Rental APPLICATION FORM listening

IELTS LISTENING Accommodation form : Rental properties S10T1

November 18, 2019/0 Comments/in IELTS Listening, IELTS Listening Easy Demo for All /by admin

Accommodation form : Rental properties

Williams : Fairfield rentals enter Williams : how can I help you.

Jane rider : Hello Im calling from the U. K. and my family Im moving to Canada early next year and were hoping to find some way to renting Fairfield for the first six months while we settle in.

Williams : Right I see well lets get your details.

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Jane rider : Yes my names Jane rider :.

Williams : Okay Jane and can I have a phone number the best number to get you one.

Jane rider : Well thatd probably be our home number.

Jane rider : So double oh double full for the U. K..

Jane rider : And then its Q1 2086132978 .

Williams : All right and an email address please so we can send you out all the information and forms.

Jane rider : I think its best if I give you my husbands email hes sitting in front of a computer all day so he can print stuff off and get it back to you sooner than I could.

Jane rider : Its [emailprotected]Q2 visiontech

Jane rider : Ill just spell the company name for you.

Jane rider : Thats V. I. S..

Jane rider : I. O. N..

Jane rider : T. E. C. H..

Williams : Great and we have a question here about occupation.

Jane rider : Richardson IT specialist for an advertising company theyre transferring him to the SF field brunch.

Williams : Actually just your job for now thanks.

Jane rider : Me Im a Q3 doctor at the hospital in our town.

Williams : Okay Ill put that down.

Williams : Now what kind of accommodation are you looking for.

Williams : House apartment.

Jane rider : Pop probably as long as it has two bedrooms theyll be me my husband and our ten year old son.

Williams : And so with an apartment your less likely to get a garden.

Jane rider : Thats okay.

Williams : But what about a Q4 garage is that something youll want the apartment to have.

Jane rider : Yes thats definitely important.

Williams : Okay just a moment Ill just make a note of that.

Jane rider : But before we go on I should probably saying now the what we dont need is any Q5 furniture because well be shipping vas over and I dont really want to pay for storage while we waiting to buy a house.

Williams : Not a problem Ill make a note of that.

Jane rider : The just thinking about the kitchen what can I expect from a rental property I mean what kind of equipment is provided.

Williams : Well the normal thing is that you get a stove I think thats a cooker in British English.

Jane rider : Okay good to know but how about a Q6 fridge well be sending hours before we come so if possible wed like the apartment to have one for when we arrive.

Williams : I can certainly add that to the form.

Williams : If theres any other white where that you need like a dishwasher for example there are plenty of stores here thatll arrange delivery on the same day yes purchase.

Jane rider : Thanks hopefully we wont need to buy too many things.

Williams : Now how about location have you done any research into the Fairfield area.

Jane rider : Not much so far.

Williams : Well you mentioned you have a boy I imagine youd like to be fairly close to a Q7 school .

Jane rider : Good idea that would help whats public transport like in Fairfield is it easy to get around.

Williams : The bus service is pretty comprehensive there are plenty of local routes services into the city and out of town.

Jane rider : Okay and for a two bedroom apartment what sort of rent should we expect to pay.

Williams : Well looking at the properties we have at the moment prices start from around seven hundred and thirty dollars per month and depending on the area can go up to twelve hundred dollars.

Jane rider : Thats too much something half way would be better.

Williams : So what your limit be say Q8 950 dollars.

Jane rider : Id say so yes.

Williams : Can I ask if you smoke or if you have any pets.

Jane rider : No to both questions but I do have one more request please.

Williams : Yes.

Jane rider : Well I also being offered a job at Victoria General Hospital and I suspect Ill be working nights occasionally so what I really need from any apartment is for it to be Q9 quiet so I can catch up on sleep if necessary during the day.

Williams : Congratulations on the job offer Ill add your request to the form.

Williams : Well what Ill do is compile a list of suitable properties for you and send them via email.

Williams : Can I just ask how did you hear about us.

Williams : Obviously not from our commercials if youre living in the U. K..

Jane rider : Actually it was a Q10 friend of ours he spent a few months in Fairfield a couple of years ago and he pointed us in the direction of your website.

Williams : Well its good to be recommended.

Williams : So what Ill do is.

Jane rider :That is the end of section one. properties properties

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// 0 0 admin // admin2019-11-18 16:00:392020-02-03 16:25:47IELTS LISTENING Accommodation form : Rental properties S10T1

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