north shore là gì - Nghĩa của từ north shore

north shore có nghĩa là

A wealthy area off of Chicago and on the lake. Known for expensive cars, large homes, and lake-front properties, this exclusive area is not quite as bad as most assume, and the schools in the area give an excellent education to the lucky children who live there. Not everyone is a stuck up rich kid.


"I don't actually live in the city, I live on the North Shore."

north shore có nghĩa là

The Orange County of Middle America. An area of about 10 exclusive suburbs along Lake Michigan just north of Chicago. The area includes Evanston, Wilmette, Glenview, Northfield, Winnetka, Kenilworth, Glencoe, Northbrook, Deerfield, Highland Park and Lake Forest. The area is most noted for it's extreme wealth, huge homes, and mothers who spend more time at the manicure salon than with their Land Rover driving children.


If you want your children to grow up thinking the first three letters of the alphabet are "B, M, W" then this is the place for you.

north shore có nghĩa là

The north shore is the area just north of Chicago along lake Michigan, running from Evanston all the Way up to Lake Forest. It was infamized by the movie "Mean Girls" and is most noted for its tremendous wealth and 17 year olds driving their parent's lexus, bmw, or range rover. People from all areas despise the north shore, and especially New Trier High School


Just watch the movie "Mean Girls" and you'll know exactly what the north shore is.

north shore có nghĩa là

We're not from Illinois and we're definitely not from the Midwest. The North Shore of Chicago has its own culture, lifestyle and traditions that only we know. We went to public school because they are better than the private ones. We may not have the ocean, but we certainly have beaches. We've had countless movies filmed in or about our area. We know New Trier will always win. We love partying with Scooter & worship Sarki's even though it's been shut down numberous times for health code violations. We're always 20 minutes from the city. Michael's fries, Kafeine's couches, EStreet's prices, Homer's ice cream, Buff Joe's wings, and Denny's late at night will always hold a special place in our hearts. We're rich, we're stuck up, we're better than you [especially the west suburbs] - and we know it. We're the North Shore of Chicago.


You think you know, but you have no idea: This is The North Shore.

north shore có nghĩa là

full of 7 year olds walking around in Juicy to 17 year olds with designer dayplanners. people here give their children a range rover for their 16th birthday. they also pay hundreds of dollars PER SEMESTER for a parking spot at school for that car. Here teens wear the hottest trends to the most expensive outfits that some people just counties away wouldn't even put their finger on. people mistake us for the north shore hawaii, but we are incomparable. people here think they dominate because of their high class parents, their flashy clothes and their money. people get excited about autographs, not hear, people here actually meet the person.


the north shore is full of haughty people..

north shore có nghĩa là

day in the life of a north shore 16 year old girl:
wake up, search through their huge closet full of designer clothes. today they feel like dressing more on the downside, what do they put on? a preppy lacoste polo [collar up], with a pair of trendy seven jeans and a juicy sweater. shoes are probably pretty expensive, and to top it all off, tiffany jewelry completes the ensemble. pack your "backpack" [i.e., your herve chaplier big bag]. books, kate spade pencil case, louis vuitton planner, prada wallet with their 100s of dollars daily allowance, keys on a coach keychain, cell phone...everything is there. time for school, hop into your bmw and pick up your best accessories, your friends. they are probably wearing similar things than you...all designer, pricey bag, jewels, etc. they don't have their licences yet, but as soon as they do, you'll probably switch off between your bmw and their mercedes and range rovers. school..everyone is the queen bee. everyone has different personalities, but they still have a lot in common with the others- closets full of pricey clothes and high class parents. now that it's the end of the day, its time to go out with your best girls, grab a latte and "do homework". Your so wiped that you go home, chill and go to bed. it will be the same thing tomorrow.


wealth and riches, its all here.

north shore có nghĩa là

It's kind of funny how people who have never been to the north shore in there entire lives, think they know anything about the North Shore. Yes there are preppy bitchy people, but the vast majority of people here are just normal. There are people with beach houses and yachts, but there are very few of them. I live in Wilmette, and I go to new trier, so I know how it is. My parents aren't going to buy me a car, I work three part time jobs to save up for college. I bike to school, in the middle of the winter. Most of you are just pissed, because you wish you lived here, and you wish our sports teams didn't cream you at every game. I'm not gonna lie, It's a nice place to live, and the people here are very friendly.
And If every one is just going to assume the worst of people here, Then maybe we'll start living up to your expectations.


Person 1: Wow you live on the north shore, you're not as bad as I thought you would be
Person 2: Yeah , we're really not bad people.

north shore có nghĩa là

Surprisingly Milwaukee like Chicago has their own version of the North Shore called well, the North Shore. Consisting of the Milwaukee suburbs of Shorewood, Whitefish Bay, Fox Point, Glendale, Brown Deer, River Hills, and Bayside. Some indeed also would throw in the Ozaukee County municipalities of Cedarburg and Mequon. [What kind of place is Ozaukee County? Just imagine a place where Hitler, Martha Stewart, and Felix from 'The Odd Couple' all got their own way. It's that scary.]

Like their counterparts in Chicago's North Shore the residents of Milwaukee's North Shore are very, very white [save for Glendale and Brown Deer, home to Milwaukee's few wealthy blacks that haven't moved back to the South] and very, very wealthy: poor people there are defined as those who have only a 3-series BMW or a C-class Benz. Though home to many 'limousine liberals' that prattle on about the perils and tribulations of minorities and the working class, North Shore residents stand firmly behind their police departments who love nothing better than to hassle black or white working class motorists.

The average North Shore resident has graduated from the greatly overrated Nicolet High School and has never heard anything but utter praise throughout his or her existence. Also prevalent amongst the female population there is a "disease" called bulima: apparently affluence is so difficult that they have to eat perfectly good meals and vomit them up.


I got rich on the market and moved to the North Shore-I was afraid to catch cooties from the blacks.

north shore có nghĩa là

Another word for ladders and wooden bridges on mountain bike/freeride tracks. The word comes frpm the immense quantity of ladders and bridges in Canada's north shore mountain bike tracks.


Xtreme d00d: I just fell off a 30 foot north shore bridg and smack my head in.

Me: Haha, you suck!

north shore có nghĩa là

[adj.] pompous, stuck up, overly expensive and totally unnecessary. Named after the North Shore suburbs of Chicago.


Those diamond encrusted boots were so north shore.

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