secondarys là gì - Nghĩa của từ secondarys

secondarys có nghĩa là

A term used in forums and image boards to refer to people who get into an anime, video game etc. by secondary means [typically through a sequel or spinoff] and completely ignore the respective originals and source materials , resulting in a skewed understanding of background lore. More often than not being a secondary is very easy to correct but people refuse to do so out of laziness, so they are rightfully shunned. The term is commonly used among touhou and type-moon fans, and by many fans of visual novels with poor or inferior anime adaptations.


Dan is a huge fan of Gundam Unicorn, but hasn't even seen the original Mobile Suit Gundam. He's such a filthy fucking secondary.

secondarys có nghĩa là

Welcome to English secondary school! Here we have: cocky ass year 7 and 8's, year 9's constantly doing their makeup and gobbing off to teachers, year 10's and 11's working their asses off and finally, sixth form who have a tonne of responsibility. Note: not all schools have sixth form. Students at secondary school are usually between the ages of 11-18
We also have: Like 2 non uniform days a year [must pay to wear your own clothes], strict ass rules, crappy school meals, like 10 packs of chewing gum per person, year 11 smokers and roadmen.
Note: drinks holder = blazer pocket


Example 1: Teacher: I will be right back class I just need to get something from the printer
*teacher walks out*
Student: PARTYYYYYYYY Wooooo
*students wonder around the classroom chatting and being loud asses*
Student: teachers coming!
Student2: everyone back to ur seats!!
Student 3: SHHHH
*teacher walks in* Teacher: I knew I could trust you lot
Example 2: Year 7: Ffs
Year 72: What's wrong?
Year 7: The fucken bathroom is full of Year 9's doing their makeup and messing about
Year 72: *sigh* lets go to the upstairs bathroom
Example 3:
Teacher: Ok guys today is non uniform day so gimme ur £1s to wear ur own clothes
*everyone hands teacher their money except from one student*
Teacher: Jimmy wheres your money? Jimmy: Uhhh I don't have it
Teacher: Not good enough! Detention for u at lunchtime. Secondary school - schools in the uk

secondarys có nghĩa là

Right when you finish taking a huge shit, and you believe that no more shit could possibly come out of your ass, you stand up to either pull your pants up [or wipe if you stand to wipe], and you have to sit right back down again because another piece of shit just showed up.


"Dude you were in there for like 30 minutes!" "Yeah I know, I had 3 secondary shits"

secondarys có nghĩa là

When you masturbate and don't quite get your load out. The semen gets stuck between the prostate and the end of the penis, which is somewhere in the urethra. Directly following masturbating you take a piss in the bathroom and urine and semen comes out.


Kid 1: Man this weekend I banged this girl so hard
Kid 2: Really ?
Kid 1: Yea man, but my load got stuck and i had to pee on her face to get my load on her. Secondary Load man YEA!
Kid 2: Sure you did, have you ever even talked to a girl?
Kid 1: Alright, I did it to the hot pornstar on my computer screen
Kid 2: HA, you broke your computer from your secondary load

secondarys có nghĩa là

A woman or man that an individual has on the side for sex. Not the main thang, but a "secondary"


Yo bitch, get off my tip, you just a secondary ho.

secondarys có nghĩa là

The second match used to assist the first match in lighting a bowl of weed.


"Quick Harry, get a secondary before this match goes out!"

secondarys có nghĩa là

Fgo players who say that they doesn't have time to read the VN but farms all day to get 100 boxes lmao


Filthy secondaries
Shut up secondary
Tsukihime anime remake? You can't remake something that doesn't exist, secondary

secondarys có nghĩa là

Secondary suicide is when someone has given up on life. Someone who is suicidal but is to afraid or not willing to take their own life’s because of religious beliefs or because of not wanting those they love to not feel as they have did something wrong or to blame theirselves. A secondary suicide is someone who is patiently waiting for death but not seeking it. They have givin up on trying to make a good life they are just constantly going through the motions. But will never show or say anything about how they feel because they don’t believe they deserve to be worried about. They believe they are nothing and will never be nothing and that no one will ever love them, so they don’t trust people who claim to care/love them they believe that it is impossible for someone to genuinely care for them so they constantly feel alone, sad, usually depressed and some cases angry with the world and themselves so they do nothing but wait on death. Usually secondary suicide follows along with depression, ptsd, and borderline personality disorder


J is a secondary suicider and doesn’t get close to anybody.

secondarys có nghĩa là

When a person is only talked to if the person talking has no friends to talk to.


Jon: So are you hanging out with Dan now? Mark: Wtf. Why would you say that? Jon: I saw you talking to him in Math today. Mark: That's because I have no one else to talk to in that stupid class. He's my secondary. Jon: Ah

secondarys có nghĩa là

the second match used to light a bowl


yoo pass up the secondary

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