On thi tiếng Anh viên chức giáo dục


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Học tiếng Anh online – Giải đề thi môn tiếng Anh ——————- Liên hệ học tiếng Anh cùng thầy Cucku: Thông tin bài giảng: …

ÔN THI VIÊN CHỨC GIÁO DỤC MÔN TIẾNG ANH “, được lấy từ nguồn: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHn4J1-z1HA


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Tài liệu ôn thi viên chức môn Tiếng Anh

Cuộc thi tuyển công chức, viên chức năm 2017 đã và đang bắt đầu diễn ra, đối với những thầy cô thi tuyển công chức, viên chức giáo dục thì đề thi Tiếng Anh là môn thi điều kiện. Để giúp quý thầy cô và các bạn có thêm tài liệu ôn thi công chức, viên chức Download.vn xin giới thiệu tài liệu thi tuyển viên chức giáo dục môn Tiếng Anh hay nhất dành cho quý thầy và các bạn cùng tham khảo.

400 câu hỏi phỏng vấn ôn thi công chức, viên chức giáo viên

840 câu trắc nghiệm Tin học thi công chức giáo viên 2017

60 đề phỏng vấn thi tuyển viên chức giáo dục




Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.

1. Oh, I feel terrible.I thinh I................[be] sick.

2. Did you phone Tom?

- Oh, no,I forgot. I.................[do] it now.

3. It's too hot in this room.

- I..............[open] all the windows.

4. it's the first time I .................[see] such an interesting film.

5. I couldn't get in my house because I..............[forget] my keys.

6. Yesterday, I...................[meet]Dr. Minh when he................[ go] to the office.

7. When Liz and Tim..............[finish] dinner, they sat down and watched TV.

8. If I ..............[have] thirsty, I would have drunk some fruit juice.

9. At the moment, the children......................[play] tennis.

10. They......................[clean] the house when they found this photo.

Exerice 2: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.

1. He wouldn't have had an accident if he _______ more carefully.

A. drives B. drove C. had driven D. was driving

2. If Nam _______ her the money, Lan wouldn't have bought the stereo system.

A. hadn't lent B. didn't lend C. hasn't lent D. doesn't lend

3. When we came, the film _______ half an hour before.

A. had been starting B. had started C. was started D. had been started.

4. The sick woman _______ to the hospital yesterday.

A. took B is taken C. being taken D. was taken.

5. Why do you ask me about the party? I_______ to it.

A. was not invited B. didn't invited C. not invited D. was not been inviting

6. It is impossible for him_______ a lie to her.

A. to tell B. tell C. telling D. told

7. The students were talking when the teacher_______ in the class.

A. came B. come C. coming D. comes

8. Anna_______ in New York for many years.

A. lives B. will live C. has lived D. doesn't live

9. Last year, Mrs. Black_______ an international prize for nature photography.

A. won B. has won C. is winning D. wins

10. I am looking forward to_______ you.

Exercise 3: Find the mistake in the following sentences by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D.

