How do you open the Insert Hyperlink dialog to add a hyperlink that reads See the appendix to the document?

Hyperlinks are a great way to connect your document to other pages and resources available both online and offline. That way, users can verify the information and learn more about the discussed topic. Hyperlinks can redirect you to other online or offline resources, a portion of the document you are reading, and even images.

In this guide, you'll learn how to create and insert hyperlinks in Word in detail. All the methods are quite simple and shouldn't take much time!

Insert Hyperlink Using the Hyperlink Option in Word

In Word, you can insert hyperlinks to other documents, existing web pages, and other locations within the same document through the Insert tab. You can also insert hyperlinks in Google Docs, but we'll focus on Microsoft Word today.

This method demonstrates how to insert a link in text in Word to an online source or a computer file in the most basic way. We will further explore the types of hyperlinks and the different ways to add them later.

If you're linking to another file on your computer and you send your current document to another person, the link you added will not work unless you also shared the file you're linking to.

Here is how you can proceed:

  1. Launch Word and select the targeted text to which you want to add the link.
  2. Type Ctrl + K or right-click on the text and choose Hyperlink from the context menu.

  3. In the following dialog, choose Existing file or webpage from the left pane.

  4. Now, insert the link in the text field for Address. You can also add the file manually by choosing any one of the options in the Look in dropdown menu.
  5. Click OK to save the changes.

If you cannot locate the Hyperlink option in the context menu, head to the Insert tab with the targeted text selected. Click on the Hyperlink option in the ribbon and insert the hyperlink using the steps described above.

Insert a Hyperlink to a Different Location in the Same Document

When you are working on a document, you usually have sections closely related to one another. Rather than having the reader scroll to find relevant information, it's better to insert a link that takes them directly to that part of the document, which significantly saves time and effort.

However, before you create the link, you need to set up a bookmark. Here is how you can insert a bookmark and hyperlink to a different location in the same document:

  1. Click on the location where you want the bookmark to be inserted.
  2. Head over to the Insert tab and choose Bookmark from the ribbon menu.
  3. In the following dialog, enter a name for your bookmark and click Add.

  4. Once this is done, select the targeted text and right-click on it.
  5. Choose Hyperlink from the context menu.
  6. In the Insert Hyperlink box, choose the Place In This Document option from the left pane.

  7. You should now see a list of bookmarks available. Choose the one you recently created and click OK.

You should be redirected to your chosen bookmark in your document upon clicking on the hyperlink.

How to Hyperlink to an Image in Word

There are two ways to hyperlink to images in Word: either by adding a link to an online image or by linking to an image file on your computer.

  1. If you want to add a link to an online image, first, open the image in your browser and right-click on it.
  2. Choose Copy image address from the context menu.
  3. Now, go to your Microsoft Word document.
  4. Select the text where you want to place the link and right-click on it.
  5. Choose Hyperlink from the context menu.
  6. Add the link in the text field for Address and click OK.

You will now be automatically directed to the image after clicking on the hyperlink. But if you want to add an image from your computer, follow the same steps above. However, instead of pasting the link into the Address field, navigate to the folder where your image is kept, select it, and press OK.

This is an easy way to share photos and images with your readers without bloating your file size. But if you don't know where to find images to share, here are some sites that offer royalty-free photos.

Insert Hyperlinks in Word Easily

You now know how the different methods of inserting hyperlinks in Word. Your documents will look neater if you use hyperlinks, as you won't have to insert long links within the text directly.

Now, if you want to remove a hyperlink, simply right-click on the link and choose Remove Hyperlink from the context menu.

How do I open the hyperlink dialog to add a hyperlink?

Press Ctrl+K to open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box. The focus is on the Address field. Type the web address of the destination site, and then press Alt+T to move to the Text to display field. Type the link text you want to display in your document.

What is the shortcut key for opening the Insert hyperlink dialog box?

Steps to Insert Hyperlink Using Keyboard Shortcut After that, press the “Ctrl + K” keys and you will get the “Insert Hyperlink” dialog box opened.

Where should you search in the Insert hyperlink dialog box to add a hyperlink to a recently visited webpage?

Inserting a hyperlink to an existing web page Click the Insert tab in the Ribbon. In the Links group, click Link or Hyperlink. The Insert Hyperlink dialog box appears. Under Link to, select Existing File or Web Page.

What are the 4 options to insert a hyperlink?

The hyperlink options on the dialog menu are as follows:.
Edit Hyperlink… Takes you to the same dialog box for inserting a hyperlink, allowing you to change what the hyperlink links to..
Open Hyperlink. Performs the same function as Ctrl+click. ... .
Copy Hyperlink. ... .
Remove Hyperlink..

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