Power Automate lists

Making your to-do list shouldnt have to be its own item on your to-do list. Automating some of your to-do list items can help save you a little time and prevent tasks from falling through the cracks.

Microsoft has two lesser-known, but useful apps called Flow and To-Do, that can help you do just that. Both the apps are free for anyone to use.

First, lets back up and cover what the programs do:

To-Do is [unsurprisingly] a to-do list app. If youve ever used Wunderlist [which Microsoft bought in 2017], To-Do will look familiar. It can be used on the desktop or mobile and will sync between different devices.

Flow is an app that automates small tasks, typically between two services. For example, you can create a flow to get a push notification when you get an email from your boss or save Office 365 email attachments to OneDrive. There are dozens of premade templates, and you can create your own. Its free for anyone to use, but Office 365 users are probably going to get the most use out of it.

Now, lets get into how these programs can help you automate to-dos. Before you begin, youll need to set up accounts with Microsoft To-Do and Microsoft Flow and make sure youre logged into both. If youre an Office 365 user, log in with your Office 365 credentials.

Create Recurring To-Dos

Most everyone has some recurring activity they have to do as part of their job - maybe you have to send out invoices at the end of every month or approve timesheets every week.

To-Do has the option to set up recurring to-dos, so they are automatically added to your to-do list at the appropriate time. Heres how to set it up:

1. Open up To-Do and add a to-do.

2. Find it in your To-Do List and double-click on it to bring up the sidebar.

3. Set a Due Date. A new option will come up for Repeat.

4. Set it for however often youd like the task to repeat on your to-do list. Options include Daily, Weekdays, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly. If you need to set it for a different time frame [like every three months], use the Custom option.

Thats it! You can set up as many of these as you need.

Creating To-Dos Based on Actions

Many to-do list items are triggered by some action [like getting an email from someone]. Microsoft Flow can create To-Do list items based on specific actions. Were going to focus on setting up items in the Microsoft To-Do app, but Flow works with other to-do apps.

Flow is free for everyone to use, but there are limits to the amount of runs and run frequency you get per month [free users get 750 runs, Office 365 users get 2,000 there are paid options if you need more].

Because To-Do is a newer app, there arent existing templates in Flow, so youll need to create your own. Lets set up a Flow to trigger a To-Do list item based on an email in Outlook from a VIP [like your boss or an important customer]:

1. Open Flow and click My Flows in the top bar. Click Create from Blank towards to the top, right side of the screen.

2. On the next screen, youll have options to start with popular triggers. For this one, choose When a new email arrives if youre creating a different type of Flow, choose the appropriate trigger. If the option you need isnt listed on the popular triggers, there is an option to search for connectors [programs] and triggers [actions].

3. Name your Flow. This is so you can identify it in Flow if you need to modify it later.

4. Click Show Advanced Options and enter the VIPs email in the From box. You can also add other options here to set up more specific parameters.

For example, if you only want a To-Do item created when this person emails you an attachment, change Has Attachment to yes. Alternatively, If you want to create a flow where a To-Do item is created when anyone emails you an attachment, change Has Attachment to yes and leave the From box blank.

5. Click + New Step, then Add an Action.

6. A new Choose an Action box will come up. In the Search bar, type To-Do then select Microsoft To-Do.

7. A list of actions will come up. Choose Microsoft To-Do Add a to-do.

8. A new Add a to-do box will come up. Enter the Subject line of the To-Do. This will be what actually shows up in To-Do, so make it something descriptive.

You can add dynamic content to help you identify which specific email triggered the action. For this example, were making the subject of the To-Do item Email from Boss with the subject line of the email using dynamic content.

You can also add more information including due dates, reminders, and body content on this screen. The To-Do will not link to the email here, so we recommend using dynamic content to add the body of the email to the Body Content of the To-Do.

9. Click the Save Flow box at the bottom of the screen, then click Done at the top of the screen.

Youre done! When you get an email that meets your starting parameters, it will automatically create a to-do. If you added Body Content, youll need to double-click on the To-Do to see it.

This Flow was created based on receiving an email, but you can set up Flows based on triggers in other programs [like a new file is created in OneDrive or DropBox or a new record is created in Dynamics 365].

Advanced Options: This is a pretty basic Flow. You can get MUCH more granular using dynamic content and Conditions. To add Conditions, after you click +New Step, choose Add a Condition. From here, you can use dynamic content to create very specific conditions for triggers. You can also use it create branching logic [if yes, do this, if no, do that].

Some of the Conditions you can create are the same options you set up in Step 4. We recommend setting up as many of these parameters as possible in that When a new email arrives screen.

The reason for this is the run limits we mentioned above. If you enter the information in the When a new email arrives screen, the Flow will only run when it meets those starting parameters. If you leave that section blank and enter it in the Conditions section, the Flow will run every time you get an email so it can check for the Conditions. If you get a lot of emails, you run the risk of blowing through your limit pretty quickly.

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