1. When I found my wallet, someone has taken everything out of it.

2. He break his leg when he was playing football.

3. We are waiting for the bus when it started to rain.

4. I phoned him last night, but he didn't answer. I think he isn't at home at that time. A B C D

5. By the time I got home, all my family members have slept.


Exercise 4: Choose the best answer

1. I .......Louisiana state University now.

A. am attending B. attend C. was attending D. attendes

2. He has been selling motorcycles...............

A. ten years ago B. since ten years C. for ten years ago D. for ten years

3. Columbus.......America more then 400 years ago.

A. discovered B. has discovered C. had discovered D. he has gone

4. He fell down when he ......towards the church.

A. run B. runs C. was running D. had run

5. We .......there when our father died.

A. still lived B. lived still C. was still living D. were still living

6. They .......pingpong when their father comes back home.

A. will play B. will be playing C. play D. would play

7. By Christmas, I........for you for 6 months.

A. Shall have been working B. shall work

C. have been working D. shall be working

8. I.......in the room now.

A. am being B. was being C. have been being D. am

9. I........to New York three times this year.

A. have been B. was C. were D. had been

10. I will come and see you before I........for America.

A. leave B. will leave C. have left D. shall leave

11. The little girl asked what.....to her friend.

A. has happened B. happened C. had happened D. would have been happened

12. John ......a book when I saw him.

A. is reading B. read C. was reading D. reading

13. He said he.......return later.

A. will B. would C. can D. would be

14. Jack .....the door.

A. has just opened B. open C. will have opened D. opening

15. I have been waiting for you..........

A. since early morning B. since 9 a.m C. for two hours D. all are correct

16. My sister.......for you since yesterday.

A. is looking B. was looking C. has been looking D. looked

17. Jack......the door.

A. has just painted B. paint C. will have painted D. painting

18. The train .........half an hour.

A. has been leaving B. left C. has left D. had left

19-We .........Doris since last Sunday.

A. don't see B. haven't seen C. didn't see D. hadn't seen

20. When I last saw him, he.......in London.

A. has lived B. is living C. was living D. has been living

Đề thi thử công chức, viên chức môn tiếng Anh trình độ A số 3

Đề thi viên chức giáo dục môn Tiếng Anh có đáp án

32 51.383

Tải về Bài viết đã được lưu

Đề thi tiếng Anh công chức, viên chức online có đáp án

Nằm trong bộ tài liệu ôn thi công chức, viên chức môn tiếng Anh, VnDoc.com tiếp tục giới thiệu tới các bạn Đề thi thử công chức, viên chức môn tiếng Anh có đáp án bao gồm các dạng bài tập được biên soạn bám sát với đề thi thực giúp các bạn ôn tập và luyện thi hiệu quả.

Để chuẩn bị cho kì thi Viên chức sắp tới, mời các bạn tham khảo bộ tài liệu luyện thi trực tuyến Thi viên chức trên VnDoc.com. Đây là bộ đề ôn luyện trực tuyến, các bạn có thể trực tiếp làm bài, kiểm soát thời gian và biết kết quả bài làm của mình ngay khi làm xong. Chúc các bạn đạt điểm cao.

Một số đề thi tiếng Anh khác:

  • Đề thi tiếng Anh trình độ A đề số 7 có đáp án
  • Đề thi tiếng Anh trình độ A đề số 6 có đáp án
  • Đề thi thử công chức, viên chức môn tiếng Anh trình độ A
  • Đề thi thử công chức, viên chức môn tiếng Anh trình độ A - Đề 2

  • I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.

  • 1. Don’t let your brothers …………… the present.

    • A. to see
    • B. seeing
    • C. seen
    • D. see

  • 2.Hurry! It’s time to …………….and go to school.

    • A. stand up
    • B. get up
    • C. dress up
    • D. start up

  • 3. You shouldn’t eat so many sweets; they’re …………….for you.

    • A. bad
    • B. unhealthy
    • C. unsuitable
    • D. disagreeable

  • 4. .……………silly mistake!

    • A. what
    • B. what a
    • C. how
    • D. how a

  • 5. .……………lucky he is!

    • A. what
    • B. what a
    • C. how
    • D. how a

  • 6. I want a new TV _____ the one I have now is broken.

    • A.and
    • B. but
    • C. so
    • D. because

  • 7. Some students are more ________ than others.

    • A. cleverer
    • B. successful
    • C. braver
    • D. slower

  • 8. That's the cat ______ we saw yesterday.

    • A. that
    • B. which
    • C. whose
    • D. A and B are correct.

  • 9. What size do you need: small, medium or ________?

    • A. Large
    • B. Big
    • C. Giant
    • D. Huge

  • 10. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are ________.

    • A. Eatings
    • B. Food
    • C. foodtimes
    • D. Meals

  • 11. Excuse me, I think you've ________ a mistake in our bill.

