Informational writing topics for 7th grade

30 Informational Writing Prompts to Help Students Learn About the World Around Us A journal isnt just a safe place for a student to reflect on his or her thoughts and feelingsit can also be a powerful tool that enables the student to learn more about whats happening in the world around us.

Whether a student has already learned about a given topic or has to research it in order to find the answer to a question, journaling encourages kids to pay attention to important details and to explore the why behind the facts theyve been taught.

In these all new informational writing prompts, students are encouraged to research the topics presented and to form their own thoughts and reflections based on the facts theyve learned. As they consider everything from what it would be like to experience an earthquake to the issues that parents must deal with to run functional households, kids will learn that seemingly simple experiences in life are always a little more complex than they may look from the outsideand that its important to examine each experience from all sides before deciding how you feel about it.

Use these new informational writing prompts to expose your students to new ideas and new ways of thinking about the everyday events going on around them!

30 Informational Writing Prompts for Students

  1. In the autumn, the green leaves on the trees change to a variety of different colors. What causes this to happen?
  2. Think about the fact that newspapers are becoming less popular these days and write about what places people get their current events news from instead.
  3. If you could meet any famous person in the world, who would it be and what would you want to talk to them about?
  4. What would it be like to live in one of the coldest cities in the world?
  5. What would it be like to experience an earthquake?
  6. Why are firefighters and police officers often called heroes?
  7. What are some measures that kids can take to be safe on the Internet?
  8. What hobby can you think of that would make a good occupation when you grow up?
  9. Think about all the steps that might be involved in getting a bag of shiny, red apples into a produce display at the grocery store. Write about the process from the point the apples become ripe on the tree, through the processing of the apples [How do they get so shiny? How do they get in the bag?], through to the grocery display.
  10. What do you think it would be like to be the head of a family? What kinds of issues must you deal with as a parent?
  11. What do you think the most enjoyable part of being a parent would be? Do you think your parents would agree with your answer?
  12. Talk about some ways that you could make your own diet healthier.
  13. Think about one small business and one large corporation, and write about the differences and similarities between them.
  14. Write about the responsibilities that a store manager might have.
  15. Write about why it is important to take care of and preserve our environment around us.
  16. Write about the steps that you, personally, can take to preserve the environment.
  17. What causes the clouds to become gray and drop rain down upon us?

  18. Reflect on why its important to be kind to animals and write about the reasons you come up with.
  19. Think about how your life would be different without computers and write about it.
  20. Think of one major problem that is facing our world today. What steps could be taken to solve it? How long do you think it would take to solve the problem?
  21. Write about a time when you noticed two people arguing about something and were able to understand where both people were coming from. Why couldnt the people in the argument see the other persons side? What could have been done to make them understand one another better?
  22. Why is it important for people to learn more than one language? If could learn any other language, what would it be and when would you use it?
  23. In our part of the country, sometimes we have to worry about [earthquakes/tornadoes/hurricanes/etc.]. What do you think it would be like to live in an area of the country where there were [earthquakes/tornadoes/hurricanes/etc.]?
  24. Some people are currently working on a way for regular tourists to be able to visit space. Would you ever want to visit space? Why or why not?
  25. Write about one type of technology that didnt exist 15 years ago. What do you think life would have been like then?
  26. Imagine a new technology that you think we will have 15 years from now. How would that new innovation change our lives?
  27. Why is it so important for kids to go to elementary school and high school? Do you think that school should be required by law?
  28. Do you think that its important for people to go to college? Why or why not? Do you want to go to college?
  29. People often feel very strongly about their political views and the political candidates they support. Why do you think this is?
  30. Write about a current event thats going on in our city. What is the significance of this event? Write about the effects it will have on people in our community.

Related Links & Resources

  • Essay Topics for Kids
  • Explanatory Writing: 22 Writing Prompt Ideas for Students
  • How to Teach Informational Writing

Until next time, write on

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See These Resources!

  • Essay Topics for Kids
  • Explanatory Essay Writing Topics for Students
  • 30 Expository Writing Prompts 4th Grade

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