sanams là gì - Nghĩa của từ sanams

sanams có nghĩa là

Someone you love, showing affection, beloved


That's my sanam! i love her!

sanams có nghĩa là

Sanams are hillarious and fun-to-be-around people. A Sanam will make the most innocent thing sound perverted and will have you falling off a chair, and rolling around on the floor laughing. Sanams are always there to entertain and make great friends. Sanams have perfected the art of camwhoring and tend to suffer from addictions to cheese and facebook. Sanams generally dislike Jacob Black and anyone that is a backstabbing whore. A Sanam can be identified by their lucious long locks, nose stud, and infectious laughter. A Sanam's smile will brighten your day :]


Edward Cullen: Sanam is the one for me, fuck you Bella! Go back to Jacob now..

Jacob Black: Yaaay, take that bloodsucker!

Edward Cullen: I just dumped her, wtf take that?! You can keep Bella

Sanam: Hey, I though this was supposed to be about me?

Edward Cullen: I know, I know, and it lets go shag in the meadow

Sanam: :]

sanams có nghĩa là

Sanam is a really intelligent yet positive girl who enjoys the company of her family and friends. Sanam is the type of person to push themselves to be even better. She also encourages me to work to the best of my ability. Sanam is my R.O.D she has been there for me since day 1. She's one of those people who starts off with being shy but the longer you know her the louder she gets.


Sanam is amazing.

sanams có nghĩa là

The hottest chick on the planet if u mess it up with her u must be a real asshole....although u can't forget her it is utterly impossible she is funny sexy sweet and everything you look for in a girl! Sanam....loved one ; super hot; fun to be with; hot; and totally random!


Guy A ; hey dude check out my girl....megan fox! Guy B ; that's nice I got a sanam! Guy A ; aaaw man she's a hot sanam u soo damn lucky

sanams có nghĩa là

Sanam is basically perfect in every way. Sanam states her opinion and can be such a bitch, but that's why everyone loves her! Sanam is the fucking sex! Her ass is to die for, she has huge boobs, but likes to hide them. Sanam falls easily in love, she's a sucker for love! Sanam's are strong, they know how to stand up for themselves! Sanams have the most beautiful smile ever. When Sanams laugh, people smile because their laugh is so innocent and sweet. Sanams are very rare this is because they LOVE. Sanams love to dress, the Sanam I know loves fashion, and she's amazing at it. Sanams have a cheeky side. Sanams are amazing at sex!! They give the best blow jobs and are just wow in everyway! Sanam adores her friends and family. But she is a little rebel, Sanam's are usually "Daddy's little girl". Sanam's are cheeky and charming, they're cute and very voluptuous, they're caring and always tend to put others feelings in front of there's; they care TOO much. The Sanam I know, thinks she's funny.. which she can be at times, when she doesn't try! Sanams can dance like Shakira they move their bodies ;] Once you meet a Sanam, you'll instantly fall in love. Sanams have their own ways. The Sanam I know has eyes to die for, she can get anything she wants just by a simple sexy stare. Sanam = definition of Perfect and everything you've ever dreamed of. You'd be crazy to reject a Sanam.


Yo there are beautiful girls everywhere, but none of them can compare to Sanam For real? Check it out for yourself bra Dayyyyym, she is fiiiiine!!!

sanams có nghĩa là

1. nice, funny, awsum girl


i no a girl called sanam
shes my friend, shes the bomb
she rocks at soccer
and gets beat up by lockers
and still gets along with her mom [yeah... rite]

sanams có nghĩa là

The most exotic name ever


My name is Sarah, I wish it was Sanam though. That would be such an exotic name to have. John is such a shit name

sanams có nghĩa là

Sanams are really really smart and intelligent . They are very trust worthy. Being friends with a sanam can make you very lucky.They are really good at basketball and making little raps. Sanams can get a lot of guys but often reject them. They are very outgoing and love to party.They are also the best dancers. They can make you smile really easily and they are always and will always be there for you. Horoscopes are something that Sanams really like. You would be very lucky if you had a sanam for a sister,cousin,mom,etc. Sanams might be one of the nicest people ever but don’t get them mad at you because you will regret it.Sanams are amazing overall.


Dude...Sanam is so smart.

sanams có nghĩa là

Sanam is the rare name given to a indian girl .
Basically it means a girl whose personality is different from others.
The most gorgeous person in the world and the sweetest kindest person in the world. Puts others before them and always cares for others.
she is perfect in every way possible, she is so talented and beautiful but she doesnt know it and that just makes her much more attractive, she is dedicated and passionate and knows when she has to prove herself, she has the most beautiful eyes ever and a radiant personality even though she may seem annoying at times it is only because she is misunderstood, she is energetic and kind and deserves the world and so much more
They love dancing and singing and always have a good time. Sanam are one of a kind and cannot be replaced. This is a girl of pure love and kindness. She always puts others first and sees past how they act to how they feel. She believes in love no matter what. She also is an amazing friend who always cheers up other people.


Person 1 : Sanam is really my best friend! She is just perfect
Person 2 : sanam is very gorgeous and different girl .

sanams có nghĩa là

She's a lovely and very caring girl. She's very pretty and very charmingly cute. You'd look at her again and again once you see her. She has a good sense of fashion and is always considerate. She might become rude sometimes but give her time and love she'll be back cheerful. She's strong and paces through all the problems life has thrown at her. She doesn't let her tears flow infront of other people but sometime she should just let go and do it. She's almost like a hero. And mehendi on her hands looks killing. She also has a sweet voice. And is foodie. Feed her and you'll end up in her good books. You can't just help but look at her with love in your eyes


Oh! How pretty she is, must be Sanam.

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