    • A. Made
    • B. Done
    • C. Had
    • D. given

  • 12. _____ he finished his homework, he played his guitar and sang.

    • A. although
    • B. after
    • C. so that
    • D. unless

  • 13. A: Where are my sunglasses? B: Here _____ are.

    • A. them
    • B. they
    • C. their
    • D. theirs

  • 14. The dog ________ you if it hadn´t been tied up.

    • A. would bite
    • B. will bite
    • C. would have bitten
    • D. bites

  • 15. We couldn't find a taxi _____ we walked home.

    • A. so
    • B. because
    • C. although
    • D. such

  • 16. This room is ______ to study. Please switch on the lights.

    • A. enough dark
    • B. dark enough
    • C. too dark enough
    • D. too dark

  • 17. It ________ easy to paint pictures if you knew how to.

    • A. would be
    • B. had been
    • C. would have been
    • D. be

  • 18.The man ______ car we bought was from Texas.

    • A. which
    • B. why
    • C. where
    • D. whose

  • 19. Ben: Would you like some more dessert? - Thomas: ___________

    • A. Enjoy your meal!
    • B. No thanks, I’m full.
    • C. It’s delicious!
    • D. Be yourself.

  • 20. Mary: How often do you go hiking? – Daisy: ___________

    • A. Most weekends
    • B. I go with three friends.
    • C. We stay for a weekend.
    • D. I often go hiking with my family.

  • 21. The children slept deeply _____ the noise.

    • A. in spite
    • B. despite
    • C. although
    • D. A and B are correct.

  • 22. Her hair isn't completely straight - it's slightly ________.

    • A. Wavy
    • B. Curl
    • C. Waved
    • D. Bent

  • 23. Can you see the man ______ is sitting at that table?

    • A. whose
    • B. who
    • C. whom
    • D. which

  • 24. Argh! This noise is giving me a ________.

    • A. Headouch
    • B. Headache
    • C. Headpain
    • D. Headhurt

  • 25. I talked to _______ grandmother for three hours last night.

    • A.he
    • B. him
    • C. his
    • D. himself

  • II. Read the article about Rosa Bonheur. Choose the best word for each space.

    My name's Hannah, and I'm twenty years old. I've got a daughter [1] _____ Nicole. She's [2] _____three now. I live in a small flat [3] _____ the city centre. It isn't a nice place to live. It's very noisy and dirty and there is [4] _____ for Nicole to play.

    I want to move out of the city and live in the countryside. But it's very expensive to live there. I will need to earn [5] _____ money to buy a house. There aren't [6] _____ flats for sale in the small villages near here. I will need to buy a car [7] _____.

    That's why I study at college. I'm studying Business. While I am at college, my mum looks [8] _____ Nicole. My mum really likes spending time with her. In the evening, I work as a cleaner. I clean people's houses. Nicole comes with me. She plays quietly with her toys while I work.

  • 1.

    • A. calls
    • B. called
    • C. names
    • D. name

  • 2.

    • A. nearly
    • B. quite
    • C. yet
    • D. rarely

  • 3.

    • A. in
    • B. on
    • C. at
    • D. next

  • 4.

    • A. where
    • B. anywhere
    • C. somewhere
    • D. nowhere

  • 5.

    • A. any
    • B. this
    • C. enough
    • D. too

  • 6.

    • A. much
    • B. lot
    • C. little
    • D. many

  • 7.

    • A. too
    • B. also
    • C. then
    • D. so

  • 8.

    • A. for
    • B. after
    • C. at
    • D. up

  • II. Read the text and choose the best answer for each statement or question.

    John liked chocolates very much, but his mother never gave him any, because they were bad for his teeth, she thought. But John had a very nice grandfather. The old man loved his grandson very much, and sometimes he brought John chocolates when he came to visit him. Then his mother let him eat them, because she wanted to make the old man happy. One evening, a few days before John's seventh birthday, he was saying his prayers in his bedroom before he went to bed. "Please, God" he shouted, "make them give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday on Saturday". His mother was in the kitchen and she heard the small boy shouting and went into his bedroom quickly. "Why are you shouting, John?" she asked her son, "God can hear you when you talk quietly" "I know" answer the clever boy with a smile, "but Grandfather's in the next room, and he can't".

