no labels là gì - Nghĩa của từ no labels

no labels có nghĩa là

Something you put on jars. Not on people


That has Label says the Jar has apples in it.

no labels có nghĩa là

What is with all the labels nowdays?? Its like u cant like avril lavigne and not be called a poser, u cant like taking back sunday and not become "emo", u cant like evanescence and not be called a goth. People can like what they want, dress how they want, look how they want to look and like whatever music they like the sound of. U can like 50 cent AND still like evanescense, of course most halfwits would call u a poser if u did do that but who gives a fuck?? also u would be highly discriminated against by most teenagers and would become a freak in ur "cilque", but u like what u like, just because people dress head to toe in black DOES NOT mean that theyre goth, they could have the same musical tatse as say, the cheerleading prep who comes to school head to toe in bright bold pink. Teenagers these days r being so dumb. By labelling themselves and joining a certain "clique" they think theyre opening the doors to a new way of seeing life when really they are just restricting themselves in musical tastes among with many other things.
Any teenager who likes blink 182, britney spears, Avril Lavigne, Maralin Manson, Taking Back sunday, Usher, Christina Aguleria and 50 cent all at the same time should be respected for not caring what others think or say about them.


Thumbs down this defenition all u like

no labels có nghĩa là

pointless words [emo, goth, skater, preppy, poser, etc.] used to stereotype people because of what they wear or what music they listen to. Most people who label others have NO idea what they are talking about, in fact anyone who labels people are narrowminded asswholes who have nothing better to do. Just because you listen to My Chemical Romance doesn't mean you are emo and slit your wrists in a dark room with candles every night, and just because you wear alot of black doesn't mean you worship the fucking devil, and just because you wear pink and say "like" alot doesn't mean you are a prep. Seriously, people who label others dont know shit like they think they do. If you disagree with what someone listens to, don't listen to it. And if you disagree with what someone wears, don't wear it. But whatever you do, don't tell them you disagree, because no one gives a flying fuck what you think. Labels suck. So do labelers. Be yourself, and don't live by someone else's rules so you can be cool.


labels are incredibly stupid

no labels có nghĩa là

1. [noun] Something teenagers claim to hate but quickly slap on themselves then advertised to other teens who are too busy contemplating themselves to care about anyone else.

2. [verb] The act of labelling someone, usually when the labelled doesn't want to be labelled.


1. UGH! I HATE labels, SO BAD. Everyone calls me a prep!! AHH!! Oh, by the way! Check out me new bracelet! I am so damn original!!

2. Don't you label ME!! How dare you!!

no labels có nghĩa là

labels are used by people who are too lazy to get to know someone. they take one look at a person and slap a label on their forehead without ever getting to actually know the person. without ever actually talking to a person. words like emo,prep,goth,punk,scene
so apparently if you listen to dashboard confessional your emo and if you wear a&f your preppy, if you cut your wrists because you have a personal problem you goth, if you wear chucks you punk, and then you go to the mall and see this really cute headband with polka dots on it and automatically your scene?

people who use labels need a serious reality check


labels are:
emo- she looks sad shes emo
prep- he's wearing a polo what a prep
goth- she owns a piece of black clothing what a goth
punk- he's wearing a band t-shirt what a punk
scence- shes wearing cute little blows in her hair, thats so scene

i hate labels.

no labels có nghĩa là

Used in the lesbian community to define a person who does not consider themselves to fall into the stereotypical categories of fem,stud, butch, or girlie. Not to be confused with "stem" which is a person who dresses and acts in a way that is clearly a mix of stud and fem or butch & fem. No labels usually give off no traditional signs or signals that they are in fact gay. They are more than likely assumed to be straight. Most no labels are NOT bisexual but more closely related to the term "asexual". They are not "undercover" but choose not to let their relationship preference be a major factor in their day to day activities. Though they get along with all in the lgbt community they hate categories and tend to live outside of the box of what is accepted or expected in that community.


Example: I never knew Mary liked girls, I always thought she was straight.
Person 2: Everyone did, but she's definitely gay. She's just a No Label so you would never know.

no labels có nghĩa là

Getting knocked the fuck out with a blow to the face.
Can also describe anything that results in a digger.


That kid's gonna get labeled if he keeps running his mouth.
That kid on his bike just got labeled by that branch.

no labels có nghĩa là

1. Something, usually a sticker of sorts; that you stick on a jar or a box to identify the contents and/or purpose.

2. A highly complicated system which is used to classify people, usually high school students; in an attempt to organize them by how they are 'supposed' to be, determined by what music they listen to, what they wear, and in some cases their income. Comparable to the caste system of ancient India.

3. An attempt to classify every band by their 'style'


1. The box is labeled 'tupperware'

2. Oh yeah, she's an emo-goth for sure. You can tell by her Converse and black eyeliner.

3. Oh yeah, their style can pretty much be summed up as alterna-punk/emo/goth/post-hardcore screamo/3rd wave ska revival/punk-core/pop/ska-pop

no labels có nghĩa là

1] the incessant need to declare that those who disagree with you much be given a Label-- such as Racist, Sexist, Misogynist, Bigot, etc. 2] attempts to shut down political discourse [or to villify one's opponents] by assigning them with disparaging labels.


It was hard to carry on a conversation with him; instead of good arguments, he could only respond with labelism and ad hominem attacks.

no labels có nghĩa là

A record company usually uses this word to describe the ownership of the artist.


Prince was a label of Warner Bros. He then changed his persona to "the artist formerly known as Prince" which was actually a visual picture of his name. He patched up with Warner and is now known again as Prince.

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