I sit.

the genies có nghĩa là

A genie is thought by many [probably due to films they've seen] to be a man who appears to grant three wishes if the lamp he lives in is rubbed. In fact, according to mythology, a genie is a mischievous spirit who has been imprisoned in some object or other [it needn't automatically be a lamp].


Genie-related humour.
Police find a warehouse filled with stolen property, including a lot of lanterns.
Inspector: Well, well. It's Aladdin's cave.
Constable: How very witty, sir. [thinks:don't give up your police job just yet].

the genies có nghĩa là

[Masculin] fatty lump in the lowest abdominal region of a man. Blending the "gut" and "penis'. ou always wonder how they pee.


That fat man has a huge genis!

the genies có nghĩa là

Sweetest human being on earth, loveable, kind, very sporty. Knows how to make you smile and can be quite dumb. She is the cutest. Jason derulo wishes she was his.


Genie is beautiful.
Hey its genie!
Jason derulos in love with genie

the genies có nghĩa là

Genie is an all purpose word to be used in pretty much every casual context possible. The Genies hate the wizards, because they seal us in lamps, silver rings, etc. The hand motion that can be used whilst saying, or done to imply the saying of genie, is similar to the Shaka, but the thumb and pinky flow to resemble a jelly fish; it flows to the side, with the palm facing in towards the chest. The motion means "your wish has been granted" and is meant to resemble magical sparkles or smoke. 1. adj. "cool" or otherwise good [originally referencing a good wish being granted] 2. n. an all powerful creature, aligned opposing wizards [can be used in either in reverence to the Genies or as a comparison to them] 3. n. [used with sarcasm in undesirable contexts] uncool [can be used in conjunction with "stats" as a contraction of "status" to describe a poor situation] 4. int. used to express greetings 5. int. used to express thanks 6. int. used to respond to thanks [this meaning is especially recognized when "genie" is said twice in a row] 7. int. used to conclude a meeting or conversation [either causally or with a reference to the Genies being primarily a collective Force as opposed to allied entities]


1. "Your shirt is really genie!" 2a. "I just typed my essay during break!"
"Like a Genie!"
2b. "Dude that car would have hit you if you hadn't stopped to pick up that nickle."
"The Genies were with me on that one!" 3a. *drops school papers all over the floor* "Genie, dude."
3b. "Dude, did you do your essay in pen?"
"... No, I scrawled it out in pencil..."
"The essays aren't accepted in pencil; you have to rewrite it. You have fifteen minutes left."
"Genie stats." 4. "Hey. man, what's genie?" 5. *friend shares some gum*
"Genie, bro." 6. *after being thanked for handing over gum*
"Genie genie." 7a. "Hey, I have to go meet my girl, stay genie guys."
7b. "I've got a math test, I should get to class."
"May the Genies be with you" *laughs*

the genies có nghĩa là

Male equivalent of the gunt -taken from the words gut and cunt. The Genis, however, uses gut + penis to create genis.

The Genis occurs on obese/overweight men where their lower abdomen, below their belly button to the top of the penis, has an unusually large and disproportionate amount of fat gathering.

This does not occur on all obese/overweight men, only those with a disproportionate amount of their abdomen fat, below their belt line.. Most obese/overweight men do not have a genis visible through their clothing but the rest, which is a small percentage, have genises.


I bet John couldnt see his penis because of his massive genis.

lets play 'spot the genis/gunt'...there is one on that mexican guy!

the genies có nghĩa là

She can do anything she can beat cancers ass loves gardening and animals and is the sweetest person ever!!!


I wish I had genie right now

the genies có nghĩa là

v: Short for going Genitals to Genitals Can be used in many contexts mostly in a joking or story telling manner. Can be sexual or non sexual.


1. So you go geni to geni with that girl you met last night? 2. You looked like you were going geni to geni with that dude when you spotted him doing squats.

the genies có nghĩa là

When you succumb to an explosive form of diarrhea on the toilet. The force of which causes you to levitate like a genie above the toilet.


Oh man I ate a dodgy kebab last night and was on the toilet doing the genie all night.

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