Khắc phục lỗi project can not find the path năm 2024

I want to schedule an update on power bi service. For that, I have created a gateway with the different access paths to my Excel files but when I try to update afterwards, I get this error:

Data source error: {"error":{"code": "DM_GWPipeline_Gateway_MashupDataAccessError", "pbi. error":{"code": "DM_GWPipeline_Gateway_MashupDataAccessError", "parameters":{}, "details":[{"code": "DM_ErrorDetailNameCode_UnderlyingErrorCode", "detail":{"type":1, "value":"-2147467259"}},{"code": "DM_ErrorDetailNameCode_UnderlyingErrorMessage", "detail":{"type":1, "value": "Unable to find part of path 'N:\7- PRODUCTION\2-Prep\5-Follow-up Performance CUP 2023. xlsx'."}},{"code": "DM_ErrorDetailNameCode_UnderlyingHResult", "detail":{"type":1, "value":"-2147467259"}},{"code": "Microsoft.Data.Mashup.ValueError. Detail", "detail":{"type":1, "value": "N:\7- PRODUCTION\2-Prep\5-Performance Monitoring CUP 2023.xlsx"}}},{"code": "Microsoft.Data.Mashup.ValueError.Reason", "detail":{"type":1, "value": "DataSource.Error"}}], "exceptionCulprit":1}} Table: BDD Perf. Cluster URI: Activity ID: c09f7b79-ad2e-4c77-84d7-3f35b544a927 Request ID: b6c8c666-adb3-b23b-1d48-46d11f4ff624 Time: 2023-03-07 09:05:41Z

I have got this for my 6 Excel files. I think it is because my files are on the company network [disk N] but I don't know why It can't work.

Seems like one of the binaries is missing [probably jpegtran or mozjpeg]. Did he get any errors upon installing gulp-imagemin?

We did not get any errors while installing. It seems like there was permission issues that caused the error. I think the culprit is visual studio. We restarted the computer and tested before starting visual studio and it worked. But it did also work after we started visual studio so I am not sure that is the problem but that seems most likely. So it works not but I will report back if the error reoccurs and if I find the cause.

I got similar error on win 8.1. I restarted the computer. But it didn't work

[16:08:24] Error in plugin 'gulp-imagemin'
    The system cannot find the path specified.
    errno: ENOENT
    code: ENOENT
    syscall: spawn undefined
    cmd: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /s /c ""D:\Thomas\GitHub\MissDolphin-Email\
node_modules\optipng-bin\vendor\optipng.exe" "-strip" "all" "-clobber" "-fix" "-
o" "3" "-out" "C:\Users\tcui\AppData\Local\Temp\6c63ae13-f73b-42c6-9164-f710d244
c6b4" "C:\Users\tcui\AppData\Local\Temp\cfa05698-09e5-4312-811b-b9d18de074c6""
    stderr: The system cannot find the path specified.
    fileName: D:\Thomas\GitHub\MissDolphin-Email\src\assets\img\250x250.png
    domainEmitter: [object Object]
    domain: [object Object]
    domainThrown: false

@snowcxt Do you use visual studio in the same directory?

I fixed the relative issues by install npm inside the gulp-imagemin directory:

cd path\to\the\project\node_modules\gulp-imagemin
npm i

Then retry. Good luck ;]

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For anyone who runs into this ticket trying to debug this error on why npm run doesn't work on Windows for things in node_modules/.bin/ such as gulp, it relates to the fact that npm is using cmd.exe instead of bash for the child.

You can fix this with NPM 5.1.0+ using npm config set script-shell bash

I was able to finally get it working by installing various things directly by using this command:

npm install --save-dev gulp-imagemin imagemin-jpegtran imagemin-pngquant pngquant-bin

For what it's worth, I saw this problem on a windows 10 system, where the user had a space in their name, so their user folder also did as well [/Users/My User/etc], and that also produced this error-

I was also struggling with this error a lot. I am working behind corporate proxy and firewalls. Please go through following steps.

  1. Download the windows build tools and go through the steps mentioned in the below link //
  2. To check if the above step worked try "npm install kerberos". If you are able to install kerberos without any errors then step 1 is successful.

3 set the http and https proxy using npm config command

4 set the environment variable NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED to 0

  1. Delete the node_modules directory and build or npm install again.

Hopefully once you take all the above steps your problem should be solved.

Seems like one of the binaries is missing [probably jpegtran or mozjpeg]. Did he get any errors upon installing gulp-imagemin?
You can fix this with NPM 5.1.0+ using npm config set script-shell bash

You will want to reinstall all your packages after running this. I didn't see any errors, but not all the packages were being installed.

I have the same problem - and so far, no solution.

EDIT: the solution to this whole ordeal was, for me, to disable our corporate firewall [Cisco AnyConnect] during the package[s] installation. The error I was getting ["Warning: Error: The system cannot find the path specified." followed by a file path] was misleading as it was not about my image, but about whatever file imagemin needed to work.

Seems the error should be changed to "File permissions error" or something that makes it obvious there is not a problem with the path to the image but with the package itself; I was able to fix this using the aformentioned cd to imagemin and do npm i

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