I m bad at making playlists

Spotify has launched a redesign of their iPhone, desktop, and web apps. The new version features a sleek black design and updated typography, which is a huge improvement.

If youre like me, youve been wishing you could save music to a proper music library on Spotify. Until now you could only access your favorite music through playlists.Well, the redesign has a Your Music tab this is where you can access the music library youll be saving.

Heres a video overview of the new features:

Spotify says this update is available now. So far Ive only been able to access it on the web.I updated the desktop app manually, but no luck.

The web version is also not showing me the new Your Music feature yet. It IS letting me save music I just cant access it. Ill update on this feature as it becomes available.

Ive also asked Spotify about a future iPad redesign. A new app rolled out today, but it only included improved startup time and bug fixes.

It would also be nice to see an update for Windows Phone. That version of the app is looking and feeling pretty archaic it doesnt even have radio for Premium subscribers.

Updates as they become available.

WhenNina Ulloaisntwriting for DMN shes usually reviewing music or at a show. Follow her onTwitterandSpotify.

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