Groovy list minus



Remove a part of a CharSequence by replacing the first occurrence of target within self with '' and returns the result.

Popular methods of DefaultGroovyMethods

  • join
    Concatenates the string representation of each items in this array, with the given String as a separ
  • asType
    Converts the given array to either a List, Set, or SortedSet. If the given class is something else,
  • getMetaClass
    Obtains a MetaClass for an object either from the registry or in the case of a GroovyObject from the
  • sort
    Modifies this array so that its elements are in sorted order as determined by the given comparator.
  • collect
    Iterates through this Array transforming each item into a new value using the transform closure and
  • inject
    Iterates through the given array of objects, passing in the initial value to the closure along with
  • leftShift
    Overloads the left shift operator to provide an easy way to append objects to a BlockingQueue. In ca
  • max
    Selects the maximum value found from the Object array using the given comparator.
  • newInstance
    Helper to construct a new instance from the given arguments. The constructor is called based on the
  • toList
    Converts this array to a List of the same size, with each element added to the list.
  • count
    Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this array. Comparison is done using Groo
  • each
    Iterates through an array passing each array entry to the given closure. String[] letters = ['a', '
  • count,
  • each,
  • findAll,
  • getAt,
  • iterator,
  • toString,
  • with,
  • asList,
  • equals

Popular in Java

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