Remote Desktop freezes after login

While connected to remote Windows machines via RDP in Windows 10, the connection freezes after x amount of minutes. Pretty often.

The resolution was to disable UDP.

  1. Run gpedit.msc.
  2. Navigate to Computer Configuration > Administration Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Connection Client.
  3. Set the Turn Off UDP On Client setting to Enabled.

This seems to have appeared when I upgraded to Windows 10 Pro 1903, though my RDP isnt used very often from this machine. Ive also seen issues on forums dating back to 1809. You can check your version by going to settings > about.

I noticed that I wasnt getting kicked off anymore, but the quality of the screen went down, like everything became less crisp or fuzzy.

I have read that using a RD Gateway forces MSTSC to use TCP connections [or TCP/HTTPS] which disables the UDP sessions as well.

Update 1/21/2020:

I read that this was an issue with the graphics card drivers. I updated the drivers on my client, but that didnt help.

I then moved on to MobaXterm, which I probably should have done long ago. Not only did it solve my issue, but the organization is great and supports far more than RDP. Examples are SSH, Telnet, FTP, SFTP, Serial, AWS S3 and more.

#rdp, #windows-10

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