  • Question 1: Why did his grandfather sometimes give him chocolate?

    • A. Because his grandfather loved candy.
    • B. Because John was a good boy.
    • C. Because it was good for his health.
    • D. Because his grandfather loved him.

  • Question 2: Why did his mother let John eat the chocolate he got from his grandfather?

    • A. Because she wanted to please the old man.
    • B. Because she wanted to make John happy.
    • C. Because she didn't have to pay for it.
    • D. Because John liked it a lot.

  • Question 3: What did he pray to God before his seventh birthday?

    • A. He asked for good luck.
    • B. He wanted his grandfather to give him chocolate.
    • C. He begged God to make him a big box of chocolate.
    • D. He wished for some money to buy chocolate.

  • Question 4: Why did he shout when he was praying?

    • A. So that God can hear him.
    • B. So that his mother could hear him.
    • C. So that his grandfather could hear him.
    • D. Because his grandfather was deaf.

  • Question 5: Which sentence is not true according to the passage?

    • A. John was fond of chocolate.
    • B. He wanted a big box of chocolate for his birthday.
    • C. His mother was too poor to give him a big box of chocolate.
    • D. While he was praying that day his grandfather was in the next room.

  • IV. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.

  • 1. to / go / last night / Did you / the cinema /?/

    Did you go to the cinema last night?

  • 2. my umbrella / last night / I think / in the restaurant / I left /. /

    I think I left my umbrella in the restaurant last night.

  • 3. father / listening / to / the / radio / My / is / . /

    My father is listening to the radio.

  • 4. want / I / don’t / any / butter / . /

    I don't want any butter.

  • 5. always / dinner / have / Do / you / at / half / past / six /?/

    Do you always have dinner at half past six?

  • V. Read the passage and choose the correct answer.

    The Women's World Cup was originally the brainchild of the FIFA president joão Havelange. The first tournament was hosted in China in 1991, with twelve teams sent to represent their countries. The 1995 FIFA Women's World Cup was held in Sweden with twelve teams. Over 650,000 spectators attended the 1999 FIFA Women's World Cup in the United States and nearly one billion viewers from seventy countries tuned in to watch sixteen countries vie for the title. In the 1999 edition, one of the most famous moments of the tournament was American defender Brandi Chatain's victory celebration after scoring the Cup-winning penalty shot against Cina. She took off her T-shirt and waved it over her head as men frequently do, showing her muscular torso. The 1999 final in the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California had an attendance of 90,185, a world record for a women's sporting event. The 1999 and 2003 Women's World Cup were both held in the United States; in 2003 China was supposed to host it but the tournament was moved because of SARS. As compensation, China retained its automatic qualification to the 2003 tournament as host nation and was automatically chosen to host the 2007 Women's World Cup. The host country for the 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup will be delided by vote.

  • 1. In the first Women's World Cup, there were _________ teams.

    • A. twelve

    • B. sixteen

    • C. seventeen

    • D. twenty

  • 2. How often does the Women's World Cup take place ?

    • A. Twice a decade

    • B. Three times a decade

    • C. Every four years

    • D. Every six years

  • 3. Up to now, how many times has the Women's World Cup been hosted in the USA ?

    • A. Once

    • B. Twice

    • C. Three times

    • D. Four times

  • 4. Which is the sentence is NOT true ?

    • A. The first Women's World Cup was held in 1991.

    • B. There were twelve teams took part in the 1995 Women's World Cup.

    • C. The 1995 FIFA Women's World Cup was held in Sweden.

    • D. The 2003 Women's World Cup was hosted in China.

  • 5. The 2007 Women's World Cup will be hosted in ______ .

    • A. the USA

    • B. Sweden

    • C. German

    • D. China

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