Is Monday 2nd January 2023 a bank holiday in Ireland?


n the UK, we usually get about eight bank holidays a year to celebrate holidays like Christmas and Easter.

However, this year, the British public received an extra two bank holidays: one for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June and another for her funeral in September.

We’ll also get an extra bank holiday next year for King Charles III’s coronation, taking next year’s total to 11.

The bank holidays can fall on different days or dates every year, particularly when a holiday like Christmas falls on a weekend, for example.

Therefore, it's important to know when you can expect a day off work so you can plan ahead and book your 2023 holidays.

If planned correctly, workers can take advantage of bank holidays to get long holidays while only booking a few days’ annual leave.

From Easter dates to the summer bank holiday and new year, these are the important dates you need to put in your diary for next year.

Which bank holidays are changing next year?

New Year’s Day 2023 falls on a Sunday, therefore the New Year’s Day bank holiday will be on Monday, January 2 in 2023.

Good Friday fell late in 2022, on April 15, but in 2023 it will return to the first week of April, on April 7.

The UK will also get an extra bank holiday for King Charles III’s coronation on May 8.

Full list of bank holidays in 2023

  • Monday, January 2 – New Year’s Day [substitute day]
  • Friday, March 17 – St Patrick’s Day [Northern Ireland]
  • Friday, April 7 – Good Friday
  • Monday, April 10 – Easter Monday
  • Monday, May 1 – Early May bank holiday
  • Monday, May 8 – King Charles III’s coronation
  • Monday, May 29 – Spring bank holiday
  • Monday, August 28 – Summer bank holiday
  • Thursday, November 30 2023 – St Andrew’s Day [Scotland]
  • Monday, December 25 – Christmas Day
  • Tuesday, December 26 – Boxing Day

import ""

hapi := holidayapi.NewV1["__YOUR_API_KEY__"]

holidays, err := hapi.Holidays[map[string]interface{}{

"country": "IE",

"year": "2023",


import { HolidayAPI } from 'holidayapi';

const key = '__YOUR_API_KEY__'

const holidayApi = new HolidayAPI[{ key }];


country: 'IE',

year: '2023',


$key = '__YOUR_API_KEY__';

$holiday_api = new \HolidayAPI\Client[['key' => $key]];

$holidays = $holiday_api->holidays[[

'country' => 'IE',

'year' => '2023',


$Body = @{}

$Body.key = "__YOUR_API_KEY__"

$ = "IE"

$Body.year = "2023"

$Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Url -Body $Body


import holidayapi

key = '__YOUR_API_KEY__'

hapi = holidayapi.v1[key]

holidays = hapi.holidays[{

'country': 'IE',

'year': '2023',


require 'ruby-holidayapi'

key = '__YOUR_API_KEY__'

hapi =[key]

holidays = hapi.holidays[{

'country': 'IE',

'year': '2023',


Showing: all    For: 
Jump to: NextJAN | FEB | MAR | APR | MAY | JUN | JUL | AUG | SEP | OCT | NOV | DEC
Date NameTypeJan 1Feb 6Mar 17Mar 19Mar 20Apr 7Apr 9Apr 10May 1Jun 5Jun 18Jun 21Aug 7Sep 23Oct 30Dec 22Dec 24Dec 25Dec 26Dec 31
Sunday New Year's Day National holiday
Monday St. Brigid’s Day National holiday
Friday St. Patrick's Day National holiday
Sunday Mother's Day Observance
Monday March Equinox Season
Friday Good Friday Observance
Sunday Easter Observance
Monday Easter Monday National holiday
Monday May Day National holiday
Monday June Bank Holiday National holiday
Sunday Father's Day Observance
Wednesday June Solstice Season
Monday August Bank Holiday National holiday
Saturday September Equinox Season
Monday October Bank Holiday National holiday
Friday December Solstice Season
Sunday Christmas Eve Observance
Monday Christmas Day National holiday
Tuesday St. Stephen's Day National holiday
Sunday New Year's Eve Observance

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While we diligently research and update our holiday dates, some of the information in the table above may be preliminary. If you find an error, please let us know.

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Is January 2nd a holiday in 2023?

For calendar year 2023, New Year's Day [January 1] falls on a Sunday and will be observed on Monday, January 2, 2023; and Veterans Day [November 11] falls on a Saturday and will be observed on Friday, November 10, 2023.

What date is new bank holiday in Ireland 2023?

From 2023, there will be a new annual public holiday in early February to mark St Brigid's Day. The public holiday will be the first Monday in February, except where St Brigid's day [1 February] happens to fall on a Friday, in which case that Friday 1 February will be a public holiday.

Are we getting an extra bank holiday 2023?

Good Friday takes place on April 7, 2023, followed by Easter Monday on April 10, 2023. In line with Queen Elizabeth's coronation in 1953, 2023 will get an extra bank holiday. Image: PA. Things start to get very busy in May – with two bank holidays becoming three to mark the King's coronation.

Will 3rd January 2023 be a bank holiday?

These are the 2023 bank holiday dates confirmed so far: January 2 - New Year's Day [Substitute day] January 3 – 2nd January [substitute day], Scotland only. April 7 - Good Friday.

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