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Tìm minDistance trong strip[]. Bước này mới nhìn có vẽ tốn O[n^2] nhưng thực chất chỉ cần O[n], vì mỗi điểm ta chỉ cần tìm khoản cách với 5 đến 7 hàng xóm gần nhất của nó.

Bước 7. So sánh d và minDistance để tìm lời giải cuối cùng.

Thuật toán trên thể hiện bằng mã C++ như sau:

// A divide and conquer program in C++

// to find the smallest distance from a

// given set of points.


using namespace std;

// A structure to represent a Point in 2D plane

class Point



int x, y;


/* Following two functions are needed for library function qsort[].

Refer: // */

// Needed to sort array of points

// according to X coordinate

int compareX[const void* a, const void* b]


Point *p1 = [Point *]a, *p2 = [Point *]b;

return [p1->x - p2->x];


// Needed to sort array of points according to Y coordinate

int compareY[const void* a, const void* b]


Point *p1 = [Point *]a, *p2 = [Point *]b;

return [p1->y - p2->y];


// A utility function to find the

// distance between two points

float dist[Point p1, Point p2]


return sqrt[ [p1.x - p2.x]*[p1.x - p2.x] +

[p1.y - p2.y]*[p1.y - p2.y]



// A Brute Force method to return the

// smallest distance between two points

// in P[] of size n

float bruteForce[Point P[], int n]


float min = FLT_MAX;

for [int i = 0; i < n; ++i]

for [int j = i+1; j < n; ++j]

if [dist[P[i], P[j]] < min]

min = dist[P[i], P[j]];

return min;


// A utility function to find

// minimum of two float values

float min[float x, float y]


return [x < y]? x : y;


// A utility function to find the

// distance between the closest points of

// strip of given size. All points in

// strip[] are sorted according to

// y coordinate. They all have an upper

// bound on minimum distance as d.

// Note that this method seems to be

// a O[n^2] method, but it's a O[n]

// method as the inner loop runs at most 6 times

float stripClosest[Point strip[], int size, float d]


float min = d; // Initialize the minimum distance as d

qsort[strip, size, sizeof[Point], compareY];

// Pick all points one by one and try the next points till the difference

// between y coordinates is smaller than d.

// This is a proven fact that this loop runs at most 6 times

for [int i = 0; i < size; ++i]

for [int j = i+1; j < size && [strip[j].y - strip[i].y] < min; ++j]

if [dist[strip[i],strip[j]] < min]

min = dist[strip[i], strip[j]];

return min;


// A recursive function to find the

// smallest distance. The array P contains

// all points sorted according to x coordinate

float closestUtil[Point P[], int n]


// If there are 2 or 3 points, then use brute force

if [n

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